Best Ballistic Medium? (Is)
Posted 08 November 2015 - 07:21 PM
Posted 08 November 2015 - 08:02 PM
Blackjacks are a great option for high dps with balistics.
The BJ-1 and BJ-1DC have AC/2 cooldown quirks, resulting in insane fire rates.
The Shadowhawks have some pretty good balistic based builds too. The 2H can use 3 AC/2s for a long range dps powerhouse. While the 5M has decent UAC/5 quirks
The Centurion CN9-D is pretty much an automatic shotgun with its LB-10X quirks.
The Wolverine 6R is a decent choice for AC/5 suppression
The Enforcer 5P has some good UAC/5 quirks, while the 5D can do some work with its LB-10X
The Trebuchet 7K is uncommon, but decent with some AC/5s
The Dragon 1N and 5N, while not a Medium, is very similar to one. The 1N has great AC/5 quirks, while the 5N can suppress everything with UAC/5s+AC/2s
Of the mechs I suggested, heres them in order of best to worst.
1: Dragon DRG-1N
2: Blackjack BJ-1
3: Shadowhawk SHD-2H
4: Enforcer ENF-5P
5: Wolverine WVR-6R
6: Centurion CN9-D
7: Shadowhawk SHD-5M
8: Dragon DRG-5N
9: Blackjack BJ-1DC
10: Enforcer ENF-5D
11: Trebuchet TBT-7K
In all honesty though, mediums that use balistics arent the greatest. Even before the laser vomit meta, ballistics were simply too heavy for mediums, and required them to sacrifice precious speed, or loose alot of firepower. Especially ones that rely more on DPS than Alpha fire.
Its more common to see Mediums that rely on balistics using a single large one like an AC/20 or Gauss, and then torso twisting like crazy.
Examples: CN9-AH, HBK-4G, HBK-GI, ENF-4P, BJ-1 (sometimes), SHD-GD (Along with other variants).
Well, hope I helped you. See you on the battlefield!
Posted 08 November 2015 - 08:18 PM
There are other options, but Enforcers seem to have more or less exactly what you're looking for- there's a variant for LBX, three variants can support dual AC5s (The 4P, 5D, and 5P- although the 5P is really best off with the UAC5s it comes with), and it is an XL-friendly chassis (meaning it has just enough tonnage to play around with dual AC5 or UAC5 effectively while still moving at a reasonable speed). The only real drawback to the Enforcers is that they don't offer high-mounted weapons.
Posted 08 November 2015 - 08:20 PM
Posted 08 November 2015 - 08:57 PM
Posted 08 November 2015 - 09:10 PM
Xbwalker, on 08 November 2015 - 08:20 PM, said:
That is actually very bad low ammo and LBX sucks in general.
The assault rifle JJ Medium.
The dual UAC5 Enforcer 5D does its job too, just limited ammo.
Do take note.
Soon to be extinct post Rebalance...
Edited by ShinVector, 08 November 2015 - 10:30 PM.
Posted 08 November 2015 - 09:41 PM
CN9-AH "Berserker"
- Note the XL engine on this particular model. There are no weapons on its CT, so zombie centurion doesn't work too well on the AH. Your best bet is to dish out as much pain as you can before you die. XL helps with mobility and torso twisting, so this actually survives quite well.
CN9-AH "Half Zombie"
- Goes slightly faster. Has a STD engine, so it can zombie tank its left side. Only has an AC20 as a weapon, so it's pretty much dead if that goes boom.
BJ-1 "BoomJack"
- Goes pretty fast. Has a XL engine for extra mobility. MLs for backup when you're out of ammo, and JJs for poptarting over short buildings.
Posted 09 November 2015 - 12:56 PM
You can pretty much look at smurphy's and go with anyone of them that have one or more ballistics hardpoint on them and have something decent. However since you specifically mentioned Dual AC5 and LBX10's I figured I would share with you my favorite LBX10 build.
I love the ENF-5D with an LBX10
The build I have here is what I am currently playing. I also have one with an XL310 for a bit more speed, or drop a DHS for one more ton of ammo, I have done it both ways and 45 shots is usually plenty, but I will say I Have had matches where I have fired all 60 shots when going with 4 tons of ammo.
If you hate XL you can replace the MPLs with MLs or SPLs and put a STD 270, but I like the MPLs much better.
As for the Dual AC5's The ENF-5P is okay with 2 UAC5's but does not offer much else, but I do like the SHD-5M.
The SHD-5M is quite beastly. You may need to experiment with the ammo, but it should perform well.
Hope that helps
Posted 09 November 2015 - 01:07 PM
However, if you want to stick with mediums and go with dual ballistics I would get shadowhawks. At 55 tons its at the top of the weight scale for mediums and you will need the tonnage for dual ballistics. They are also high mounted on the shoulder which is ideal.
You can make dual ballistics work with lighter mechs but you will probably have to take an XL to make it viable.
Posted 11 November 2015 - 12:24 PM
DA BAWSS, on 08 November 2015 - 08:02 PM, said:
The Centurion CN9-D is pretty much an automatic shotgun with its LB-10X quirks.
This is one of my favorite loadouts. It's especially effective later on in matches (or in between rounds in CW), once armor has been stripped from some enemy mechs.
Posted 11 November 2015 - 12:35 PM
Posted 11 November 2015 - 01:58 PM
In any case, these would be my top three choices when going for medium-class ballistics:
This would be top pick. I don't own one, but I have faced it enough times to know without a doubt it is a formidable mech. The hardpoint placement for this mech is key. They're right at cockpit level, so you can do a lot of peeking and pepper opponents with some AC2 fire from range with minimal risk of getting picked off.
This is my 50-ton IS brawler mech of choice. Depending on the variant, you can equip any size AC on this mech, along with support lasers and missiles. The Hunchback and Shadowhawk can also equip some nice AC, but with the hardpoint located in a side torso hump you tend to get focused rather quickly, whereas the Centurions arm sits low and away from the torso. This way, if they seriously try hard to take out your gun there's a chance they will miss and not hit another vital location. You can also block shots with the left arm, which is a plus for brawling.
I like this 55-ton mech mainly for the auxiliary SRMs that it can equip. However, there is a nice AC variant with MASC for increased mobility, great for all situations.
Posted 11 November 2015 - 02:40 PM
Don't see this build on the battlefield and enjoy taking on lb10x 9ds at range and winning.
Edited by JesterMWO, 11 November 2015 - 02:43 PM.
Posted 23 November 2015 - 04:01 PM
Posted 23 November 2015 - 07:12 PM
I also like the bj1 with gauss rilfe 4 med lasers
Bjarrow machine guns 6 with 180 range really useful when running to hot. ( but heard its losing machine gun quirks )
Grid iron ( losing Gauss rifle quirks I believe )
Dragons flame ac20/Uac5/gauss rilfe/ high mounted slot great at poking over hills.
Fang ac10 is a thing of beauty.
Posted 03 December 2015 - 05:28 AM
But yeah Enforcers and Hunchback-4G in my book are best ballistic mechs if you are looking to do carnage and mayham.
Posted 03 December 2015 - 09:31 AM
Posted 03 December 2015 - 09:38 AM
AC 20 and 2 MPL's. Running a 300 XL. Any thing running over 100 kph with an AC 20 is dangerous.
Posted 03 December 2015 - 11:33 AM
DrnkJawa, on 03 December 2015 - 05:28 AM, said:
But yeah Enforcers and Hunchback-4G in my book are best ballistic mechs if you are looking to do carnage and mayham.
I really liked the ENF-5P, I leveled the chassis with the generic 2xUAC5 build and had a blast. But recently I tried this ENF-5P build and have been having great success with it. The Blackjack Arrow gave me the idea, it is not quite as good as the Arrow with this particular load out (Arrow gets 6MGs!), but is very cool running. Nice change of pace if you like the 5P and you don't want to be as restricted by ammo.
I originally ran it without FF armor, which allowed an extra ton of ammo with and XL265, but when they upped the ammo amount so I could get 40 shots with 2 tons of ammo I figured lets see how fast I can make this thing! LOL
All kidding aside, being able to go 104 kph and rapid fire (cooldown modules for both LBX and LPL) it can get quite viscous if you come up behind some poor soul.
Edited by PeeWrinkle, 03 December 2015 - 11:34 AM.
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