Bishop Steiner, on 09 November 2015 - 01:55 PM, said:
the red highlights what would probably be optimal, blue what is likely to be part.
And of course, if they make the STs cover the sides of the Cockpit like in some hitbox designs....egads.
Anyhow, the red, should be XL viable, though the friendliness will depend a lot on the pilot.
yeah, been covered in the several "OMG WTF I HATE THAT PAINTJOB" threads and topic.....

and indeed I would rather see a more toned down paintjob with that, than the Scooby Doo Mystery Mobile pait we are getting.
Good point, I overlooked that, but I suspected it would be along those lines anyway. I thought about them extending the STs along the side walls of the cockpit as well, but I would surprised if they took it that far. It wouldn't be a very balanced hitbox layout, and there'd be no way you should look twice at an XL if they did it that way.