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Play One Game And Get A France Flag Item This Weekend.

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#201 spectralthundr


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 02:43 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 20 November 2015 - 06:57 PM, said:

hey, i'm Christian...and you're full of **** if you think most Muslims FORCE their kids to be a certain way. ...and FYI.... it's the fact that a lot people DO equate Islamic extremists with the greater whole of Muslims that's the problem. there's about 1.5 BILLION Muslims. less than a hundred thousand are extremists, and they're disliked by the vast majority of the main body, especially BECAUSE people like you start lumping them in with a tiny portion. that's like saying all Christians are {Godwin's Law} or KKK or Westboro Baptist. It's incredibly closeminded and stupid to do.

....the point of this thread was to show support for people who lost loved ones and a country that was rocked by a heinous act. all breeding hate off it does is help these ******** recruit because you drive people TO them.

Fight in your 'Mechs, not with Hatemongering.

Those less than 100 thousand sure are active then aren't they?



The fact of the matter is in Muslim countries Women have no rights, they can't vote, they can't drive, they can't go anywhere without a male being present, gays are beheaded, there is little to zero equality for those of other faiths. Yes these are "moderate" Muslims. You can sit there and play the racial card all day long, Islam however is not a race, it's a social political construct.


So yeah despite all the evidence to the contrary, please keep your heads buried in the sand as you cling to your disease that is political correctness and fear speaking out about atrocities for fear of being called racist, don't worry little progressives, there are those who are still going to fight for your rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It's a shame you won't join in doing so. Granted progressives tend to only like speech they agree with to begin with, so I suppose they already have something in common with extremists to begin with.

#202 GI Journalist


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 03:01 PM

It would be a shame if PGI tried to do something nice and supportive, and then had to lock this thread or ban people for getting nasty. It might be time to take this argument elsewhere.

#203 ThatGuy539


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 04:04 PM

Agreed. I think both sides have made their points here. No sense in escalating things. People will take what they will from what was said already.

#204 Arkhangel


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 04:16 PM

View Postspectralthundr, on 21 November 2015 - 02:43 PM, said:

Those less than 100 thousand sure are active then aren't they?



The fact of the matter is in Muslim countries Women have no rights, they can't vote, they can't drive, they can't go anywhere without a male being present, gays are beheaded, there is little to zero equality for those of other faiths. Yes these are "moderate" Muslims. You can sit there and play the racial card all day long, Islam however is not a race, it's a social political construct.


So yeah despite all the evidence to the contrary, please keep your heads buried in the sand as you cling to your disease that is political correctness and fear speaking out about atrocities for fear of being called racist, don't worry little progressives, there are those who are still going to fight for your rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It's a shame you won't join in doing so. Granted progressives tend to only like speech they agree with to begin with, so I suppose they already have something in common with extremists to begin with.

Look, you want to believe what you do, fine, but don't spout hate literature on a game forum... and FYI.. it's Concservatives that tend to only agree with stuff they like. Progressives are, you know, progressive, more open minded.

might want to give it a try some time. and stop judging other countries by the standard of your own. actually take the time to learn about their culture.

I've spoken my piece and i'm dropping it. have the common decency to do the same.

#205 spectralthundr


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 05:00 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 21 November 2015 - 04:16 PM, said:

Look, you want to believe what you do, fine, but don't spout hate literature on a game forum... and FYI.. it's Concservatives that tend to only agree with stuff they like. Progressives are, you know, progressive, more open minded.

might want to give it a try some time. and stop judging other countries by the standard of your own. actually take the time to learn about their culture.

I've spoken my piece and i'm dropping it. have the common decency to do the same.

Reputable news sources like Reuters and CNN are considered hate literature? Holy liberal brainwashing batman! Speaking of culture they should maybe think of that when they migrate to other countries and rather than adapt to a host countries' culture decide instead to try and convert it to their own. If you consider news sources reporting on terrorist actions hate literature, there's likely no hope for you as a person. Yeah they behead Christians and non believers because their culture is "misunderstood". Yep that's the ticket. holy ****.

#206 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 05:17 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 14 November 2015 - 04:18 PM, said:

Starting: Nov 14th 6:00 PM PST
To show our support for France we are giving away the France Flag cockpit item to anyone who completes a game this weekend.
Play any mode. Complete the game. Get a France Flag Item. Display in your cockpit to show your support.
(may take up to 15 minutes to register the completed match)</font></div>

A very socially conscious choice PGI.

Well intended and well appreciated!

Edited by Prussian Havoc, 21 November 2015 - 05:21 PM.

#207 Repasy Cooper


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 05:47 PM

This thread has spiraled into a sorry state indeed. Intended as a support thread for victims of an act of terrorism, now it's all about who's good and who's evil? You do realize that heated arguments such as this, where both sides stubbornly stand their ground refusing to give way, are the whole reason groups like ISIS exist, right? By spreading distrust through generalized views of a very complex situation I doubt any of you fully understand, you have turned the tragedy of what happened in France into a victory for ISIS, because they feed off the discontent of the world's radically opposing ideologies.

:( Please, stop the hate.

#peaceonearth #ww3

Edited by Repasy, 21 November 2015 - 05:51 PM.

#208 Wildstreak


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 06:21 PM

Wow, haven't seen this thread since it started, reminds me of all the 'wing' crazies from the political topics of my local news site.
Progressives are just as nutty as Conservatives, just because you are a different flavor of nut doesn't change the fact that you're nuts. :)
CNN is not biased news, it is Entertainment news.

#209 Arkhangel


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 06:24 PM

View Postspectralthundr, on 21 November 2015 - 05:00 PM, said:

Reputable news sources like Reuters and CNN are considered hate literature? Holy liberal brainwashing batman! Speaking of culture they should maybe think of that when they migrate to other countries and rather than adapt to a host countries' culture decide instead to try and convert it to their own. If you consider news sources reporting on terrorist actions hate literature, there's likely no hope for you as a person. Yeah they behead Christians and non believers because their culture is "misunderstood". Yep that's the ticket. holy ****.

Christians kill thousands of Muslims daily. your point? Also, CNN? Reputable news service? please. they've been staunchly anti-Islamic since 9/11.

In any event, just drop it. All you're doing is showing how much of a hate-filled ignorant person you are the more you keep posting. I re-iterate what i said last time. show some common decency, AND DROP IT. PLEASE.

View PostWildstreak, on 21 November 2015 - 06:21 PM, said:

Wow, haven't seen this thread since it started, reminds me of all the 'wing' crazies from the political topics of my local news site.
Progressives are just as nutty as Conservatives, just because you are a different flavor of nut doesn't change the fact that you're nuts. :)
CNN is not biased news, it is Entertainment news.

owned by a Republican. nuff said. and CNN has a logn hostory of Fearmongering. it increases Ratings. they couldn't give a rat's ass about the truth. Unlike either of you, i actually get my information from multiple sources and see what correlates. In any Event, this'll be my last post on the matter.

thank you, and good evening.

Edited by Arkhangel, 21 November 2015 - 09:38 PM.

#210 KillaBeez1972


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 12:36 AM

Saudi Arabia included, there are at least five countries that still don't impose restrictions on women voting for various reasons.
Update: Since 2015 in Saudi Arabia women are allowed to vote at local (gouvernment) elections.

Brunei: The small island nation is a sultanate, meaning that it is ruled by a sultan who appoints his own government officials; neither women nor men can vote in national elections. Both can vote in local elections after the age of 18. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah is held accountable by the country's constitution.

Lebanon: Women can vote in Lebanon, but only after proving that they've had elementary education. The same is not required of men.

United Arab Emirates: Like Brunei, there isn't a national election structure in the U.A.E. Full suffrage for both men and women was supposed to be in place by 2010, but now observers are watching to see if that will happen before the end of 2011.

Vatican City: Another technicality, the leader of the Holy See is elected by the College of Cardinals. Papal conclaves are the only voters in this tiny country in the center of Rome. Since women cannot be cardinals, they cannot vote for the Pope.

Like you can see this is an old text. I don't know how or if things changed in U.A.E.

From Wikipedia:
Saudi Arabia is unique in being the only country in the world where women are forbidden to drive motor vehicles.

Edited by KillaBeez1972, 22 November 2015 - 01:11 AM.

#211 Connor Sellock


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 01:18 AM

<o PGI, well done.

Edited by Connor Sellock, 22 November 2015 - 01:19 AM.

#212 spectralthundr


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 06:28 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 21 November 2015 - 06:24 PM, said:

Christians kill thousands of Muslims daily. your point? Also, CNN? Reputable news service? please. they've been staunchly anti-Islamic since 9/11.

In any event, just drop it. All you're doing is showing how much of a hate-filled ignorant person you are the more you keep posting. I re-iterate what i said last time. show some common decency, AND DROP IT. PLEASE.

owned by a Republican. nuff said. and CNN has a logn hostory of Fearmongering. it increases Ratings. they couldn't give a rat's ass about the truth. Unlike either of you, i actually get my information from multiple sources and see what correlates. In any Event, this'll be my last post on the matter.

thank you, and good evening.

Um CNN is pretty down the middle, Turner may be republican sure but the majority of CNN's anchors are quite progressive. They're actually likely the least bias of any cable news only station according to a pew poll , especially compared to Fox or MSLOLBC http://www.forbes.co...channel-by-far/

Do you have any proof of these thousands of Muslims a day being killed? Links? reputable sources? No? Didn't think so. Like I said that you are defending the kind of atrocities like the Paris bombing, or the multiple attacks ISIL and it's ilk carries out in mostly Muslim countries like Lebanon on a regular basis as A ok just because you don't like them whacky Christians for what ever reason, that's quite disturbing to be honest.

Edit: Turner is actually a socialist liberal. Go figure http://www.discovert....asp?indid=2004

Edited by spectralthundr, 22 November 2015 - 06:34 AM.

#213 Arkhangel


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 09:00 AM

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 06:28 AM, said:

Um CNN is pretty down the middle, Turner may be republican sure but the majority of CNN's anchors are quite progressive. They're actually likely the least bias of any cable news only station according to a pew poll , especially compared to Fox or MSLOLBC http://www.forbes.co...channel-by-far/

Do you have any proof of these thousands of Muslims a day being killed? Links? reputable sources? No? Didn't think so. Like I said that you are defending the kind of atrocities like the Paris bombing, or the multiple attacks ISIL and it's ilk carries out in mostly Muslim countries like Lebanon on a regular basis as A ok just because you don't like them whacky Christians for what ever reason, that's quite disturbing to be honest.

Edit: Turner is actually a socialist liberal. Go figure http://www.discovert....asp?indid=2004

i AM Christian, i'm just saying we're no better or worse than them... and as for saying they operate out of Lebanon... did you read the last guy's post? in any event, we could debate this ad infinitum. PGI should just lock this forum.

P.S. I will admit i'm wrong about who owns CNN, but they still have a history of anti-islamic sentiment (probably mostly to increase ratings), as evidenced by this clip one of my schoolmates in a presentation we recently did about tolerance and bias shows:

I don't have a beef with Christians, i'm just pointing out we do things just as stupidly (and, FYI, when i say "Christians kill thousands of people daily," there's a lot more countries that're Christian than just the US.)

fact is, no religion actually promotes violence. people do, either by taking scripture out of context, or ignoring it completely and claiming it does.

Edited by Arkhangel, 22 November 2015 - 09:16 AM.

#214 Wildstreak


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 09:38 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 21 November 2015 - 06:24 PM, said:

owned by a Republican. nuff said. and CNN has a logn hostory of Fearmongering. it increases Ratings. they couldn't give a rat's ass about the truth. Unlike either of you, i actually get my information from multiple sources and see what correlates. In any Event, this'll be my last post on the matter.

thank you, and good evening.

Can't read can you? I stated

View PostWildstreak, on 21 November 2015 - 06:21 PM, said:

Progressives are just as nutty as Conservatives, just because you are a different flavor of nut doesn't change the fact that you're nuts. :)

Clearly that indicates I am not Conservative-Republican and definitely not Liberal-Republican (a smaller group but does exist). My politics are Centerist, a growing number of people across the world especially here in North America. If you were as 'open minded' as you Liberal-'Progressives' preach about, you would know Centerists exist, some countries even have political parties devoted to it.

There is no history of Fearmongering. What you are missing is the similar problems shared by several news sources including CNN, Conservative FOX and Liberal MSNBC.
They are glorified talk shows. Watch the channels for a day, just one day and you see it. They take a small number of news topics and talk these to death with an endless parade of guests.
A list of fictional news shows from one source.
"Now on Wake the **** Up, we discuss Syria, ISIL, upcoming elections and that stray dog on the corner with 5 people."
"Next on Hangin' with Jimmy, open discussion on Syria, ISIL, upcoming elections and some random nice dude with 5 different people than the previous show had."
"Coming up on Your Next 2 Hours of News, we go on and on about Syria, ISIL, upcoming elections and a local restaraunt with 5 people not on the previous 2 shows."
"Upcoming on News with Some Random Guy We Make Look Important, non-stop talk on Syria, ISIL, upcoming elections and LEGOs with 5 people not seen on the previous 3 shows."
This continues throughout the day on practically all those 24 hour major news networks. So far, I have only found NY1 to be honest about it repeating the same half hour clip throughout the day with minor variations at a small number of times or if Breaking News happens.

CNN has not been increasing ratings that well, it is around the level of MSNBC with FOX beating both. But let's be honest, a number of non-news sources have larger followings such as ESPN, TBS and USA.

So not only do you get my politics wrong, you also assume where I read my news from. Actually, my main news sources, when I have the time, are local. SILive for the borough, NY1 for the city. Rarely watch CNN, also get pieces of BBC, Daily Mail and several others including those outside my country. Never watch FOX or MSNBC, too biased. I am sure you have multiple sources but they are probably all Liberal, that's the 'fun' of the Internet age, you can get news from several sources all in favor of your bias and falsly claim 'multiple sources' as if you were open-minded when you're not.

It never ceases to amaze how often Liberals like you preach what you do not follow such as:
- Don't label people you don't know, yet you just did (not the first time a Liberal did that).
- You need to be more open minded (but I can be as close minded as I want to be, Freedom baby, yeah!).
- Freedom of Speech/Press/Religion (unless I don't like what you say then I will shut you up or stomp out of the room).
- Civil Rights (so long as it is stuck in the 1960s worldview).

Liberals need to get out of the 1960s mindset, it is 2015, the world has changed and the Progressive movement is dead since it is 50 years out of date.

View PostArkhangel, on 22 November 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:


Not ignoring your post, just for someone who previously posted you were done, you sure keep coming back. :mellow:

#215 Obuthan Thane


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 10:53 AM

Well the last two posts have proven to me that the purpose of this thread has been lost. I am not interested in either of your positions. Many have signed on to show support to the families who lost loved ones in an act of hatred in France. Now it's dropped into squabbling over political positioning and personal opinions.
I'm truely disgusted.
I'm not bothering to look in on this again.
Good day all. See you on the battlefield.

#216 spectralthundr


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 22 November 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:

i AM Christian, i'm just saying we're no better or worse than them... and as for saying they operate out of Lebanon... did you read the last guy's post? in any event, we could debate this ad infinitum. PGI should just lock this forum.

P.S. I will admit i'm wrong about who owns CNN, but they still have a history of anti-islamic sentiment (probably mostly to increase ratings), as evidenced by this clip one of my schoolmates in a presentation we recently did about tolerance and bias shows:

I don't have a beef with Christians, i'm just pointing out we do things just as stupidly (and, FYI, when i say "Christians kill thousands of people daily," there's a lot more countries that're Christian than just the US.)

fact is, no religion actually promotes violence. people do, either by taking scripture out of context, or ignoring it completely and claiming it does.

The thing I think you don't understand is Sects of Islam have been killing each other for thousands of years without the help from the US, Russians or anyone else. Why? Different interpretations of the Koran and more directly responsible out of desire for power. In 2014 alone there were over 14 bombings in Lebanon which is primarily Muslim.

Assad supports terrorism, Al Quida and ISIL support terrorism around the world, Hezbollah supports terrorism. So to make the claim "well it's because of Christians" And it's ok because Christians! It shows a severe case of cognitive dissonance and a lack of reality when it comes to history. Something liberals tend to be bad at with how much they white wash the history of Islam, and really history in general since common sense and reality generally does not share the views of the progressive liberal ideology.

It's the same reason progressives get pissed to no end when you bring up a fact like Adolf H itler ran on a platform of National Socialism. Or that Socialism and state run Communism is responsible for billions upon billions of senseless deaths. Because for what ever reason Liberals are all about expansive government and tend to view Capitalism and the free market as evil, yet think by expanding government, that very same government full of politicians in the pocket of lobbyists and big business, somehow it's those corporations that are going to pay and not in reality everyone else. It's also why the left is so dead set on going after the 2nd amendment despite ample proof that in areas with the strictest gun control in the US are also the same areas with the largest amounts of gun crime, like a Chicago or a Detroit or Wash DC, and why is this? Well it's simple, criminals don't follow laws and have no fear of a disarmed populace.

It's also why you're now seeing a push for concealed carry on campuses. Because quite honestly, "Gun free zones" don't work, they never have.

But I think what bothers me more is the attack on freedom of speech, especially on college campuses right now, because the coddled millennials generation, need their precious safe spaces to protect their precious little feelings against any and everything that offends them, which seems to be nearly everything at this point.

The bottom line for me anyway is the progressive ideology is absolutely destructive to the American way of life and as an American, one who isn't religious in the slightest, watching the US walk down a socialistic path is both nauseating and quite frightening.

#217 Arkhangel


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 06:02 PM

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

The thing I think you don't understand is Sects of Islam have been killing each other for thousands of years without the help from the US, Russians or anyone else. Why? Different interpretations of the Koran and more directly responsible out of desire for power. In 2014 alone there were over 14 bombings in Lebanon which is primarily Muslim.

Assad supports terrorism, Al Quida and ISIL support terrorism around the world, Hezbollah supports terrorism. So to make the claim "well it's because of Christians" And it's ok because Christians! It shows a severe case of cognitive dissonance and a lack of reality when it comes to history. Something liberals tend to be bad at with how much they white wash the history of Islam, and really history in general since common sense and reality generally does not share the views of the progressive liberal ideology.

It's the same reason progressives get pissed to no end when you bring up a fact like Adolf H itler ran on a platform of National Socialism. Or that Socialism and state run Communism is responsible for billions upon billions of senseless deaths. Because for what ever reason Liberals are all about expansive government and tend to view Capitalism and the free market as evil, yet think by expanding government, that very same government full of politicians in the pocket of lobbyists and big business, somehow it's those corporations that are going to pay and not in reality everyone else. It's also why the left is so dead set on going after the 2nd amendment despite ample proof that in areas with the strictest gun control in the US are also the same areas with the largest amounts of gun crime, like a Chicago or a Detroit or Wash DC, and why is this? Well it's simple, criminals don't follow laws and have no fear of a disarmed populace.

It's also why you're now seeing a push for concealed carry on campuses. Because quite honestly, "Gun free zones" don't work, they never have.

But I think what bothers me more is the attack on freedom of speech, especially on college campuses right now, because the coddled millennials generation, need their precious safe spaces to protect their precious little feelings against any and everything that offends them, which seems to be nearly everything at this point.

The bottom line for me anyway is the progressive ideology is absolutely destructive to the American way of life and as an American, one who isn't religious in the slightest, watching the US walk down a socialistic path is both nauseating and quite frightening.

Dude. you didn't even read anything i said. i never said jack-all about Muslims being angels... my point is the fact that WE, as Christians, and indeed, EVERY freaking religion that exists have been killing each other in the name of religion for most of human history. the only reason i'm even back right now is because you guys are blithely ignorant of that, and i'm trying to educate you.

The only stupid people on this planet are those that're willfully ignorant. Don't be one of them. Learn stuff for yourself. Break the cycle of hate.

My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in these attacks, and to those currently facing a backlash because of them. Consider this discussion over, gentlemen, and save the fighting for in your mechs.

#218 spectralthundr


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Posted 22 November 2015 - 07:26 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 22 November 2015 - 06:02 PM, said:

Dude. you didn't even read anything i said. i never said jack-all about Muslims being angels... my point is the fact that WE, as Christians, and indeed, EVERY freaking religion that exists have been killing each other in the name of religion for most of human history. the only reason i'm even back right now is because you guys are blithely ignorant of that, and i'm trying to educate you.

The only stupid people on this planet are those that're willfully ignorant. Don't be one of them. Learn stuff for yourself. Break the cycle of hate.

My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in these attacks, and to those currently facing a backlash because of them. Consider this discussion over, gentlemen, and save the fighting for in your mechs.

And you miss the point that Islam is a social political construct based on domination. That part hasn't sunk through. But people on the left like you, excuse it as though Muslims are some repressed minority. They aren't. There are 1.6 BILLION around the world as of 2010. As if the incidents across Europe aren't an automatic wake up call to people like you who are too PC to call it out for what it is and instead make victims out of the aggressors. It's interesting that you're suggesting people educate themselves when you yourself don't even understand 1. what you're talking about. 2. what you're actually defending.



Rather than call people bigots for speaking out against a political movement that is dead set on converting the rest of the world to their views because they simply refuse to integrate into societies that they migrate to, educate yourself on what is actually going on.

"What was once a predominantly Christian country has now been overwhelmed by a rising Muslim population, which seeks to preserve its Islamic identity and protect itself from the satanic values of the Britain.‘There are now more than 2.8 million Muslims living in the U.K., which is 5 per cent of the population. At least 5,200 people convert to Islam in the UK each year, 60 per cent of them women.

The entire infrastructure of Britain is changing. Mosques, Islamic schools, Sharia courts, Muslim-owned businesses and banks have now become an integral part of the British landscape.’So how likely are these extremists to succeed with their plans to turn parts of Britain into militant Islamic enclaves?There are already 100 mosques in Waltham Forest, Newham and Tower Hamlets. Across London, 24 Islamic primary and secondary schools teach thousands of pupils the national curriculum, but can devote time to Islamic studies in religious lessons.

Hundreds of after-school classes (where boys and girls wearing robes, skull caps or hijabs and learn to recite the Koran by heart) flourish in the mosques of British cities.
Eighty-five Sharia courts now operate nationwide, parallel to traditional courts, with justice dispensed by Islamic judges on domestic rows, divorce, financial disputes and an increasing number of minor criminal acts, such as theft."

That to me doesn't sound like poor refugees fleeing for their lives, it actually is the opposite. Mass immigration that is destroying Europe's culture and the western way of life. And I'm sorry Arch, that **** needs to be called out.


Edited by spectralthundr, 22 November 2015 - 07:32 PM.

#219 Wildstreak


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 07:49 AM

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

It's the same reason progressives get pissed to no end when you bring up a fact like Adolf H itler ran on a platform of National Socialism.

The Jerk Who Was the Big WWII Enemy did not run on Socialism, while the original name for his party had Socialism in the name, it was never truly Socialist or leftist.

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

Because for what ever reason Liberals are all about expansive government and tend to view Capitalism and the free market as evil, yet think by expanding government, that very same government full of politicians in the pocket of lobbyists and big business, somehow it's those corporations that are going to pay and not in reality everyone else.

Conservatives want to expand government too, just in different areas. Places they want to shrink government will have harmful effects, some parts of government cannot shrink or be expanded, others have to fluctuate, you cannot go wholesale to one or the other.

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

It's also why the left is so dead set on going after the 2nd amendment despite ample proof that in areas with the strictest gun control in the US are also the same areas with the largest amounts of gun crime, like a Chicago or a Detroit or Wash DC, and why is this? Well it's simple, criminals don't follow laws and have no fear of a disarmed populace.

Plenty of criminals in places with more lax gun laws, just because the type of crime is different doesn't make it safer. Plus some places that claim safety are fudging numbers and stats.

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

It's also why you're now seeing a push for concealed carry on campuses. Because quite honestly, "Gun free zones" don't work, they never have.

Bonehead move allowing concealed carry on campus.

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

But I think what bothers me more is the attack on freedom of speech, especially on college campuses right now, because the coddled millennials generation, need their precious safe spaces to protect their precious little feelings against any and everything that offends them, which seems to be nearly everything at this point.

Attack on Free Speech also comes from both sides.

View Postspectralthundr, on 22 November 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

The bottom line for me anyway is the progressive ideology is absolutely destructive to the American way of life and as an American, one who isn't religious in the slightest, watching the US walk down a socialistic path is both nauseating and quite frightening.

Both ideologies are destructive and too egotistical to admit when they are wrong and need the other to survive. The USA should no more walk down a Libertarian or Conservative path than it should a 'Progressive' or Liberal one.

Edited by Wildstreak, 23 November 2015 - 07:49 AM.

#220 ThatGuy539


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 08:31 AM

Guys and gals, time to let this one go. We're going back and forth debating with people who are set in their beliefs on both sides. Each person trying to convince the other. We could be here forever.

For anyone else out there that wants to know why these attacks are happening around the world, they only need to look into it. There is tons of info covering all aspects of it readily available from multiple sources. And I highly recommend that you do...even if you think you know why it's happening. Knowledge of what's going on and why is a huge step towards preventing it from happening again.

Just a quick example of the ignorance of the issue.....
I saw some interviews with Muslim men in Paris after the attacks. They were asked what they thought. Some thought that the attacks were actually done by Jews and/or Americans.....really? And others thought that the attackers were not Muslims or of the Islamic faith....they also though the Jew/American thing was being said by conspiracy nuts.
If this doesn't show that ignorance is a problem, I don't know what does.
The Jew/American thing is an interesting theory, however the history of the people who did the attacks shows if anything a total hatred for Jews and Americans and zero affiliation.
The theory that they weren't true Muslims or of the Islamic faith, which seemed to be the more popular view, is also delusional. The people doing these attacks claim to be Muslims/Islamic, and quote actual scripture from the Quran that promotes their actions. As the content of the Quran is supposedly from God himself, one can see how some people would take it as their holy duty to follow through on Gods words and seek out and subjugate or kill all Infidels, bringing Jihad to them wherever they be. Quite frankly if the scripture exists in the Quran (which it does) and they are following it, they are Islamic and Muslims.

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