After the recent patch and some of the changes that came with it, I felt I would like to give some feedback with constructive ideas as well. I do apologize if some of my ideas are not new, I do not have the time to go scrolling through the multiverse of all the forums

Firstly, and I think this is a big one on peoples minds, Maps and Game voting.
I understand that you are trying to give the players more say in what is being played, however to be honest the latest installment of voting looks more chaotic than the last, due to the introduced weighting system. May I suggest an alternatve?
Give players the choice to select say 3 maps, just the general map and not whether it's day/night etc. Amongst this also give players the choice to have a random selection as one of their choices if they desire, and weighted accordingly by your prefernce of 1, 2, 3. Secondly for the game type, have two choices that you are allowed to make out of the three match types, and once again have a random selection too. I think that this might promote you to end up playing matches with people who are of a like mind and looking to play that particular type or map and game type, I think this would encourage better teamplay and also allow those who are only just starting the game to get used to it, while also allowing those who are looking to do more technical game play the oppurtunity to play with people who aren't just going to eject out of their mech because they dislike assault or conquest.
New trial mechs are great, loving the change in selection. Have you ever considered a c-bill rental idea? So say I want to try a particular mech that isn't on the trial list, I can pay some c-bills to rent a certain champion mech for say a month or some other period of time?
May I also make a suggestion for assault matches? When the base defenses were taken away it honestly seems too easy to win a match these days with a base rush by only one or two mechs, it does seem to have taken away the fun and strategic side of this match. Could I suggest that the location of the opponents base is not automatically shown on your HUD. Instead the base has to be located first. Now to further this maybe have the base point spawn within a random area of 4 - 6 grid squares maybe centred around their current set spawn points? This would create the need to actually scout and locate, this gives rise to further strategic requirements for attack and defence. Give the unit who crosses into the bases capture area first a reward for locating and this first crossing in the capture area is what triggers the location being broadcasted to their team, this would also give rise to having being mindful about using your ECM in such a situation as well. This could give rise to teams having a set lance or group who defends their base from being located etc. Anyway it was just a thought.
Anyway I just thought I'd give some feedback and ideas,
Intergalatc Jones.
Edited by Intergalactic Jones, 18 November 2015 - 03:08 PM.