Prof RJ Gumby, on 23 November 2015 - 01:17 AM, said:
What if a certain nerf to lasers, whatever nerf that would be, by some miracle or pure luck, will turn out to NOT be an overnerf and lasers will end up not being useless, but just similar in effectiveness to auto cannons and PPCs/Gauss? Like, you know, this weapon is better in this and that weapon is better in that, pick what you prefer/basing on what do you want to do in battle?
Hard to imagine I know, but hey, it happened in other games, let's just believe it could happen in MWO too.
People don't want that though, it's easier for them (and the developers honestly) to scream: "OMGWTFBBQPWNAGE NERF IT!"
Seriously, it's the way most online games are. Rather than establish roles for weapons, rather than use a standard HPS/DHPS (easily viewable) system to limit OMGWTFBBQPWN alpha striking, it's round after round of nerfing.
Are lasers so OP? Well yes they can be OP, in their element. Just like a gauss rifle or other slug weapon. Just like a missile All weapons are OP in a certain element.
Lasers run hot, sucks to be a laserboat on a hot planet. However, on a cool planet, the ROF of a laserboat (chain, not alpha striking all the time) should be pretty high. The DPS should be high on a cold planet: yes higher than a ballistic, and probably higher than missile boat.
Gauss (insta-fire) has a recharge time, oh and it explodes pretty much the easiest of any weapon if it takes a crit, but you can shoot it 3 miles or more. The recoil is a -expletive- but hey, you can throw that slug supersonic across half a map. Find some cover.
AC's are great, unless you run hot and cook off the ammo. Also large slugs tend to behave badly (tumble) outside their design range. Also reload time, recoil, et al.
PPC's (honestly) should use the laser mechanic. Your throwing charged particles in a stream, not bullets. This might even fix the clan PPC issue.
Missiles are great direct fire weapons, decent locked (TAG, NARC, LOS lock by the launcher), but only marginal indirect fire (aka artillery splatter) without special Thunder / SWARM ammo. Just remember, it takes time to fire off 40 missiles because heat at launch is insane. We ripple fire MLRS for a good reason.
Every weapon should have a detriment when fired. Guess what? They do even in real life! Granted treating PPCs with the laser mechanic is kind of a double duty thing: A cheap mechanic fix for the clans and unify the "penalty for fire" mechanic. However, let's look at the penalties:
Lasers/PPCS: run hot, alpha striking bad idea on HPS/DHPS scale, a terrifyingly bad idea on a warm/hot map
Ballistics: Explosions, and recoil. RECOIL MOTHERF***ER screwing with accuracy. The bigger the slug, or in the case of gauss because it's utilizing charged plasma to move the slug down the barrel. We're talking about railguns, not coil guns here. Coil guns would be like the machine gun of this class of weaponry: great against unarmored targets, not so great against a battlemech's armor. Of course a coil gun has near zero recoil to a mech. A rail gun?
Look at this and tell me there's no recoil. You want to alpha strike? Accuracy will go to pot fast.
Missiles are hot and suffer other penalties depending on the type of fire. Some of those penalties are due to flight time (more time for AMS to intercept), others because it becomes (in non-LOS lock) artillery splatter. You don't want one sending it's missiles directly at you though, they're fast (faster than currently coded) and really hard to knock out completely.
Remember, weapons should have roles. Weapons should not really need nerfs.