Formerly of the 13th Legion, We are a SG Based South East Asian (Singapore / Malaysia / SEA / Oceanic) Merc Unit with Casual Players and for those who feel the urge to make someone walk the plank.
We are usually on the TeamSpeak Channel from 10pm (+8GMT) onwards on most days. All are Welcome to talk shop and sing songs! For other Oceanic Unit who are interested to have their own Channel in our TS Server please PM any of the Unit Strike Leads.
If you are interested in joining the 5SSP Community Facebook page, you can visit our page at https://www.facebook.../groups/5thSSP/
Or search for 5th Straits Settlement Privateers Group in Facebook.
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/5SSP
Website at http://5ssp.servegame.com
You can also find us on our 5SSP Teamspeak(SG):
Address: 5ssp.servegame.com
Or Alternatively
Comstar Relay North America (Comstar NA)
Address: na1.mech-connect.net
Channel : 5th Straits Settlement Privateers [5SSP]
Edited by Ekezial, 28 June 2018 - 06:36 PM.