Kay Wolf, on 01 December 2015 - 09:08 PM, said:
Childish, much? If you want to have a debate, then have a debate. I could quote you and shove in unrelated banter that takes remarks out of context, but that accomplishes nothing but stooping to the pathetic level of asininity you have proudly displayed in this thread.
You also completely dodged everything in regards to the points I made, to do TT damage conversions over a 10 second round. On top of it, you didn't even do them right . . . a Flamer doing 70 damage in 10 seconds?!? Are you daft?! Try 7 damage over 10 seconds at .7 DPS . . . please reread the in-game tooltips and redo your calculations. That's a very serious error that may be skewing your opinions. If you don't believe me, then load up a flamer and go melt the AS7-D's CT in testing grounds . . . I assure you a flamer will not melt 70 points of its armor in 10 seconds. One could only ever fantasize about a Flamer so devastating in MWO, because it's never existed and will never exist.
You said a whole lot of nothing in regards to the points that were previously made. In TT, Flamers, MGs, and AC/2s all have the exact same "DPS" . . . or more aptly damage per round. Thusly, for the sake of argument, they "should" do the same DPS in MWO. Will we see that happen? No. Why? Because of the need to balance a real time combat game, not a turn based strategy/role-playing game (and lets face it, the creators of Battletech were terrible at balance and even admitted it later on . . . thus why they admit the implementation of the clans was the biggest mistake they ever made for Battletech). Every weapon needs to be viable in the game and fill a reasonable role, which is one reason why the AC/2 is a bit of a DPS suppression weapon that now has the ability to crit reasonably well.
Also, the argument of converting MWO weapons to reflect TT "DPS" (even using Solaris rules for more distinct cyclic and "DPS" rates) has been made (I know, I was part of that debate on these forums and the huge "open letter" thread made to PGI that even got PGI response . . . the author was DarkJaguar and it was back in the summer of 2012, if I recall correctly). It's been said, directly by PGI, that it won't happen. Suck it up, and move on. That argument is not worth making and is a moot point of debate. Again, work within the bounds of the game available.
Lastly, desperation weapons? Really?! Bane/Kraken boats UAC/2s (almost to the point of absurdity, and it's clan tech, which is why they're not standard AC/2s). Mauler boats AC/2s. Several Blackjacks have AC/2s as primary weapons. Piranha is a devastating MG boat. Firestarter has Flamers as primary weapons. Jagermech S and DD pair AC/2s with AC/5s as primary weapons. I could go on, but I think that gets the point across. They DO get used as primary weapons, and they DO have roles to fill that can be applied into MWO. It's just a matter of balancing them appropriately.
Regardless, that mentality and level of argument shows exactly why you've been dodging points like stjobe's about the Panther, Jenner, Commando, Wolfhound, and other light mechs being very much strikers, skirmishers, and line fighters.
We need to work within the bounds set before us in order to accomplish a semblance of balance for MWO where every weapon system is viable and worth taking. If you're not willing to do that then you're accomplishing nothing and wasting everyone's time.
Edited by Sereglach, 01 December 2015 - 11:17 PM.