Fortunately, my newbie days are now nearing their end. Nevertheless, there is still much to learn. I've recruited two new adult players into MWO. Surprisingly, one of them, a longtime fan of MW3 and 4, is already an above average light mech pilot. The other, unfortunately, is still struggling badly, paying the full humiliating price (and then some) for being a total noob. To maybe ease this pilot's anguish, I donated 3 TDRs (H, C, 5S). Although all my mechs are clan (except for my new Marauders arriving today), I respect TDRs from past battle experience and remember many favorable comments here in the forum. Hope it will help.
Now the three of us wish to form a new team, group or whatever it is called. The net is full of data on team/unit mechanics. Much of it is too complex, and/or outdated, and/or conflicting. I've read much of it and am more confused than ever. Moreover, I have received more than a dozen of what appear to be kind group/unit/team invites. I have accepted none so far as I do not yet fully comprehend what would be expected from me and if such acceptance might affect my ability to form a new group/unit/team or whatever the right designation. As such, I would much appreciate any advice on the modus operandi of achieving the following:
1. I wish to join PUG teams and play together with these other two pilots in Quick Play/CW matches. Possible?
2. What would this “team” of three be properly called (aside from flattery such as “team liability”, “noob battalion” etc.. hehe). A team or group or unit?
3. If this is possible, what is considered improper conduct of such a small group/team/unit? Fair play and honorable conduct in battle is a given and must remain paramount (i.e. no campers, discos, careless weapon “testing” at the expense of teammates etc.).
All pointers would be most welcome. Also, some sarcasm would not offend me at all. After all, with seemingly dumb questions like this, I actually deserve them.
Thank you for your time.