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Mad-3R Hardpoints

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#1 Fubbit


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 12:32 PM


I would like to equip 1 AC20 and 2 AC2s on my MAD-3R.

I would like the AC20 to occupy the lowest slot.

I can't seem to make it happen.

Is it possible, and (if so) how do i do it?


#2 Zookeeper Dan


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 02:44 PM

It usually depends on the order you add the weapons. I think the Marauder's balistic hard points fill from the top down. So add the AC2's first and they should fill the top two spots. Adding the AC20 last should place it in the lowest spot.

#3 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 05 December 2015 - 11:43 AM

If this doesn't do it, you'll need to sell and re-purchase the AC/2s.

MWO has a bizarre tendency to adjust the slotting of weapons in a location based on when the weapons were purchased, rather than the order in which they were placed in the 'mech. It's not a universal application, either.

#4 Fubbit


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 09:25 AM

Thanks for the tip Quickdraw Crobat.
Didn't seem to help in this case.

Not sure I really wanted the loadout anyway, it was just pissing me off that it wouldn't do what I wanted. =)

#5 Mad Porthos


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 10:07 AM

Hey Fubbit, I might be able to help a little with this. I ran my MAD-3R recently with an UAC5 and 2xMachine Gun. While it may be setup for the UAC to be highest if its the only ballistic on the mech, it appears that MACHINE GUNS do not fill that top slot, rather mounting tight as one, two or even all three as a tiny cluster in the middle slot. When this happens, particularly when there are one or two machine guns visually clustered in the middle ballistic slot, then mounting another third ballistic seems to populate the bottom hard point. For me this resulted with an uac5 with a barrel mounted solidly in the right torso bottom slot, with two machine guns above it in middle. Likely you could do the same for the AC20, with two machine guns above, in the mid hardpoint.

Since it is not clustering AC2's in this same way I do not know if you would be.able to make it work the same, but you might be able to mount them all, then unequip so that the AC2's populate the top two slots/hp, then equip a new AC20 into the bottom slot. Good luck.

By "NEW" AC20 I mean just exactly that. One of the oddities of equipment pieces, like individual guns or missile launchers is that it seems some.of them might have a sort of attached slot preference, or logic that shunts them to a particular hard point location. For example, if an ac5 was originallly in a mech with multiple ballistic hard points in the same location, with slot 1 being higher on the original mech, slot 2 being lower on that mech - but that Ac5 was placed in another mech, like a triple ballistic shadowhawk where there are three stacked ballistic slots, then that Ac5 might keep going into slot 1, which could be on the BOTTOM, for the shadowhawk... making it a pain in the behind because if you want only one.gin in a location, you probably want it as high moumted as possible rather than way on the bottom.

This apparently used to happen alot with launchers to, where someone wanted an LRM Launcher in a high slot, so it cleared obstacles, or wanted SRMs high, so they could fire over low walls effectively, but the launchers would not go where they wanted due to this strange slot preference.

The only cure I heard of, as was implied earlier - was sell all your guns of that particular type so that none exist in your inventory with a "preference" and then buy a fresh one to slot in and fill up what ever slot is not properly filling/populating.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 15 December 2015 - 10:47 AM.

#6 Helene de Montfort


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 02:26 PM

View PostFubbit, on 02 December 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:


I would like to equip 1 AC20 and 2 AC2s on my MAD-3R.

I would like the AC20 to occupy the lowest slot.

I can't seem to make it happen.

Is it possible, and (if so) how do i do it?


You can't, whatever you do, the AC20 will always go on top slot with this config.

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