WOW, talk about "sequels"..
Here are my oppinions on the good the bad, and the ugly of this event:
The Bad:
1) Its been done before, and then it mattered more. The Clans have already WON the first Tukayyid battle, and simply "redoing" the whole battle feels like the IS forces are simply being given a chance of a do-over. It takes away from the first event.
2) The event format is almost identical to the first event, BUT, this time, there are no Mech rewards.. so we get less than the first time..
3) There should NOT BE A TUKAYYID EVENT. The first battle of Tukayyid was won by the Clans, and as such, we were allowed to take Terra, and have since then held it firmly in Clan Wolf's grasp for months. Now we have to battle for the honor of getting the right to take Terra? We already hold Terra! Why fight over the right to take something you already have? The lore-buff in me is sad..
4) I was really hoping you would not simply repeat the Tukayyid event, but instead, let us conquer Terra herself. Let us land ground forces and take Terra, one alley at a time.
The Good:
1) The original Tukayyid event is still the best event ever done in MWO. At least for me. Why is it so? Because IT MEANT SOMETHING. It gave the Clans a chance to CHANGE HISTORY. I doubt the "re-do" will mean as much.. or even mean anything other than getting the personal challenge done.. but it will still be fun to play.
2) If the Clans win again.. I fully expect PGI to give us some recognition. At lease a week with Terra fielding Clan banners and tags..
3) Free stuff! If we overlook the lack of any mechs given, the event has some sweet rewards. The 500MC one is especially attractive, and so are the cockpit items like the Kerensky hologram - witch the new cockpit item screen won't let me buy more off.. guess I can only win it..
4) The CW player influx - Events like this bring some life into CW as a game mode, and that's always good.
5) What better way to test the new "Great rebalance" than with an event like this?
1) Events like this usually mean there's a map reset on the horizon. All our hard work will be nullified and void. So long Terra's orbit.. But don't fret.. we'll see you again soon..
2) This is a "serious" event.. which means EVERYONE will bring their a-game. This means that after the event, once again, CW will be a dead mode, cose' of shear fatigue. Hope it's worth it.
3) I'm sure many players will agree.. Simply redoing the Tukayyid event will not "mean" as much as it did the first time. But if the clans win, IS will cry and whine how the clans need to be nerfed more. If the IS wins, the clans will cry that they have been nerfed to oblivion, and that PGI blatantly favores the IS, and the very fact it let them "redo" Tukayyid is a fact that backs this up. So either way, this event promotes more IS vs. Clans out-of-game hostility.
4) The virtual "you suck" banners are just insulting... I've never seen ANYONE actually field the ones from the first Tukayyid battle in their mechs.. NOT EVEN ONE. And its kinda insulting that PGI could not come up with something better than just recycling old stuff.
5) The whole event feels like a "recyling" of a successful previous event. This is like a bad sequel to a great movie. It just doesn't work. You should have done a similar event format, but pick a different famous battle, or let us "officially" conquer Terra. There are plenty of battles to choose from.
6) After all said and done, the event feels hastily put together. Only 1 day notice? Not a full week? Similar rewards like the last two events? The first Battle of Tukkayid was hyped-up weeks before, it actually meant something, and it awarded an Assault mech, plus enough Cbills to buy one or even two more.. Kinda feels.. less.
All in all:
YES, I will be playing.
YES, I will give it my all the stomp the Freebirth into the ground, and put them in their place, proving Clan superiority once and for all (Nerfs be damned)
Will it matter to me as much as the first time around?
Probably not..