what if we Gave Certain Engines Bonuses to Help with their Use,
helping Both Sub250 Engines STD Engines IS-XLs and Even CASE,
(this idea is based on the Clan Targeting Computers & Quriks they give)
=First= Sub250 Engines=
the First 10DHS stored in the Engine have 0.2 Heat Displacement,
However Engines under 250 Rating Store less than 10HS in the Engine,
so Mechs with Ratings 100-245 lose out on some Heat Displacement,
So My Idea is to give All those Engines Quirks that will Compensate,
=IS 200STD Engine=
-<Module faction="InnerSphere" CType="CEngineStats" name="Engine_Std_200" id="3238"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\StdEngine.dds" descTag="@Engine_Standard_Fusion_200_desc" nameTag="@Engine_Standard_Fusion_200"/> <EngineStats health="15" heatsinks="8" weight="11.5" rating="200" sidesToDie="0" sideSlots="0" slots="6"/> <If (heatsinks<"10") MechStats Cooling="(10-heatsinks) *0.6"/> </Module>this Means is if you have a 200Engine, your Mech will gain 0.12 Bonus Cooling,
(DHS in Engine has 0.2Cooling, DHS outside have 0.14, so Bonus 0.06 x2),
i beleve this would solve the PoorDubs Problem in Sub250 Engines,
=Next= STD Engines=
with IIC mechs coming out Many wonder how PGI will Balance C-XL Engines,
so thinking on this i came up with a solution to Buff All(IS&Clan) STD Engines,
Wail also not Increasing their Mobility or Decreasing their Weight,
So give All STD Equipped Mechs CT Internal Structure Bonuses,
=IS 250STD Engine=
-<Module faction="InnerSphere" CType="CEngineStats" name="Engine_Std_250" id="3248"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\StdEngine.dds" descTag="@Engine_Standard_Fusion_250_desc" nameTag="@Engine_Standard_Fusion_250"/> <EngineStats health="15" heatsinks="10" weight="18.5" rating="250" sidesToDie="0" sideSlots="0" slots="6"/> <MechStats AddStructure(CT)="16"/> </Module>this Means All STD Engines, Will have a +16CT Internal Structure Bonus,
i beleave this would Help Give C-STD Engines a Distinct Advantage over C-XLs,
as well as Give IS-STD Engines more Survivability that what they have Currently,
=Then= IS-XL Engines=
with IS mechs their is a term, XL-Friendly, meaning They are good with XLs,
this usually means these Mechs have Hitboxes that make Protecting Sides easier,
so with this i came up with a solution to Buff IS XLs, Not C-XLs as per Balance,
So give All XL Equipped Mechs Internal Structure Bonuses,
=IS 250STD Engine=
-<Module faction="InnerSphere" CType="CEngineStats" name="Engine_XL_250" id="3348"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\XLEngine.dds" descTag="@Engine_XL_Fusion_250_desc" nameTag="@Engine_XL_Fusion_250"/> <EngineStats health="15" heatsinks="10" weight="12.5" rating="250" sidesToDie="1" sideSlots="3" slots="6"/> <MechStats AddStructure(LT)="8"/> <MechStats AddStructure(RT)="8"/> </Module>this Means All XL Engines, Will have a +8ST Internal Structure Bonus,
i believe this Change would Help Make more IS Mechs XL Friendly,
and also give a good Counter to the STD Buff Above this,
=Finally= CASE(IS)=
At this Time there's not much Reason to take 0.5Ton CASE,
Yes, it stops Ammo Explosion Damage Transfer From ST to CT,
other than that if you need Tonnage its almost Always the First thing to go,
So why not give Case its Own Internal Structure Bonuses as well,
-<Module faction="InnerSphere" CType="CCASEStats" name="CASE" id="9003"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\CASE.dds" descTag="@CASE_desc" nameTag="@CASE"/> <ModuleStats health="0" tons="0.5" slots="1" amountAllowed="1" components="right_torso, left_torso"/> <If (left_torso) MechStats AddStructure(LT)="6"/> <If (right_torso) MechStats AddStructure(RT)="6"/> </Module>this Means CASE will Give you a +6Internal Structure to the Side its placed in,
Giving CASE new Life as a XL Buffer, and to Aid in making Mechs Tankier,
as well as Doing its Original Purpose of Stopping Damage Transfer,
All XML Code was Scripted By Me(Andi Nagasia),
And based on other XML Code(TC1 CASE STD200 DHS Ect)
Please Remember that all Coding Stats Can Change for Balance
Special Thanks to Mcgral for the Initial XML Code
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Edit- Spelling
Edit2- Increased Stats
Edit3- Refined Stats
Edit4- (working on Full Rework)
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 19 March 2016 - 02:27 PM.