348.7 = (94238853+2069466)/276205
Avg damage needed to kill IS mech (Clan DMG + IS FF DMG / dead IS mechs)
374.3 = (103998101+1858485)/282828
Percentage of used Clan mechs that died (dead vs L/M/H/A totals)
99.5% = 276205/277628 (doesn't seem correct??)
Percentage of used IS mechs that died (dead vs L/M/H/A totals)
99.5% = 282828/284344 (again, doesn't seem correct??)
Avg done per Clan mech (Clan DMG + Clan FF / L/M/H/A totals)
382.0 = (103998101+2069466)/277628
Avg done per IS mech (IS DMG + IS FF / L/M/H/A totals)
338.0 = (94238853+1858485)/284344
Mechs needed to kill 1 enemy, avg DMG for a kill / avg DMG dealt (focus fire?)
Clan: 0.98 Clan mechs needed to kill 1 IS mech = 374.3/382.0
IS: 1.03 IS mechs needed to kill 1 Clan mech = 348.7/338.0
Number of IS/Clan players or...
Dedication (% of add'l matches each clanner played)
1.19:1 (7929/6654)
At first I was wary since the numbers of mechs died vs used doesn't seem to jive. But the important thing is both sides' numbers are identical here. This could indicate there were a lot of dead-even games, such as 46-48, etc.
Edited by Hydrocarbon, 12 December 2015 - 03:53 PM.