If you're facing clans and you're up against anything but one of the top tier 12mans, get aggressive. Don't stomp blindly ahead and leeroy it, but get under 300 meters. Anything they have setup to "brawl" with, make those mechs brawl.
What I've seen most commonly in clan matches especially is the coordination of lurms. Their lurm lines tend to be a bit closer to the front lines as they aren't worried about you getting under the min range. Many times their forces are split. If your scouts and/or drop caller calls a location for their lurm lines and you can get in there to disrupt the fire support, do it. As soon as our big guys can come out from behind cover, it changes the fight dramatically.
Drop leader and battle comms. Whoever has volunteered to drop lead is nervous, trying to keep youe team "happy, and dealing with a lot of people who have a lot of different ideas. Please remember, a lot of us are still learning the CW maps and grid locations. The middle of a friefight is not the time to discuss hindsight

Grid locations. I hear "I've got enemy mechs over here", which is almost immediately responded to with 4-5 "Where is here?". Always give grid locations. The other 11 guys on your team don't know where "here" is or "over there" or "just behind that hill". The more specific location, the better. E5 is a large square with terrain in it. SHouting "E5" gives your team a general location, but "In the valley at the back of E5" is much better if possible.
Focusing targets. The first wave is almost never an issue. As people start dying and having to reinforce, people often fall off from calling targets. Always call targets and damage reports. If that cheetah has 2 red legs and you don't let anyone know, people don't focus those legs as much. This is especially helpful against ECM mechs and mechs under ECM cover because you can't target them. Letting everyone know "The Hellbie in E5 left torso open" lets me know that if I run into a Hellbie in E5, I want to immediately start focusing on that left torso.
Target designations. Always pay attention to target designations. If you're mid-way through the big 2nd wave push and you see enemy mechs with a designation below "L", those should be your priorities many times because they are the enemy first wave, more than likely banged up, and are just trying to distract so fresh reinforcements can stay healthier longer.
Pay attention to mini-map. This should be second nature to everyone. It tells you enemy location, friendly location, and the direction everyone is facing. If you see a teammate in a grid location and see enemy mechs slipping up on their left, being able to say "You mechs in E5 turn to your left" can mean the difference between winning and losing.
That's it for now, I just wanted to get a few tips out there for everyone based on some of the things we've run into dropping in CW as a coordinated PUG.