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Match Locking

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#1 Vas79


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 07:28 AM


I don't play much CW or MWO at all in general, however when I do play I come to play, not to spend 10 minutes searching for light mechs hiding on a map in a loss to "lock" my team in because it is strategy. Especially when the planet we're defending has been sitting at somewhere between 53% and 61% for the attacker for the entire night.

All this aspires me to do is to take every Lancer I can find when we play CW and bash as much as we can every Davion team we see in the queue. Lets look at it from the perspective that we all want to play and there is no requirement to lock in a defending team. I hope that in the future on a player to player and team to team level we can have a cordial and fun time blowing each other up in CW.

#2 totaldawson


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:22 AM

First off, good matches last night.
Secondly, if its clear there is one very good group defending a nearly taken planet, the logical tactic WOULD be to delay that group. I was not part of the group that hid, but what that group was doing was helping to secure the planet for Davion. Do we do that very often? Not really. If anything, take it as a compliment that we saw you as such a threat that the need to delay you became a priority amongst the groups in my TS.

#3 Vas79


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:53 AM

I'll buy that for team parity if the planet is hovering around 50% the lowest it dropped last night while we were playing CW was 53%, and you guys had one more full team then we did dropping. It would have been a long shot for us to stop the planet flipping over.

I'm flattered that we were the biggest challenge in the queue last night however it doesn't remove the frustration of spending a 1/3 of a match looking for mechs powered down while having people tell me chat how it's "strategy". The little time I put into playing mech I would like to be actually spent in game fighting win or lose not trying to find guys powered down. Next time please delay us buy burying us under teams to play not by making us wait 10 minutes or more to play another match.

#4 totaldawson


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 11:45 AM

True, it may have been bit of a long shot. I think we did it because the caller of the group you guys kept beating kept coming into our room with tales of asses being beat and how tough you guys are. I'm sure that psychologically paired with memories of losing clan planets in the last half hour to MS has simply made some Davion guys super defensive about losing planets we in all right should take.

I also would like to point out that i also agree on it being frustrating. Nothing like trying to find that one Kit Fox for 10 minutes who just wants to troll us for a solid ten minutes. That said, strategy isn't always meant to mean absolute victory or absolute defeat. Last night we had one group that proved to be a match for yours, probably because it was late (12ish am). Had we just buried you in teams, you would've POTENTIALLY had enough matches to take the planet back. It may seem far fetched, but the planet was at 69% before you guys came, and as you mentioned, went all the way down to 53%. Had those guy's not delyaed you, you would've had a counter against a group of PuGs not on TS, giving you a shot at 45%. By delyaing you, that group dry dropped, and the match became my group vs you on Sulferous invasion. Thats the strategy behind it. Frustrating/lame? yes. Necessary for the Davion side of things? also yes.

#5 Vas79


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 12:27 PM

View Posttotaldawson, on 14 December 2015 - 11:45 AM, said:

Frustrating/lame? yes. Necessary for the Davion side of things? also yes.

This is the issue, by frustrating us your going to make sure that our relations in chat with the Davion groups is going to be less than cordial.

#6 totaldawson


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 06:04 PM

View PostVas79, on 14 December 2015 - 12:27 PM, said:

This is the issue, by frustrating us your going to make sure that our relations in chat with the Davion groups is going to be less than cordial.
If by now your response is to still be angry about it than understanding, then I'd say that's more of your problem. Sorry a davion group practiced good strategy to ensure victory, and if you can't see past your own frustration I'd say thats an issue of maturity.

This is CW. you win with strategy and completing objectives. If you're going to hold on to your anger moving forward towards a faction as a whole because a ragtag group of guys used a tactic only used very rarely, I'd say that says more about your character and the character of your unit more than anything.

#7 Vas79


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 07:57 PM

So I've been in here being reasonable and instead you question my character and my units character, you also agree that it's a ****** play but somehow think it's valid in the name of winning in a situation you were going to win in anyhow. And I'm sure 100mile, stevemac and various other Davion players will attest to not just my character but APOCs.

#8 totaldawson


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:35 PM

View PostVas79, on 14 December 2015 - 07:57 PM, said:

So I've been in here being reasonable and instead you question my character and my units character, you also agree that it's a ****** play but somehow think it's valid in the name of winning in a situation you were going to win in anyhow. And I'm sure 100mile, stevemac and various other Davion players will attest to not just my character but APOCs.

my problem with you is that you have zero reason to make this into a bigger issue, yet here you are. Yes I will question your character when your response to me time and time again is essentially im still angry, and because of the actions of a a random assortment of a 12 man you will forever be "less cordial" with Davion Units. I was also being more than reasonable, going so far as to explain the logic behind the strategy. that should have been enough. But no, you're still angry. Like what are you trying to achieve? Do you want me to make some half *** promise never to personally run that strategy? Im sorry friend, but thats not how strategy works.

So yes I am calling question to your character. You're here complaining on the forums about one drop, and will not be satisfied with all of my explanations. Essentially by now it seems you just want to be catered too because your jimmies are rustled, and that is something I simply will not do.

#9 100mile


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:37 PM

View PostVas79, on 14 December 2015 - 07:57 PM, said:

So I've been in here being reasonable and instead you question my character and my units character, you also agree that it's a ****** play but somehow think it's valid in the name of winning in a situation you were going to win in anyhow. And I'm sure 100mile, stevemac and various other Davion players will attest to not just my character but APOCs.

I do attest to your character Vas and hopefully you will not let one incident ruin our long standing relationship.
I can't speak for any other unit but AW does not condone this type of behavior and if any of my people are found to be doing this there will be consequences. Slow playing while still engaging is a sound tactic for this type of situation but the key is you are still engaging. Let me also point out that failure to engage in any situation is against the rules PGI has laid down for MWO play whether in a pug match or CW thus hiding and shutting down is a rules violation

#10 stevemac


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:51 PM

I will also attest to Vas in dealing with him over the last few years I consider him a friend.. The RRB do not and will not do this.... If any members of the RRB do this they can find a new home.

#11 totaldawson


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:53 PM

I want to point out this was not my unit, and was in fact a random assortment. the person who made that call was a part of no unit.

I can understand being frustrated, And even though I explained the strategy I don't practice it myself. It is a reportable offense. But, Vas, you response was to LOOK AT ALL OF DAVION IN A LESS THAN CORDIAL MANNER over the actions of essentially a single organized group of PuGs, well.....

#12 Asaru


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:57 PM

View PostVas79, on 14 December 2015 - 07:57 PM, said:

So I've been in here being reasonable and instead you question my character and my units character, you also agree that it's a ****** play but somehow think it's valid in the name of winning in a situation you were going to win in anyhow. And I'm sure 100mile, stevemac and various other Davion players will attest to not just my character but APOCs.

Both myself and C4 have nothing but respect for both Vas and APOC. This kind of behavior is total BS and IMHO is not in keeping with the traditions and spirit of House Davion.

View Post100mile, on 14 December 2015 - 08:37 PM, said:

I do attest to your character Vas and hopefully you will not let one incident ruin our long standing relationship.
I can't speak for any other unit but AW does not condone this type of behavior and if any of my people are found to be doing this there will be consequences. Slow playing while still engaging is a sound tactic for this type of situation but the key is you are still engaging. Let me also point out that failure to engage in any situation is against the rules PGI has laid down for MWO play whether in a pug match or CW thus hiding and shutting down is a rules violation

I totally agree with what 100 said here. This is not a valid tactic of any kind.

#13 MischiefSC


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 10:59 PM

Vas, you've got every reason to be upset. Just showing up for CW is like chewing on a lightbulb most days and having a match turn into a waste of time where the other team is jerking your chain on purpose and trying to justify it... yeah. Every reason to be peeved.

Wouldn't be the first bad call someone made in a match nor, to be honest, the last. The thread is legit if only because we need a reminder that cheap tricks just aren't worth it in the end and tactics that actively waste peoples time and frustrate everyone are a bad call regardless because irritating everyone isn't worth flipping a planet that doesn't mean anything. However one bad match shouldn't dictate opinions on a group of players be that IS/Clan, a house or faction or even a single unit.

Nothing but love for APOC. No worries Vas, shake it off and next game will be better.



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Posted 14 December 2015 - 11:36 PM

4CAV is a part of House Davion, and the AFFS. Therefore, no 4CAV member in PUG or CW will be operating this tactic. Ever. Will not be tolerated. It is cowardly, and dishonorable.

That being said, from what dawson stated this was a random House Davion CW group. The person who called this tactic was not aware of the ROEs or just did not care to follow them. I can understand your frustration, and anger Vas, and I hope that you will not hold ALL Davions accountable for the actions of a few untagged Davion players.

General Sachiko Ravenwater
Commander, 4th Cavalry Division [4CAV], House Davion
Armed Forces of the Federated Suns [AFFS]

#15 Aylward


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 05:39 AM

Totaldawson, please stand down.. I'll take it from here..

Vas... My apologies for my junior pilot's eager attempt to "defuse" this complaint.. Your character is certainly not in question , and in fact we'd rather have you fighting with us then against us, but your unit is well respected either way... We do not advocate this shut down and hide tactic any more than any of the other units out there, davion or not. I wasnt there but it doesnt sound like my guys were directly involved..but even if they were or werent, I will still post a message about this incident and clarify position on this "tactic" to clear up any possible confusion out there. We all agree that the wait times for CW are still abysmal all on their own...We certainly dont want to make that worse.

Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any issues with any of my pilots, Vas.. Glad to see you back on the IS front. <S>

#16 Vas79


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 07:10 AM

Let me say by no means is this a blanket complaint about Davion players or Davion Units it was more info being presented so that the situation could be rectified and hopefully not happen again. My comment about being less then cordial was a touch out of line as we try in my TS to be as friendly as possible when playing.

Thanks for all the kind words, we look forward to seeing all of you on the battlefield.

#17 Gregory Twilight


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 08:41 AM

As Steve said The RRB does not and will not tolarate this type of tactic and if you find any RRB tagged people doing this just let me Steve or any of my Command staff know and we will take care of the issue.

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