Link to thread: https://www.reddit.c...n_camo/.compact
Apparently, there's no Phranken pattern for the Urbie yet. Huh.
My suggetion is a racoon (aka "Trash Panda") skeleton for the featured bonework on the Urbie's Phranken skin.
It could feature a little of the splattered color channel around the eyes, for the mask. It could also use a strategically-placed splatter obscuring the area at the base of the spine where it crosses the waist joint, to distract just enough from the "disjoint" when Urbie goes 360.
Alternately, bears raid trashcans too, and may have a better barrel-shaped profile to fit the geometry.

I'm big on the idea of the trashpanda, though the bear would be cool too. Can we make this a thing?