Mystere, on 18 December 2015 - 10:04 AM, said:
But, PGI could have chosen a different IP, or the 3025 era, or the Dark Ages. But, no, no, no, in their infinite wisdom they just had to chose the Clan Invasion and then completely junk one of the defining characteristics of that era.
Thank the big bang that PGI did pick up Battletech and Mechwarrior as we probably would not have this great game or any other Battletech Title!
Keep in mind that the succesion wars and clan invasion are the pretty most beloved battletech eras. Even if they did start in 3025 only (as they did) soon players would have asked for the clans. So really the problem of balancing IS and Clan would only have been shifted. And if they would have chosen Dark Ages people would have turned blind because of those buddugly mech designs. (I'm really excited to see how Alex will do his magic on those in the far future, ahh and love to play in the Jihad era some day to as it will be before the dark ages)
So the time chosen is just right to offer us players the biggest diversity of well known mechs we all wanted to have in a computer game for literally decades. And big gratz to PGI for beeing the first to actually balance IS and Clan tech, which the creators of battletech themselfes called a big mistake in balancing! So they have no easy job on their hands but they have done far better then every previous mechwarrior title so far.
Also when playing Clans - and playing with 12 players is your biggest concern - I for my part have absolutely no problem to think of it as an reinforced Binary.