For those that were unable to make it, here is the transcript of Paul ‘s afterhours Q&A that followed the Developer chat with Omid Kiarostami. Enjoy – cheers!
[15:00] <FoxD> Thank you guys, from all of us here at PGI and IGP!
[15:00] <FoxD> I'll unmoderate the room shortly.
[15:00] <[PGI]JustSomeDude_MoveAlong> I see Omid and I are going to have to have a talk about the symbiotic relationship between Engineering and Design
[15:00] <FoxD> Feel free to stay awhile and chat.
[15:00] <IGP_Mike> ============================================== A full transcript will be posted online soon.
[15:01] <FoxD> You may now chit-chat!
[15:02] <FoxD> You're welcome!
[15:02] <[SJR]Dale> Transcript:
[15:03] <Urblam> FULL answer here: "Haha, funny you should ask. Our Animation Engineer - Peter Chea - once threw in an implementation like that. He had it setup so if you were dashing across uneven footing, your 'Mech could trip and
send you flat on your face. It was absolutely hilarious to watch, but also got a little annoying so we took it out. I can't say it would never come back, but we want to make sure actually piloting the 'Mech thro
[15:04] <Urblam> "I can't say it would never come back, but we want to make sure actually piloting the 'Mech through rough terrain is not infuriating!"
[15:05] <[SJR]Dale> Heading out, again, Transcript:
[15:05] <DTemplar5> Yeah; I am kinda sad that they didn't talk more about the Community Warfare, but it did open up on how they approched stuff; and I find it a good and satsifying approch.
[15:06] <[PGI]JustSomeDude_MoveAlong> DTemplar5: I'll answer for you... community warfare has been pushed out to post launch and we will not discuss it's current or planned state until closer to that time.
[15:08] <Urblam> There's a method in place, but we don't have a full explanation ready yet.
[15:08] <[DS]Boom> lol id like to.. just so pumped. Hard not to be a little sad that's all.
[15:08] <[PGI]JustSomeDude_MoveAlong> [DS]Boom: Omid is the gameplay engineer... programmer... the questions you have are about design.
[15:09] == [PGI]JustSomeDude_MoveAlong has changed nick to [PGI]Paul_Inouye
[15:09] <Targetloc> What is MWO being programmed in?
[15:09] <FoxD> LISP
[15:09] <FoxD> It's being programmed in LISP
[15:09] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> C++ and C# for scripting needs
[15:10] <Drakeblade> ->@JustSomeDude can you clearify something is the 80$ ingame credit c-bills or other currency? I have heard mixed answers from forum.
[15:10] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> the $80 credit is $80 worth of MechWarrior Credits (MC)
[15:12] <MoxVoid> Yeah but how many mechs would 80$ of in game mechwarrior credit get you?
[15:13] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> Mox.. depends on the mech... some are more expensive than the others
[15:13] <FoxD> The chat sesions has ended.
[15:13] <FoxD> The transcript is available here:
[15:14] <FoxD> Returning you to your regularly scheduled bat channel.
[15:14] <DTemplar5> RAM; one thing they answered was shifting the online authentication from client to server. Definately interesting to note.
[15:14] <Thontor> Are the number of hardpoints still in flux? or have you decided on something like limiting the hardpoints to 1 per weapon of the base mech variant
[15:15] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> hardpoints are in flux until we state they're final
[15:15] <EmperorMyrf> Are the prices for mechs/parts 1:1 with the tabletop values? Or is that still being played with?
[15:16] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> EmperorMyrf: there is no reason to stay with 1:1 pricing with table top.. they will vary
[15:16] <xjessicarabitx> Question, will a commander, have to look at a command screen, to call down support/ airstrikes, and will that view 100% block whats going on, outside their mech?
[15:16] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> xjessicarabitx: yes
[15:16] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> but more will come on the commander role since it has changed drastically from what it was before
[15:17] <Kiyoshi101> Is the commander screen similar to mech commander 2?
[15:17] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> Kiyoshi101: you'll haave to wait to find out
[15:17] <FoxD>

[15:17] <Rot> Paul, Are there any plans of giving us the option of changing our 'Tags' up. I am all for us being forced to keep the same Pilot name but would like an option to add/change something before and after. Many MPBT vets enjoyed
this option for roleplaying. We considered them our uniform
[15:17] <zzSleeper> it has been stated that heavier mechs will earn more to compensate for increased repair costs. does this mean that the goal is for every mech to have the same expected net income before bonuses?
[15:17] <Kiyoshi101> Ok may i ask one last question? is there an excat date founders programme will end?
[15:18] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> Rot: that is something that will be discussed soon in an announcment
[15:18] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> Kiyoshi101: staff doesn't know.. that's a russ/bryan/IGP kind of question
[15:18] <smurtle> paul
[15:18] <smurtle> will you be my friend
[15:19] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> I'm no-one's friend
[15:19] <MechaDraco> Paul I dont suppose you could answer my question when it comes to the after battle free repairs, we know that they are supposed to be battle ready, which means they can be used again in another battle, but jsut how
much, is battle ready?
[15:19] <FoxD> Paul's only friend is a bottle of whiskey.
[15:19] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> MechaDraco: about 25% repaired
[15:20] <FoxD> Paul why are we still in the channel?
[15:20] <Rot> Paul, one last thing.. What did you think about the suggestion that the Dev's play Clan mechs (When being introduced) for a weeks/months and tearing up the InnerSphere players?
[15:20] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> Clans will not be discussed anytime in the near future
[15:20] <Rhiawhyn_Zerinth> Paul, I have an interesting question. Will it be possible to have custom private games (of which likely wont give monitary rewards) for practice and similer?
[15:21] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> private matches are a no
[15:21] <Drakeblade> Paul is their somethin that is goingto keep you from joining a game with full of people that didnt repair because we both know that if their is no limit it can and will happen.
[15:21] <Rhiawhyn_Zerinth> Or is it just matchmaking?
[15:22] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> To All Inquiring: There is no way that you will go too many rounds without money to repair... you will have to see what happens on release... Beta players a bit sooner.
[15:22] == [PGI]Omid was kicked from #mechwarrior by FoxD [Omid is how suffering from a critical existance failure.]
[15:22] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> Private matches are no for now
[15:23] <[PGI]Paul_Inouye> and I need to go finish up with some documentation on how to punish the engineers for their comments.
Edited by RAM, 11 July 2012 - 04:33 PM.