Tarogato, on 24 January 2016 - 04:49 PM, said:
Most of that isn't worth replying to, but there are two points I'd like to make:
1) I played Clans for two or three months after their release and then went back to the IS, realizing very quickly that the IS was the better faction. I was piloting TDRs with XL engines against Clanners waaaaay before Quirks were even a thought, and winning consistently. At no point, have I ever considered the Clans to be OP.
2) Clans are very limited right now because of how locked down they are. Each chassis only has a couple of viable builds, chiefly constituted of swapping most of the Omnipods out for the energy dense ones. Case in point, look at the Summoner. It can do about five builds. Listed:
Gauss + PPC (No longer viable in light of recent Gauss nerf)
LRMs (Blah)
SRMs (Bad hit-reg)
Dual PPCs (Hot, bad hit-reg)
All energy (MLs and LPLs - overdone)
So, really, it has one good build and four so-so builds that are barely playable. This is typical of most of the Clan Mechs. You have one good build (two if you're lucky), a couple of barely playable ones, and that's it. Compared to the bevy of builds that the IS can field, it's somewhat embarrassing. Omnis are supposed to have the most customization, and instead, they are the most restrictive.
I mean, really, c'mon. The IS may have hard-coded hardpoints, but you can do so much more with them because of slots and engine customization. Your inane claim that unlocking the chassis will restrict choice is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. How can adding more options make customization more limited???
If I want to put a small engine in my Nova and run an AC/20, why should I not be allowed to do so? If I want to put a big engine in my ultra-fragile Kit Fox, why should I be prohibited? Unlocking chassis will help far more than it can hurt.
Anyways, 'nuff of that. I remember you now from before. You're kind of a waste of time and forum space. All you need to know are the following:
1) IS has been better, in terms of gameplay at least, since day one.
2) For a while now, the IS has been better in terms of combat ability too. I've been saying this, as have others, and we are correct.
3) There is no sane reason to lock up the Clan OmniMechs as the
only Mechs that cannot be fully customized, particularly when they should be the ones with the most customization.
4) MW4 was a blast. If you're a tryhard meta guy, then chill; remember that you're a minority here and that PGI should focus on making the game fun. MW4 did many things well, chief of which was that it was fun to play. PGI should seek to emulate that and quit trying to make this into an e-sport that caters to tryhards that don't know
how to relax and have fun.