I hear a lot of whining about P2W and ZOMGIRL$$$WTF.
Check out the event for this weekend. WITHOUT EVER SPENDING A SINGLE DIME OF YOUR OWN MONEY AT ALL, you may win:
-Two (2) days of active Premium Time
-Four (4) packages of C-Bill purchasable comsumable modules (air/artillery strike, UAV, CoolShot)
-Two-Hundred Fifty (250) Mechwarrior Credits (MC)
-Five-Hundred Thousand (500,000) C-Bills
-Paint colors, cockpit items, etc.
To earn those? Look here. It's fairly easy, and a lot of it is cumulative. By "cumulative", they mean that you don't have to do it all in one match, maintain some consistent performance across X matches, or average some number of this or that per match through that period. Some players will inevitably earn ALL of those rewards in as few as six (6) matches. It's actually not that hard (TWSS).
So, no whining. Go get you some. Stuff that P2W talk up your jump jets. Go get your FREE stuff, because it's FREE.
Edited by TheRAbbi, 17 December 2015 - 12:25 PM.