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Resistance 1 Or 2 Pack For New Player?

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#1 BoseMensch


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 04:57 PM

So I have elited my hunchys, and mastered two of the three. I cant stand the 4G, for some reason I just can't play well with it, so will not be finishing mster with it at this point.

At any rate, I'm going to buy either the resistance 1 pack or the resistance 2 pack. I want to stick with IS mechs for now, as they are what I am used to using, and I figure after I elite the four mechs from one pack, I will have enough c bills to buy clan mechs if I want em. I do have a few questions though before I make the plunge. I know the preorder stuff is WAY past getting, but want to make sure that the preorder was just the additional mechs. The sale page makes it look like the early purchase bonuses were just the hero versions of each mech. Is that correct, or does the preorder bonus stuff include the premium time, colors, etc.

I guess the bottom line is this: if I buy the pack, do I only get the mechs and bays for them, or do I get the premium time, title/badges, and faction content as well? I know that the special variants are clearly part of the preorder, and I don't mind missing out on those at all.

Also, if you were in my spot, would you get R1 or R2?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me! Hunt well.

#2 Mirenheart


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 05:33 PM

Both R1 and R2 are kinda meh. The Mauler is alot of fun, and the Crab is apparently decent, so R2 would be better, but they aren't really worth the price you have to pay for them. Also, all the mechs in them are available for Cbills now.
From the looks of it, you would get the titles and faction content still, but the fourth variants (which aren't hero variants) and the cockpit items are passed by now.

Personally, if you really want to pay money for some mechs, look at the mastery bundles. They give you 3 mechs for a chassis, one Hero, one Champion, and one normal variant, as well as mech bays for them, some premium time, and a cockpit item (for some). The big thing is the hero mech, which can sometimes be pretty expensive to buy with MC.

-Firestarter or Jenner packs would be good to get, but lightmechs pilot very differently from any other weight class, so I would suggest testing them out first before getting one.

-Griffins are pretty good, the Sparky is a nice energy boat, and the 2N is a very good close range mech.
-Wolverines are decent, with the 6K being the best of them.
-Blackjacks are amazing right now, getting the pack would be great.

-Jagermechs are always a good pickup. They're flimsy mechs that'll die pretty quick, but they pack a big punch.
-Catapults are doing well, the missle varriants can do well with SRMS in close quarters, and the Jester is a good laser mech.
-Thunderbolts have been powerhouses for a while, being the top most used Inner Sphere mech in competitions since the quirks were introduced, and all three variants in the pack are good.

The Atlas found some life recently, and has been seeing alot of use again, though that pack doesnt come with the AS7-S, which is currently the best chassis.

Beyond those packs are the individual mechs they've been releasing lately, the Marauder, the Warhammer, the Rifleman, and the Archer. Most of them you'll have to wait until they're released to get them, but the Marauder is currently out.
For all four of them, you can pay $20 for just the three basic mechs plus some goodies, $40 for a fourth mech, which is a special version of one of the other three you got, plus more goodies. And for an extra $15, you get the hero variant they come with.

TLDR: Resistance packs aren't worth paying real money, try a Mastery bundle or an individual pack (Marauder, Warhammer, Rifleman, Archer).

Edited by Mirenderp, 20 December 2015 - 05:36 PM.

#3 BoseMensch


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 06:42 PM

Thanks Mirenderp! I know that all of those variants are available for c bills, but I don't have much at this point because I spent it all eliting my hunchys. I really like them, but want to experience some other weight classes as well. I figured that a resistance pack would give me that exposure while letting me play those mechs to see if I liked them (while maintaining the ability to modify them) and all the while building my c notes so I can buy a GOOD mech in the weight class that I end up liking the most. I figure I can sell off most of the mechs to free up bays once I elite them. For sure my 4G is getting sold, as I hate that platform, but only after I master it.

It also looks like a bit better economy to buy the resistance packs. just the 2 mechs/bays & 2 months premium time beats the cost for three bundles, which would only get 9 mechs/bays, but would have to spend more actual cash to get. For example, the total cost for thunderbolt bundle is 6600 MC and jaeger bundle at 6900 MC is just over 12K MC, which costs $50 (which would net 6 mechs/bays, and 2 months premium).

I understand that I dont get the specialty mechs that come in the mastery bundles, but I dont know that I'd really miss them that much. I was just looking to get broader exposure to the weight classes, while building up MC so I can buy great mechs in a weight class that I like. selling off mechs I don't like as I go. Just seemed the economy was better with the resistance packs is all.

I just wasnt sure which of the two packs would be better, and whether the addys would still be included.... They really should just take the early purchase bonus off the stuff listed for those packs since its no longer available.... Just my thought. Anyhow, thanks again for your advice! I'll definitely keep it in mind for when I start getting GOOD mechs with c bills I earn. :o)
Good hunting!

#4 Ace Selin


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 07:50 PM

I would go for Resistance pack 2 out of those 2 packs.

The Mauler is a great assault and dakka/auto cannons are fun to play.
The Black Knight is a strong laser build currently and at the top of the heavy tonnage scale.
The Crab is a decent and cool looking smallish medium mech.
Wolfhound is a decent light (lack off JJ not ideal) but can be used for longer range poking too.

You would get 3 variants of each mech so 12 in total (one that would be a variant with 30% CBill boost).
You would also get to choose 6 Faction packs if you went for the Mauler / top tier option, which would include lots of colors, Warhorns and the Faction Pattern Unlocks for included mechs.
You also get x 60 Days (Banked) Premium Time.

As you say you would only miss on the early adopter awards of a 4th variant et al.

Edited by Ace Selin, 20 December 2015 - 07:54 PM.

#5 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 12:28 AM

I in my opinion R2 was better than R1, comparing Mech by Mech Wolfhound R2 is better than Panther R1, Crab R2 is about equily good as Enforcer R1, Black Knight R2 is slightly better then Grasshopper R1, Mauler R2 is better than Zeus R1

those are my opinions I am sure some people will disagree but in my opinion only 1 of the R1 Mechs is "good" and that is the Enforcer, compared to 3 good (not top tier competitive but still good) Resistance 2 Mechs and 1 average Mech (Black Knight)

#6 Ano


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 09:52 AM

If you're going to buy one, I'd generally agree that the R2 mechs are probably the better option.

Just to put it out there, though: if you want to try some different weight classes, might it be worth spending some time in the current batch of trial mechs before putting your hand in your pocket?

I know that not being able to customise the loadout is something of a drag, but the IS trial mechs should all have fairly decent loadouts as they were redesigned by the community (rather than being stock mechs). If you spend a bit of time in a mech and decide you like it enough to buy it (via whatever mechanism -- Cbills, MC, mastery pack, a mechpack if there's one available) then the XP you earned on the trial will be available on your purchased mech so you can unlock a bunch of skills straight away.

If you have the spare cash, then by all means buy a Resistance pack or some master bundles, but $80 is a relatively expensive way of trying out different weight classes!

EDITED TO ADD a further thought re: the R1/R2 mechs:
The R1 pack's mechs are perhaps a little more varied in terms of loadouts you can carry. R2's Wolfhound, Crab and Black Knight are energy-only mechs -- there are NO variants which have missile or ballistic hardpoints. From a current meta PoV, that's not crippling, as energy weapons are powerful, but it does limit any experimentation you might want to do with Gauss, ACs and missile systems to the Mauler.

Edited by Ano, 21 December 2015 - 10:08 AM.

#7 Koniving

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Posted 21 December 2015 - 10:04 AM

View PostBoseMensch, on 20 December 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

The sale page makes it look like the early purchase bonuses were just the hero versions of each mech. Is that correct, or does the preorder bonus stuff include the premium time, colors, etc.

I guess the bottom line is this: if I buy the pack, do I only get the mechs and bays for them, or do I get the premium time, title/badges, and faction content as well? I know that the special variants are clearly part of the preorder, and I don't mind missing out on those at all.

Also, if you were in my spot, would you get R1 or R2?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me! Hunt well.

Neither pack ever included a "hero" variant. However they all have an ® distinguished variant that gives the hero's bonus of 30% cbills. Still regular mechs though.

The "4th variant" is just a variant that isn't included with the pack also being released at the same time. You 'could' have gotten it included back then but otherwise there isn't anything 'special' with it. It is not a hero.

You still get the colors, faction patterns (of your choosing), badges, titles, and premium time. Of course they always include the mechbays to house the mechs too.

What you can't get are "Early adopter" awards. That's it.

Far as what to get... do you like missiles? Resistance 1. Only the Mauler carries missiles on Resistance 2.
Do you like some autocannons? Resistance 1, Enforcer and Zeus.
Do you like LOTS of autocannons? Resistance 2, Mauler.

Otherwise there isn't a terrible amount of difference between them.

#8 Bud Crue


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 10:32 AM

View PostBoseMensch, on 20 December 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

Also, if you were in my spot, would you get R1 or R2?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me! Hunt well.

View PostAno, on 21 December 2015 - 09:52 AM, said:

The R1 pack's mechs are perhaps a little more varied in terms of loadouts you can carry. R2's Wolfhound, Crab and Black Knight are energy-only mechs -- there are NO variants which have missile or ballistic hardpoints. From a current meta PoV, that's not crippling, as energy weapons are powerful, but it does limit any experimentation you might want to do with Gauss, ACs and missile systems to the Mauler.

If the goal is to try a variety of different play styles you have to go with R1. I like my R2 mechs better but the R1 mechs provide way more diversity of play.

R2: As stated above the Wolf Hound, Crab and Black Knight are all energy mechs. The Mauler is more mixed, but 1 out of 4 for variety is not exactly beneficial if you are wanting to try a variety of play styles.

R1: You get a mixed missle/energy light in the Panther, plus the Panther is a great mech to learn how to guard your shooting arm and to position. Similarly, the Enforcer provides some really fun mixed ballistics/energy builds, plus the very odd 2UAC 5 build that will, if nothing else, teach you patience and target selection. The Grasshopper is for all intent and purpose an energy build (throw away missile point in the head), but the jump jets and high energy mounts on some of the builds give them some variety of play (brawler or sniper, etc). Lastly, the Zeus is the most survivable Assault for running an XL (though some argue the Battlemaster). Lots of builds out there, and with its quirks and relatively small profile it is a very forgiving Assault to play.

#9 Charlie Grant


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 01:30 PM

The panther does not provide a typical light mech experience. If one of your goals in buying a resistance pack is to walk away with a fast light mech that carries a lot of small energy weapons, then resistance 1 is bound to disappoint.

#10 Not A Real RAbbi


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 01:53 PM

I own neither, and am not particularly impressed with either. That said...

I've seen the mechs from both packages out there on the battlefield. One cool thing about the Panther: It's got ridiculous quirks. The PNT-10K is a monster light ERPPC sniper. I've seen many a fight in which one of those finished off strong, with 4-6 kills and stupid amounts of damage.

The Wolfhound hasn't really done much for me, and the Black Knight seems kinda blah. The Crab, though? Pretty cool mech. IS medium laser boat, with a low profile and some minor, helpful quirks. And the Mauler has been the Inner Sphere's favorite answer so far to the DakkaWhale. I was impressed, really, as I expected those big missile torsos to make it squish more.

Based on what I see out there in the game, I'd recommend the R2 over the R1. If all you're after is the better light, though, then you might consider the Panther, depending on how you intend to play it.

#11 Marduk2


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 02:17 PM

For all the packages (except Clan 1 cause those are much to cherry-pick ingame), which is the best? I don't have any preferences for build beyond a dislike of slow-moving brawlers (IE. I don't want a mech that sacrifices both range and speed), and I simply want to get a large number of mechs for my money. Or would mastery packs be a better choice (already own Misery so Stalker bundle is a skip)? And whats the probability of a sale in the near future?

Edited by Marduk2, 21 December 2015 - 02:19 PM.

#12 Charlie Grant


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 02:53 PM

An upcoming New Years sale would not surprise me. However, do not expect mech packs sold for cash (rather than MC) like resistance packs to be placed on sale. That would be unprecedented. More likely is a discount on MC prices for individual heroes and champions. A cbill sale on normal mechs is also not unheard of.

#13 Anunknownlurker


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 03:18 PM

I wouldn't get either Resistance pack for real money; all but two of the mechs are now available for C-Bills and the last two should be soon - over the next couple of months. You would be better off, in my opinion, spending money on premium time and mechbays then picking up the mechs as and when you can afford the space bucks.

I pretty much agree with TheRAbbi in his analysis and would heartily recommend the Crab from personal experience, the 27SL in particular is great fun and very effective.

#14 M0rdresh


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 03:53 PM

The question is, does the whole pack appeal to you ?
If it does, it's a great deal, but I personally prefer to cherry pick what I want.

So far I have a special version of the King Crab, Awesome and Thunderbolt.
(yeah no kidding, I love assault and heavy)

Oh and the King Crab is absolutely awesome.
Whether it's the quad UAC5 or dual AC20 setup, pretty great Mech !

Edited by M0rdresh, 21 December 2015 - 03:55 PM.

#15 BoseMensch


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 04:44 PM

Thanks for all the input everyone! It was super helpful. I ended up going with the R2 pack, and have been playing the crab a lot today and am 2/3 from eliteing them. Looking forward to the mauler next, as it will be the first assault mech I've driven. One interesting thing is that while I got the mechs and premium time, I didn't get any of the faction stuff. Kinda bummed about that, but oh well...

Again, thanks everyone! Hunt well out there!

#16 Unreliable Mercenary


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 04:59 PM

The one with the crab and the black knight!

#17 Darwins Dog


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 05:05 PM

View PostBoseMensch, on 21 December 2015 - 04:44 PM, said:

Thanks for all the input everyone! It was super helpful. I ended up going with the R2 pack, and have been playing the crab a lot today and am 2/3 from eliteing them. Looking forward to the mauler next, as it will be the first assault mech I've driven. One interesting thing is that while I got the mechs and premium time, I didn't get any of the faction stuff. Kinda bummed about that, but oh well...

Again, thanks everyone! Hunt well out there!

You have to claim the faction stuff from the website. https://mwomercs.com/profile/content
You click the ones you want, then it gives you an "are you sure" message. Next time you log in it should give you all the fun stuff.

#18 BoseMensch


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 06:44 PM

View PostOwen Miller, on 21 December 2015 - 04:59 PM, said:

The one with the crab and the black knight!

Yup. That's the one I got. Liking it so far! Am finishing up elite with the crabs, then move up to the mauler I think.

View PostDarwins Dog, on 21 December 2015 - 05:05 PM, said:

You have to claim the faction stuff from the website. https://mwomercs.com/profile/content
You click the ones you want, then it gives you an "are you sure" message. Next time you log in it should give you all the fun stuff.

Thanks! The purchase screen should tell you that... Anyhow, now I have all the colors and such unlocked. Now I can pretty up my mechs a bit.

#19 Leone


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Posted 21 December 2015 - 09:56 PM

View PostBoseMensch, on 20 December 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

I cant stand the 4G, for some reason I just can't play well with it, so will not be finishing mster with it at this point.

Perhaps a Fresh Perspective will help? I know it breathed fresh life into my 4G.


#20 Anachronda


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 02:52 AM

View PostBoseMensch, on 20 December 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

So I have elited my hunchys, and mastered two of the three. I cant stand the 4G, for some reason I just can't play well with it, so will not be finishing mster with it at this point.

I'd put an AC/20 on that 4G. Here's the build I used to master it, which has worked pretty well. It's one of my favorite mechs and my favorite hunchback. With mechs, build is everything:

HBK-4G - BoomBack

Tweak armor and such as it pleases you, but the weapons are pretty good. I built this a long time ago so I may revisit it based on what I have learned. Still, I kind of feel like this mech is the real Grid Iron because it feels so much like I am spiking a football when I blast people from above. Hunchbacks' head lasers are nice, too, because it gives you something to use when everything else is gone. Standard engine in this case means they can tear up everything and you keep going (zombiemech), but hey do what works for you.

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