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Hbk-Iic-B Build Log

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#1 cleghorn6


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 08:06 AM

Since there are a bunch of new people about, I thought I'd try something different. I'll go through the IIC 'mechs and have a look at my builds as compared to the stock builds. I use stock builds for my First Impressions videos (link to my YouTube channel in my sig), mostly because I'm bloody minded and I like a challenge. Sometimes stock builds can surprise you.

Not very often though.

'Mech building is one of the most complicated parts of the game and to my mind one of the most enjoyable. Hopefully if I can describe what I'm doing with a build and why, it will be a helpful resource for new players.

So the first 'mech I'm building is the HBK-IIC-B, mostly because there is a clear and easy build improvement for it. Here's the stock config: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...c17f0c5f893fb55

It has a few key problems. First, it has only short range weapons. On its own this isn't a massive problem however it's also very slow for a medium and very lightly armored. Which means you need to get in close to do any damage, you can't get away and you can't weather any kind of beating. Add to that, the Streaks needs locks, so you need lots of face time. You can't just pop out, fire and duck away. All of which leads to this: https://youtu.be/bYp930kfHyw

Spoiler: it ends badly for me.

Here is what I did: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...95d0ac9888efb07

I switched out the Streak SRM6s for normal SRM6s. No locks required, snap shots ahoy. I upped the armor to max on everything important (torsos & legs) and used any spare tonnage on the arms. There's nothing important in the arms so I'm not concerned if someone shoots them off (that's why I moved the heat sinks to the torsos). Oh, and I up-rated the engine to a 250 (yes, I know I could have put a 255 in for the same tonnage, lets call it a weak moment and move on).

The difference is dramatic: https://youtu.be/_lbAOjCdFCU

Not a win but a much improved performance. I'll try it again and see how it goes.

My build is far from min/max'ed. You could drop a couple of jump jets and most if not all of the armor from the arms (or a ton of ammo if I find I'm not using it) and squeeze in a slightly larger engine or Artemis on the missile launchers (Artemis tightens the grouping on the missiles making them a much more precise weapon, especially at range, at the cost of weight (def) and crit slots (I think?) ).

As I say, we shall see how it performs, maybe we will be back to review some of those changes.

EDIT: I'll add a link to my video announce thread so you can read my explanation of just what I'm trying to achieve by posting videos of me getting rekt in the face.


Edited by cleghorn6, 22 December 2015 - 08:33 AM.

#2 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:03 AM

Here's what I've been running. Similar, but trading a few sinks and most of the arm armor (since they're useless as shields) for Artemis and a big engine. It's warmer, but you can't really stay in the line of fire too long with this 'Mech anyway. I'm 100% sold on having that extra speed; it has saved my bacon where having one more shot before meltdown would not have. Kept all of the jets because they open up so many flanking opportunities... assault rear torso, omnomnom!

#3 Hexenhammer


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:11 AM

I ran with 4xSSRM 6 w/BAP and 275 XL engine. The BAP makes a world of difference with Streaks. I can't count the number of times a mech shut down to escape me and I kept firing.

Tactically I had to wait out the first 1/3d of the match. Heavies and Assaults are too fresh and best left alone.

Lights and the last half of the match is where this build shines. With its top spread of 98.5 after unlocks, keeping up with lights is possible and after 2-3 three alpha strikes their ready to get bug out. Taking on heavies and mediums is also possible during the last phase of the fight because they are opened up and while I don't have control over where the streaks it, it usually doesn't matter.

With that said running a streak HBK is a dangerous affair. Its not an meta alpha strike build. Getting in a brawl with a fresh heavy or assault is going to end badly. Running out of ammo is a huge risk, but man is it ever fun to play!

#4 cleghorn6


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:23 AM

Both good options.

For those keeping score at home, shifting the JJ into the torso and putting the HS into the legs (as SP WrathOfDeadguy has done) will give you a slight heat advantage when you're waist deep in water. Sometimes a slight advantage is all you need.

Hexenhammer is describing advanced tactics (very well, I might add). If you're going to stick with Streaks, the classic Leeroy Jenkins isn't a good option for you. Even basic deathball is probably dangerous until the battle lines are properly formed and you know you're not going to stumble into something big and shooty before you're ready.

#5 Leone


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 10:16 AM

I had a spare STD 125 lying around and a few extra lrm 20's. Pretty much just using this one in CW right now.


#6 cleghorn6


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 01:07 AM

View PostLeone, on 22 December 2015 - 10:16 AM, said:

I had a spare STD 125 lying around and a few extra lrm 20's. Pretty much just using this one in CW right now.


That's ... interesting. I'm not sure I could recommend it, but you know, whatever works for you.

Does give me a fun build idea though, you could easily build this as the IIC equivalent of the -J rather than the -SP. Not sure if you could carry enough laser punch to back up the LRMs though.

Here are my next couple of matches in the build I posted in the OP. I do feel like more speed would be useful, I'm just not sure if I want to give up enough tonnage to up-rate (or spend the 4 million or so CBills on the new engine). I'll have a play with the build and see what I can do.



#7 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 09:57 AM

If (and I must stress, if) I ever ran LRMs on this 'Mech, it would look like this. LRM10s focus damage better (and better still with Artemis), fire faster, and the ghost heat penalty for firing an alpha is a lot less crazy than for 4x20s. It's not as fast as a close range config would need to be, but can still keep up with the pack. Finally, it has enough ammo to last the whole match. If LRMs were worth taking most of the time, this wouldn't be a bad 'Mech to run them on.

Edited by PS WrathOfDeadguy, 23 December 2015 - 09:57 AM.

#8 cleghorn6


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Posted 27 December 2015 - 07:36 AM

I'd be tempted to run 4 x LRM5s for continuous rain but with only the 2 CT energy points, you can only fit cERLL rather than cLPL unless you strip armor (or drop engine). Bad compromises all around.

Meanwhile, I changed up my actual load out. I maxed the engine at the cost of a ton of ammo and some useless arm armor.


And it resulted in my highest damage match, ever.


I did kind of miss that ton of ammo at the end, but I'm not that good very often so I don't think it'll be a thing.

That's Basic skills done on the -B variant. I'll be skilling up the other variants (and running a Build Log thread for them too) before I return, triumphant, to Elite out and probably Master this one.

#9 K O N D O


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Posted 07 January 2016 - 11:41 PM

View Postcleghorn6, on 27 December 2015 - 07:36 AM, said:

Meanwhile, I changed up my actual load out. I maxed the engine at the cost of a ton of ammo and some useless arm armor.


I did kind of miss that ton of ammo at the end, but I'm not that good very often so I don't think it'll be a thing.

Word of advice.
Press the Ferro button on the build you posted. Get 1.5 tonne back and add the missing tonne of ammo and the arm armor back.

#10 cleghorn6


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 07:32 AM

View PostWarHammerEBDA, on 07 January 2016 - 11:41 PM, said:

Word of advice.
Press the Ferro button on the build you posted. Get 1.5 tonne back and add the missing tonne of ammo and the arm armor back.

Not enough free slots. Nice try though.

EDIT: I take that back, I was looking at my old build in Smurfy. Still doesn't get me anything though, I don't need the armor on the arms and I can't fit more ammo, except in aforementioned armor limited arms. Low armor and ammo do not mix.

Edited by cleghorn6, 14 January 2016 - 07:54 AM.

#11 Dakkaface


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 03:15 PM

View Postcleghorn6, on 22 December 2015 - 08:06 AM, said:

Here is what I did: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...95d0ac9888efb07

I switched out the Streak SRM6s for normal SRM6s. No locks required, snap shots ahoy. I upped the armor to max on everything important (torsos & legs) and used any spare tonnage on the arms. There's nothing important in the arms so I'm not concerned if someone shoots them off (that's why I moved the heat sinks to the torsos). Oh, and I up-rated the engine to a 250 (yes, I know I could have put a 255 in for the same tonnage, lets call it a weak moment and move on).

The difference is dramatic: https://youtu.be/_lbAOjCdFCU

Not a win but a much improved performance. I'll try it again and see how it goes.

My build is far from min/max'ed. You could drop a couple of jump jets and most if not all of the armor from the arms (or a ton of ammo if I find I'm not using it) and squeeze in a slightly larger engine or Artemis on the missile launchers (Artemis tightens the grouping on the missiles making them a much more precise weapon, especially at range, at the cost of weight (def) and crit slots (I think?) ).

As I say, we shall see how it performs, maybe we will be back to review some of those changes.

My build is similar but with a few tweaks - I went with the XL255, I dropped the CT weapons to ER Meds to save two tons and give myself a bit more range. I packed Artemis IV on - it's 4 tons and 4 crits, but from my experience running the SRM30 Summoner, you really want that tightened spread. I swap the ammo and jump jets - ammo in the legs, a couple JJ's in the torso. On the regular Hunch that's a bit of a gamble, but on the Hunchii, there's no reason not to focus entirely on the torso to blow out the XL and because it has no durability quirks. I've never been legged in the IIC.

#12 Thunderchild


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 05:59 AM

View Postcleghorn6, on 14 January 2016 - 07:32 AM, said:

Not enough free slots. Nice try though.

EDIT: I take that back, I was looking at my old build in Smurfy. Still doesn't get me anything though, I don't need the armor on the arms and I can't fit more ammo, except in aforementioned armor limited arms. Low armor and ammo do not mix.

There is a cockpit slot free :) for that 1 ton of srm ammo

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