Clan/is Balance
Posted 25 December 2015 - 11:00 AM
Posted 25 December 2015 - 11:07 AM
Alienized, on 25 December 2015 - 10:57 AM, said:
hm bad mech.... if its that bad... how can a *bad player* like me get the ace of spades title with a executioner.... propably playing it right.
a banshee? l3l a barn door that requires XL and is easy to take out. gargles is underestimated because its a brawl mech (like the executioner, it just requires too much skill and balls to play it right, sorry for those who cant.)
if you dont understand how a mech works then you should not talk about the mech. as you just done.
oh and im such noob. i know myself. lel.
You got you ace os spades beacuse you were lucky, agaisnt noobs on the game.
I got my ace of spades a long time ago with my Hunchie 4G (F). And with my Jagger dual AC20 i got once 10 kills.
And yes, you are a noob... a guy to actually say that the executioner is OP!!!! LMAO
Please, i so much want to get you on the battlefield lol
Posted 25 December 2015 - 11:13 AM
Spadejack, on 25 December 2015 - 11:07 AM, said:
I got my ace of spades a long time ago with my Hunchie 4G (F). And with my Jagger dual AC20 i got once 10 kills.
And yes, you are a noob... a guy to actually say that the executioner is OP!!!! LMAO
Please, i so much want to get you on the battlefield lol
its not OP its a fine mech and far away from beeing crap. if you load that mech with ppc, er large lasers etc it will always be bad lol. sadly alot of people dont understand easy things like this. same happens to the gargles.
oh and so long ago... against noobs. congratz l3l.
im not even taking u seriously since all you do is blatant boating anyway. like most forum warriors.
Kotev, on 25 December 2015 - 11:00 AM, said:
because alot of top units switched sides now, you just play against better players.
Posted 25 December 2015 - 11:39 AM
Alienized, on 25 December 2015 - 11:13 AM, said:
oh and so long ago... against noobs. congratz l3l.
im not even taking u seriously since all you do is blatant boating anyway. like most forum warriors.
because alot of top units switched sides now, you just play against better players.
Not a Forum warrior, a proven one. And you seem way to noob to take you seriously. A guy that actually thinks that a GAR and a EXC is a good and usefull mech?
I have 4 EXC and 3 GAR, mastered them all, and those suck... in my opinion the only viable assault clan mech is the warhawk... the whale is not playable whatsoever since the last patch that killed the clans...
Better players? Hummm.... than that is why the clans won tukkayyid... since 228, MS and other top teams decided to go clans... if it was the other way around, i wonder ...
Posted 25 December 2015 - 11:45 AM
Spadejack, on 25 December 2015 - 11:39 AM, said:
Not a Forum warrior, a proven one. And you seem way to noob to take you seriously. A guy that actually thinks that a GAR and a EXC is a good and usefull mech?
I have 4 EXC and 3 GAR, mastered them all, and those suck... in my opinion the only viable assault clan mech is the warhawk... the whale is not playable whatsoever since the last patch that killed the clans...
Better players? Hummm.... than that is why the clans won tukkayyid... since 228, MS and other top teams decided to go clans... if it was the other way around, i wonder ...
did u ever see where -MS- and so on are now? prob not so let me tell ya that -MS- are with steiner now. AS are on liao. 228 seem to be on rasalhague.
viable in what? executioner and gargles are pure brawlers, and they do that better than warhawk or direwolf for sure. if u want mobility then use a executioner and use its potential in staying mobile.
another thing is i never play any meta loadout ever. (exception is CW on a few occasions)
if you ever get out of your minmax then you even might learn to play executioner. until then... lolno.
Posted 25 December 2015 - 03:53 PM
Russhuster, on 25 December 2015 - 10:48 AM, said:
- Nobody is forced to play meta.
- There are alternatives to laser-vomit, both for IS and Clans. Only the lack of one's abilities leads to the conclusion, that laser-vomit is the strongest approach. It's just the most simple one.
Every Clan mech has compared to IS a ridiculous small payload. so no advantage in Speed at all en contraire i would say
out of the simple fact IS CAN go faster, the decision is with the player Clan CANT.
- Clan Mechs can equip almost any combination of weapons, the decision is with the player. IS mechs can't. IS and IIC mechs are built to use specific types of weapons, while Clan Onis are built to be run on specific speeds. What's the point?
with all the structure additional AR and agility quirks with imultanuously nerfing Clan in agility -20%
the survivabilzy Advantage is at the IS side , but please What gives more survivabuility to a clan mech the fact that its now moving/turning slower? Most IS mechs got Massive movement and agility quirks Clans got just the Nerf to the Face
- Mobility quirks for IS mechs are directed to specific chosen parameters, usually relative to other mech's properties. Mechs or variants, that are inherently better do not get substantial, if any, mobility bonuses. On the other hand, large Clan XL engines amplify all of these parameters, including Top and Reverse speeds. No IS mech currently has any Speed quirks. Some Clan mechs also has mobility quirks. Combined with relatively smaller profiles and sleek hitboxes, Clan Omni-mechs are indeed substantially harder to kill, if a pilot is not a potato.
-20% agility(Skilltree) PLUS 55% acc and decc Quirk 35% turn Rate +10 torso turn angle +15% torso twist quirk +massive AR quirks (+19 AR in the Arms ) + massive structure quirks up to additional 29 structure depending on the section)
so i would say the agility on Is was even after the Nerf higher than bevore on Clan side ? there was just the Nerf right?
This is a bit provocative spoken but i think you see my point
with the god-mode Quirks the Range advantage is with IS and people play meta and according to the quirks at least in CW i do see this almost only
Considering unquirked pure weapon range true there the Advantage is at Clanside but in an quirked mech this advantage is on IS side or egalized at the least
Edited by DivineEvil, 25 December 2015 - 03:59 PM.
Posted 25 December 2015 - 04:32 PM
Spadejack, on 25 December 2015 - 11:39 AM, said:
I have 4 EXC and 3 GAR, mastered them all, and those suck... in my opinion the only viable assault clan mech is the warhawk... the whale is not playable whatsoever since the last patch that killed the clans...
Better players? Hummm.... than that is why the clans won tukkayyid... since 228, MS and other top teams decided to go clans... if it was the other way around, i wonder ...
EXE' and GAR' are fine mechs. The problem lies with a general public, which is incapable of even rudimentary cooperation, which is required for marginally effective brawling. Both IS and Clan auditory is fixated around the idea of cowardish long and mid-range trading, thus the Clan mechs are regarded as good only as long as they're good at this particular playstyle.
GAR's, EXE's and NVA's are not good for tradings shots - their profiles are too large, and their hardpoints are too low. These mechs, even from lore standpoint, were designed for mobile brawling. All of their nature scream about that. They can quirkly move into the enemy line and disrupt it, while other mechs, like the DWFs, that you're so ignorantly underestimate, do the major bulk of the actual damage, unhindered. If you're incapable of understanding the nature of a mech by summing up it's basic features, you have a lot to learn in this game still.
This is Combined Arms 101 - the strongest army is the one with several types of units playing their best roles, covering for weaknesses of other types. It's not the uniform mess of mediocrities, which you call "the meta". Meta is a figment of popular opinion, nothing more. It's a byproduct of people's inability to embrace the infant degree of role warfare, that MWO currently has. Both IS and Clan groups are capable of wiping-out any perfectly meta-built team with properly mixed brawler/support decks, simply because it works against the primary drawback of current meta - unsustainability.
Posted 25 December 2015 - 06:11 PM
- Nobody is forced to play meta.
- There are alternatives to laser-vomit, both for IS and Clans. Only the lack of one's abilities leads to the conclusion, that laser-vomit is the strongest approach. It's just the most simple one.
Have you played CW recently? if you want to suceed you are forced to ply along the meta rules
Personal bias ? if you wish to articulate one likes to win , yes, then youre right
A Question What happens if you do not play along quirk or at least alon less Neerf on Clan side
The IS-God mode quirk buckets will stomp you as simple as that is - because alot of players DO follow the meta
As long the PPC Bug is not fixed and the UAC and AC are bugy as well the choice´s getting somewhat thinnish - isnt it?
what shall one use on CW ? srm ? yeah for sure - we should try to stay reasonable
Yes there are a whole lot Clan chassis suffering terribly under the Overall Nerfing of Clan on each and everything whilst competetive Chassis like the TBR can cope with Agility Nerf and several Heat-nerfs this is killing other Clan Chassis
Have you seen much Mist Lynx? Ferrets? KitFoxes? Novae? Summoner Gargoyles or even Executioner been played not to speak of the Whale? Now asking youself why s that so?
All or the large Number of Clan players do lack of ability? so whos biased there then? besides the you re just to bad of a player is just a cold one i know my average match score and alow myself to smirk for lame words like those
have you played a clan mech ? every clan tech is smaller true but every Clan mech has a way smaller Payload to compensate this for example you can pack 5 IS heavy pulse lasers plus 3-4 heat sinks in a Wubbolt but you cannot fit 5 clan heavy pulse lasers in an Helbringer without any heatsonk be notet you may fit that in when you strip almost all armor off
Zero leg, zero leg, Zero Arm etc still with no heatsink. so
if you fire that5 heavy pulsers in the Thunderbolt yiu dont even run hot
you can fire two times bevore the mech is in red area in hot cards it goes shutdown
Wjhat does happen when you dare to fire these 5 heavy pulsers in the helbringer on frozen City? one of the coldest environments Guess?
right immediate shutdown and heavy internal damage
on moderate cards you just blow up so who is housing more firepower?
Always consider the Clan tech may be smaller but Clan get as Nerf By coding very puny space for weapons or equipment
A 70 ton Clan mech gets measy 20 Ton payload an 80 Ton even royal 19.5 tons
even a Blackjack or a Firestarter do laugh over that payload
but please feel free to prove iam wrong
- Mobility quirks for IS mechs are directed to specific chosen parameters, usually relative to other mech's properties. Mechs or variants, that are inherently better do not get substantial, if any, mobility bonuses. On the other hand, large Clan XL engines amplify all of these parameters, including Top and Reverse speeds. No IS mech currently has any Speed quirks. Some Clan mechs also has mobility quirks. Combined with relatively smaller profiles and sleek hitboxes, Clan Omni-mechs are indeed substantially harder to kill, if a pilot is not a potato.
First that 20% agility Nerf we got all by the skilltree chhange but whilst the UIS got pampered quirks so the mech is more agile after the nerf as bevore the Clan mech just gets the Nerf in the Face and NOTHING else
True if a side torso is blewn out you get slower more than 20%( What is an additional thing) but a Clan player has no choice you can not change the engine
What happens when an IS standart engine gets the sid torso blewn out?
nothing ?
advantage for IS one could say following your line fo reasoning in the reverse no?
Following your line of reasoniong lagre IS reactors DO amplify those factors as well no?
AND the Player has the choice if and how far the trade Tonnage / Reactor shall go Clan Players Have NO Choice there
they cant even change Jump jets what are hardcoded as well as Structure or Armor
Three Choices a IS player has to gain flexibility and weight for the reactor
What has the Clan Player? NOTHING ? right.
the Clan Player has no choice. The IS player HAS that choice and that is the advantage for IS
and +35% torso twisting speed isnt geting substantial?
double internal structure isnt geting substantial? are you kidding? 2X + 19 Ar with NO weight Cost is not substantial???
Clan Mechs get if at all puny quirk rates of 5-10% some seldom guests as the adder gets abit more
but absolutely NOWHERE you see acc / decc Bonusses of 70% like in some IS mechs i call that Roadrunner Style instand stop and instand fullspeed
Smaller profiles? ever sat in a Nova Ebon Jaguar Helbringer or an Summoner? you are a walking center Torso so to say
Same Problem with the Executioner some of them even get hit in the CT when geting shot from the side
Clan Mechs do not have gotten ridiculous Armor and structure quirks so in Relation to the IS mechs these are easier to kill
less AR + less Structure = less damage to kill
THat has nothing to do with skill just with geometry and basic calculation
youre making an interesting assertion here de fato more than one
First i like my Highlanders and my heavy metal dearly, in fact i do play these on a regular basis and am able to perform quite well in those worst assault mech ever
708216164118641360 2015-12-24 00:32:05 471 C-Bills: 112,500 C-Bills
707653304359534412 2015-12-24 00:51:24 258 C-Bills: 75,000 C-Bills
708498442254276849 2015-12-24 12:04:21 432 C-Bills: 100,000 C-Bills
done in an highlander Heavy Metal i bought even bevore clan release an also bevore any ridiculous quirking desaster; any questions?
double structure isnt tough ??? then i assume youre not biased to IS at all
vthat sentence i would consider as extreme fanboyism
I tend to say you are a little false there
AS Clan you have to purchase these variants as well AND have to if you want to change something buy specific Omnipods at high prices ( and additional Nerfs on it in some cases) and only certain configurations de facto the IS with its larger number of variants is in general as flexible in the loadout question as clan
i d like to drive a Warhawk with three AK spaces but that is simply not possible
i could embed omnipods for 2 AK spaces but that would leave me with only one energy weap place so three weapons on a 85 ton mech ? Great!
Yes Clan equipment needs less space but Clan loadout is coded very meager so that equals alot or do you know of an IS 80ton mech with not even 20 ton space in it ?
When you look at the DPS the greater Heat capacity of IS Heatsinks allows more salvos and even if you compare the lasers you will see the Clan laser does a little more damage, yes but needs to be focussed longer time to do so so the DPS is equal and in short range the cooler IS weaps do more DPS than hot Clan weapons with an inefficcient heat management heat sinks at almost single heat sink capacity and horrendous ghost heat
so i have to say your not teling any sense
please compare yourself
and then consider the Godmode-quirks some IS chassis do have attatched
To The LRM a stream of rockets is easier taken down by AMS than a pulk
first advantage
to fire a stream a Clan Mech has to expose itself more / longer time to prevent teh rockets flying against your covering structure while a pulk of rockets is fired in one shot - second advantage
The Clan Launchers have more heat and ghostheat, therefore the IS launcher occupies more space / tonnage but IS mechs have larger payload, so i call this an even - agreed?
with Artemis FLS BOTH focus equally and weigh equally more so no spreading disadvantage large launchers fired simultanuously give evil ghost heat on clan side and more spread as well so in general i d say advantage on IS side
Firing Large launchers without Artemis is no IS disadvantage its pilot stupidity
For the SSRM it IS a light advantage because it has to be locked as most IS Mechs are running at 130 + most with ECM thats a funny job and not so easy as you may think and far from an ultimate weapon as you try to put it
matter of factly these are more of an nasty kick weapon for slower mediums a light is over all hills bevore you got it target locked so
not that of an advantage
At the end of the day i dont see much of your theses left
with friendly regards
Edited by Russhuster, 25 December 2015 - 06:31 PM.
Posted 25 December 2015 - 08:47 PM
You also have lots of newbie Clanners dropping too, if ya take notice of the mechs being used. Atm, whether there had been a quirk pass or not, the IS side with its current and trial mech setup is better off than Clans, more so with the current weight increase.
IS newbies has an easier time meeting the 265-ton limit but Clan newbies are at 205-tons (T-wolf, Stormcrow, Cheetah Shadowcat). The trial Jagua (shudders), the Adder (okay w/twin ERPPC but one trick pony), the Executioner/Dire leaves the rest of the deck extremely hamstring.
There is the request to allow only 2 trial mechs in a CW deck. Meaning a player would need own at least two other Faction mechs before being allowed to drop in CW.
Now, will PGI keep the current CW weight limits after the holidays? I believe many people are wondering the same thing for different reasons.
Edited by Half Ear, 25 December 2015 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 26 December 2015 - 08:20 AM
Russhuster, on 25 December 2015 - 06:11 PM, said:
Have you played CW recently? if you want to suceed you are forced to ply along the meta rules
Personal bias ? if you wish to articulate one likes to win , yes, then youre right
Your personal bias isn't that you want to win the match. It's that you want to ein an argument, thus you're looking at the question from one side, i.e. only accepting negative aspects of Clan mechs and positive aspects of IS mechs, but never the opposite. You're likely used to being able to easily win over the IS players simply because the mechs you've been running were outright better. Now, when the balance is extremely close, your mechs can no longer carry your game for you, thus the frustration.
And again, you're not forced to play by an rules. I regularly play solo with non-meta builds, mostly heavy ballistic loadouts, and still can do 1500-2000 damage in a match, where everyone else is only capable of laser-vomits, whether IS or Clan.
The IS-God mode quirk buckets will stomp you as simple as that is - because alot of players DO follow the meta
what shall one use on CW ? srm ? yeah for sure - we should try to stay reasonable
The whole idea, that weapon is bad because you can't use it right away, like lasers, is just silly.
Have you seen much Mist Lynx? Ferrets? KitFoxes? Novae? Summoner Gargoyles or even Executioner been played not to speak of the Whale? Now asking youself why s that so?
And yes, I'm a cold-blooded Closed-Beta veteran, and I will not hesitate to question one's player skill when his arguments are signify that. When someone's arguing for weapon being bad, he's expected to provide a mathematical justification, otherwise it's about one's inability to use that weapon. Flamers has awful base stats overall, MGs has pretty poor DPS, etc, but C-UACs and C-ERPPCs are great weapons, as long as one's using them intelligently and competently.
Zero leg, zero leg, Zero Arm etc still with no heatsink. so
if you fire that5 heavy pulsers in the Thunderbolt yiu dont even run hot
you can fire two times bevore the mech is in red area in hot cards it goes shutdown
Wjhat does happen when you dare to fire these 5 heavy pulsers in the helbringer on frozen City? one of the coldest environments Guess?
right immediate shutdown and heavy internal damage
on moderate cards you just blow up so who is housing more firepower?
- You ignore the fact, that HBR is equipped with 325 XL, which none of TDR can match, thus is always faster. Having smaller profile and greater speed makes it more survivable.
- You also ignore the fact, that each Clan LPL is inherently better, than IS LPL, but comparing these loadouts as if they were the same thing. Clan LPL outranges IS LPL by ~65%, produces slightly higher DPS, while being 1 ton lighter. Thus difference between an IS mech with 5 LPLs and Clan mech with 5 LPL is incomparable.
- You also ignore the fact, that TDR would require an IS XL engine to match HBR loadout, which would make it extremely brittle. Trying to match HBR ST survivability with STD engine will leave only space for 2 LPL for TDR.
- A 3xLPL HBR vs a 3xLPL TDR will be roughly the same mech, but faster, smaller, more durable, having 2 heatsinks more and having weapons with higher reach.
What happens when an IS standart engine gets the sid torso blewn out?
nothing ?
advantage for IS one could say following your line fo reasoning in the reverse no?
Following your line of reasoniong lagre IS reactors DO amplify those factors as well no?
AND the Player has the choice if and how far the trade Tonnage / Reactor shall go Clan Players Have NO Choice there
they cant even change Jump jets what are hardcoded as well as Structure or Armor
Three Choices a IS player has to gain flexibility and weight for the reactor
What has the Clan Player? NOTHING ? right.
the Clan Player has no choice. The IS player HAS that choice and that is the advantage for IS
double internal structure isnt geting substantial? are you kidding? 2X + 19 Ar with NO weight Cost is not substantial??
Clan Mechs get if at all puny quirk rates of 5-10% some seldom guests as the adder gets abit more
but absolutely NOWHERE you see acc / decc Bonusses of 70% like in some IS mechs i call that Roadrunner Style instand stop and instand fullspeed
Same Problem with the Executioner some of them even get hit in the CT when geting shot from the side
Clan Mechs do not have gotten ridiculous Armor and structure quirks so in Relation to the IS mechs these are easier to kill
less AR + less Structure = less damage to kill
THat has nothing to do with skill just with geometry and basic calculation
While Clan mechs can in general be considered to be easier to kill, they also benefit from much higher damage output compared to any IS mechs, or are much more mobile. While it makes two tech-bases different, it doesn't makes IS mechs better, unless of course you're personally biased and choose to focus on isolated cases to prove the general trend.
First i like my Highlanders and my heavy metal dearly, in fact i do play these on a regular basis and am able to perform quite well in those worst assault mech ever
708216164118641360 2015-12-24 00:32:05 471 C-Bills: 112,500 C-Bills
707653304359534412 2015-12-24 00:51:24 258 C-Bills: 75,000 C-Bills
708498442254276849 2015-12-24 12:04:21 432 C-Bills: 100,000 C-Bills
done in an highlander Heavy Metal i bought even bevore clan release an also bevore any ridiculous quirking desaster; any questions?
vthat sentence i would consider as extreme fanboyism
AS Clan you have to purchase these variants as well AND have to if you want to change something buy specific Omnipods at high prices ( and additional Nerfs on it in some cases) and only certain configurations de facto the IS with its larger number of variants is in general as flexible in the loadout question as clan
i d like to drive a Warhawk with three AK spaces but that is simply not possible
i could embed omnipods for 2 AK spaces but that would leave me with only one energy weap place so three weapons on a 85 ton mech ? Great!
IS players, on the other hand, has to buy mechs as a whole, running only specific loadouts fitting for them, and has to keep them as such in order to maintain their options. So I have dozens of IS mediums and heavies, but only one Stormcrow and one Timberwolf, which provide roughly the same weapon flexibility. So you can fiddle with your Warhawk all you want and try whatever the combination of weapons would fit it's fixed equipment, but I'm, on the other hand, can rather bite my own ***, but will not be able to do anything with my BLR-1G hardpoints, unless I'd spent another mechbay for another variant with another hardpoints.
so i have to say your not teling any sense
please compare yourself
and then consider the Godmode-quirks some IS chassis do have attatched
first advantage
to fire a stream a Clan Mech has to expose itself more / longer time to prevent teh rockets flying against your covering structure while a pulk of rockets is fired in one shot - second advantage
The Clan Launchers have more heat and ghostheat, therefore the IS launcher occupies more space / tonnage but IS mechs have larger payload, so i call this an even - agreed?
Firing Large launchers without Artemis is no IS disadvantage its pilot stupidity
matter of factly these are more of an nasty kick weapon for slower mediums a light is over all hills bevore you got it target locked so
not that of an advantage
Edited by DivineEvil, 26 December 2015 - 08:24 AM.
Posted 26 December 2015 - 09:36 AM
My bias may be to lay some reasonable way of balance on the table, iam so tired of the Quirk/Nerf Desaster
A balance that holds fun for both sides of the team
positve sides of the mechs .. well the recent Nerfing left little of positive sides to see anymore
and again you bring the...... the youre too bad of a pilot jabbering *sigh* instead of a thesis or a line of reasoning
true so your suggestion to play with fun builds or bulds that are not meta as Clan player is best taken as a ridiculous joke
as Clan mechs dont have a lorrie of structure quirks and Ar buffs so these mechs dont forgive mistakes in that large amount IS mechs easyly do
false - Clan has not this choice in every case in most cases Clan has NO choice
the IIC mechs have absolute the same mechbay requirements and even with the Omnimechs you need more than one CT when you want to lead a certain mechtype more than one time in your dropdeck
and besides youre really haggling about mechbays?? thats not really a problem no? what does one cost ?
ridiculous you can even win those in events
whilst you have to own more mech chassis with IS mechs a single Clan mech costs mor than two IS mechs of aequivalent tonnage, dame goes for the internals and weapons therefore when selling a clan chassis you DO loose alot more than selling a IS chassis still you need to own three different torsos - advantage for IS in the end no?
so that thesis is really obsolete
Thats blunt nonsense, The fewer Clan mechs are as easy or hard to recognize than the IS mechs and as tehre are way fewer Clan mechs its - and advantage for Is buit that oi wont really count its an worthless thesis of yours
Each player neeeds to know the hitboxed of his prey.-- and you know that very well
the ebon Jaguar is mainly consisting of an giant CT same with the Hellbringer
i may fiddle with the Warhawk hardpoints all i want i wont be able to do it as there is not much divergence,.. the shoulders are all the same and the arms offer not much variety so in the end the IS has de facto more options than a warhawk pilo
Not biased at all i see i see... obiviously
May i recommend Double armor as well sir? and we have an nice extra placed on top some candid 65% agility quirks and ofc a 50% heat generation quirk and of course the frosted halfweight std reactor cream
Did you taste the Coolant liquid yet? - i see -
Ah you ve chosen the godmode Button Menu - Excellent choice Sir
Need i say more?
That XL will give you more loadout space than clan but still i would say Yes Advantage fir Clan because the Reactor is the ONLY real advatage
IF the Clan Player had a choice - BUT THE CLAN PLAYER HAS NO CHOICE
as long there just the IS has the choice it is a heavy disadvantage being narrowed to that one reactor PLUS not being able to switch neither Armor nor Structure PLUS having much useless equipent built in if needed or not but taking away dearly needed tonnage
Having the freedom to customize my mech with the reactor i wish the interior i want and the armor i do need fitting jumpjets when i llike or leaving there when i do not need these
Is the greatest advantage i can think of
just out of this reasons the clan XL reactor was necessary what would you say if ALL is mechs had an fix
Having the choice on one side and having absolute NO choice on the other,.. so where do you see the advantage`?
Well being able to shoot 3-4 times bevore the heat forces me to seaze fire or being able to shoot one single tiime bevore i have to seize fire can be considered as different performance true buit it is a huge advantage at the same time
we wont ignore that wont we?
Most fighting in rushes and even in CW where more range duels are done is dependent on the heat and a mech that can put out more salvos is in Advantage especially when the quirks on that chassis give it the range advantage as well and i havnt seen many competetive IS teams not using the meta
Well when you really need or want a weapon that can tale out a ACH in one or two volleys without the need of aiming i want to answer you in your own words
Just exchange IS and Clan
The ACH is the first Clan mech that can cope with the IS lights and you wish for the godmode Cannon?
<p>Now iam dissappointed</p>
Edited by Russhuster, 26 December 2015 - 09:59 AM.
Posted 26 December 2015 - 10:15 AM
If new players joined the clan side more often, then we would have some balance.
IS is cheaper for many reasons, but the biggest reason is you can strip the engine before selling an IS mech. This is important because new players only have 4 mech bays. To fully unlock a mech for CW, you will end up buying and selling 2 of the 3 variants needed to unlock them.
If PGI want's balance then they need to make both sides cost the same to unlock mechs. Then new players will flood both sides.
Posted 26 December 2015 - 11:14 AM
Posted 26 December 2015 - 12:16 PM
Well, you obviously are a IS fan boy, as such, all of your comments are ignored...
Start doing CW yesterday as IS and the result was... AMAZING!!!! 2500 dmg 16 kills
Only in a very good day you could do that on the clan side... Thunderbolts FTW
Posted 26 December 2015 - 05:29 PM
Russhuster, on 26 December 2015 - 09:36 AM, said:
There's only two outcomes I see from all the crap you've vomited over this thread.
Case #1: You want Clan mechs to work exactly as IS mechs:
- No omni-pod system (because it's useless)
- No clan weapons (because they're total crap)
- No side-torso survival with unlocked engines (because 20% power penalty is crap and there's no choice)
- No clan upgrades (coz they suck and there's also no choice)
- No clan undersized mech profiles (coz quirks are better and totally god-mode)
Basically make Clan mechs identical to IS mechs in all aspects but visual style.
Question: Why do you play as Clan if you hate everything their mechs has to offer?
Case #2: You want Clan mechs to have all the benefits:
- Omnipod system and no fixed equipment.
- Better clan weapons with IS convenience level.
- Side-torso survival with swappable engines.
- Dynamic swappable upgrades.
- Undersized mech profiles.
- Quirks of identical magnitude.
Basically taking all positive factors of both tech-bases and attaching them to Clan mechs.
Question: Are you an idiot?
So which is it?
Spadejack, on 26 December 2015 - 12:16 PM, said:
Edited by DivineEvil, 26 December 2015 - 05:37 PM.
Posted 26 December 2015 - 10:53 PM
Edited by Tilakkam, 26 December 2015 - 10:53 PM.
Posted 27 December 2015 - 03:10 AM
Because this is MWO and PGI does not want a Mechwarrior game but some kind of Mecha robot shooters where the IS Robots have the advantage
@ DivineEvil
As i stated at that time,..
Clan was implemented way too early without a at least hallfway inteligently thought of idea of Balance
(the 10 vs 12 wont ever happen Paul did say that in the Begining )
out of pure money grabbing greed
And as far as i do see that it hasnt changed abit its a quirking and nerfing desaster but i refuse to even use the word balance in comparism to that
so Case1
BUT with one addition
Edited by Russhuster, 27 December 2015 - 04:28 AM.
Posted 27 December 2015 - 04:49 AM
If i want a cheap match i go and drop against clan wolf. Even in a pug it´s an easy win most of the times.
If i want a challenge i go to the clan jadefalcon front where pug/pug matches are hard and won by the clan most of the time. If i get a premade....well, im done.
That is all i want to say to those clan wolf guys that really started to cry as soon as the first quirks were introduced and clans were still op for months to go.
If you know how to play this game and have seen enough matches you should know that we have the best balance since clan introduction atm.
Posted 27 December 2015 - 05:13 AM
then why are in other threads even players from the green chicken farm or ghost bears telling the same?
when everyting is so fine and in pink fluffy balance why there are the numbers of clan players geting fewer and fewer? - the Cat has eaten them away`?
its not the first time Clan or yes wilf players have notet and pit out the defiencys
I do play MWO since bevore clan launch,.. this discussion was happening after TUK 1 as well
there the ignorant, notknowinganythingand measypilot - Clanners sayed if that continues and no halfway balance is achieved Clan numbers will decrease
A shitstorm broke loose - all was nonsense and wasnt true at all
The numbers HAVE decreased havnt they?
Just you wait for TUK 3 maybe that time not even the mercs will be persuaded to play clan side
look what CW has become offside any event
and answer yourself
Edited by Russhuster, 27 December 2015 - 05:24 AM.
Posted 27 December 2015 - 05:56 AM
Russhuster, on 27 December 2015 - 05:13 AM, said:
A shitstorm broke loose - all was nonsense and wasnt true at all
I cannot make heads nor tails of this sentence (I use the term loosely). Maybe wiping the froth from your screen would help you make coherent arguments.
So, you mean the not-knowing-anything Clanners said something, and it was utter BS? Yes, I can relate to that.
Edited by Roland09, 27 December 2015 - 05:58 AM.
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