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#161 plodder


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Posted 06 February 2014 - 06:28 PM

I liked your content and ryme, added my twist to it.

View PostMarack Drock, on 31 January 2014 - 12:19 PM, said:

you have no soul or trigger happy finger.
You don't belong here cause you're a new newbie whiner.

Soul-less, fingerless, no happiness, hapless, new, not blessed, whiner with renown I confess, better you are, sitting with your modest mouse, swishing in your billowing dress;^)

Pretty pretty pretty, hmmmmm, sweet and sh**y, more's the pity..

Tea anyone?........... €:^O

Balance held within,

Weakness denied it's control,

Patience holds, then fires!

Edited by plodder, 15 February 2014 - 06:51 PM.

#162 plodder


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:42 PM

The ballistic'ness of
His Ilya Muromet is compromised by his.... willingness to forget,....... that heat compounds,........getting hard to shed,............ so overheats and he ***** the bed.

Balistically challenged, comments "What happened to my ammo? I shot then shot blim dakka dakka dakka, blammo!!! heard 25% something or other, can ya spare a ton, maybe 2, brother?"

#163 plodder


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 04:44 PM

Look at the Spider, so quick so fleet.
Yet always looks better, destroyed at my feet.

#164 The Shepherd


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 05:58 PM

View Postplodder, on 15 March 2014 - 04:44 PM, said:

Look at the Spider, so quick so fleet.
Yet always looks better, destroyed at my feet.


Rue this day plodder, for we are now nemeses.

#165 plodder


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Posted 20 March 2014 - 01:59 AM

View PostThe Shepherd, on 16 March 2014 - 05:58 PM, said:


Rue this day plodder, for we are now nemeses.

Cool beans /;^)
And Shepherds pie.
Take it and bake it, till the smokes to the sky.
Please find me, blind me with stylized agility and grace.
Remember I am dumb and slow, and a plain fatlass face:o(
Just remind me of thy nemesis status, my sweet standing of non gratis.
Who you are, just in case?
For who am I for such an honor towards me?
Am I worthy or just surly, surely, we'll see. /;^)

Edited by plodder, 20 March 2014 - 02:01 AM.

#166 Ustarish


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Posted 20 March 2014 - 01:26 PM

small las is red,
ppc's are blue.
try capping my base and ill leg you. :lol:

#167 plodder


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Posted 21 March 2014 - 03:31 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 20 March 2014 - 07:10 PM, said:

Methinks the Newbies dost protest to much!


#168 plodder


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Posted 19 April 2014 - 03:11 PM

View PostMarack Drock, on 30 March 2014 - 04:31 AM, said:

Shakespeare edit man! Get some culture.

Be it truth forth sworn, or beauty ignored, it is as the heart and soulless man joined in the embodiment Of thine blue fist.

Thine newb intonation was loosely displayed, causing questions left unanswered.

Shakespeare is all but cultured, a rogue and a rapscallion to be enjoyed and not thwarted.

P.S. I bet my DDC will beat yours ;o)

#169 plodder


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Posted 20 April 2014 - 09:09 PM

LOCK LOST:A haiku.....

Wracked by LRM's,

Weakness weeps silently on,

Whiners on both sides....

#170 Spokes


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 11:10 AM

Words and Art
Oil and Water
Too much Noise

#171 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 12:42 PM

Once again, I am not a poet.

Speed is my desire,
That's why I roll in a Spider
Running and skipping, going super fast
Moving at breakneck speed-having a blast

A decently sped mech sporting something bigger than a machine gun
Some dakkita dakkita, the end of all my fun.
Failed piloting skill roll, I slip and go SPLAT!!
My armor couldn't hold up against a wiffle ball bat.

#172 plodder


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 11:20 PM

View PostSpokes, on 22 April 2014 - 11:10 AM, said:

Words and Art
Oil and Water
Too much Noise

Predicated on the articulated, denying any fluidic majesty of the aesthetician, honoring not, considering it a blot? Reconsider the taken shot.

As oil on water? Mayhap, perhaps, mishaps your right...

And there is little pain in so considering, till, we consider the noise.

As the silence sceams it's warning, all alone the Hunchback silhouettes, wondering where his villians hide, intense, fearless, his fears he chides, regardless they are less than 2 hex away, seeking their silhouetted prey.
Hunchback heed silence's sirens!feel the rumblings not felt! flee or be destroyed in shouts of cursing, from you and your lance mates...

Noise is all around us, alone, or in Grand Mêlée, I fear.

There is not too much noise,in my opinion dear MWO Brother, lest it is between one's ears...or at Cheers, or too many beers, or wayward leers, or fords hitting deers, or the bugs that make windshield smears, jeers the zirconia, minus the ammonia, in Baloneyia, of verbosity without present viscosity of letter of next of kin, zin to zen, was it robert, or ken? Do ya ken laddie? Scuzzzzzz that's a baddy!!! Wump daddy!,!!!
(Maximum digression)

Another b.s.plodduction

#173 plodder


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 02:16 PM

Masculinity in Mech form, still is called she, in man's image.(what the heck?)
She's an Atlas, and a fat lass indeed. 100 tonner in actuality, she's the King! The hurt she brings, the double heat sinks song she sings, hurt brought, taut, even sought,though rarely prettily. See?

The Clans are coming with power and grace, ruthlessly cold and arrogant, to make war, to occupy, chew up all in the Inner Sphere's jump space(crunch us like ants)

Call the Kings, and their vast supporters, vassals, and evil Jesters.
This call to arms all thee Hunchbacks, who's value is questioned, prove thyself right, a royalty contester!

Remember this truth, in rhyme if not in poetry, know it in time. There are elite destroyers of every weight, kinship, make, if not model (or so it seems to me), the Atlas in the field is your King! Rally to his call, for many or most shall fall.

FOR THE CLANS ARE COMMING!!! The battle will be one sided, and they will have their own king!

Edited by plodder, 27 April 2014 - 02:19 PM.

#174 plodder


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Posted 03 May 2014 - 08:09 PM

Underestimated, often castigated, the Orion is worth the time to play...

Not an alpha bruiser, not the ways that I use her, but when it is time to punch, she knows how and when to give, to survive, to bury the shiv...

Balanced in all, the pilot skill is her fall, when you do her right, she'll Bring it and bring it, to morning's light, if you got it to chance, give this girl a dance...

Edited by plodder, 03 May 2014 - 08:10 PM.

#175 plodder


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 10:30 PM

Stock Mech Mondays

At once I saw the ramifications, consternation, of the delegated nerd left perturbed, felt left out/without Cannon as noun, not just a verb. Twas I, I, confess, blessed to think I once was, left bereft, why? Just because. Not bi curious, just beta ignored, novel ideas, but not to the novel Battletech hoards?
Grab thine pitchforks, draw thy swords?
Nae nae, been done before...

Try the beauty of thought if you dare, in novel, table top, and lore, pop the boar, wrestle this bear.
Make yourself vulnerable,
Understand fair
And may the best be victorious, overwhelmingly vicious, conditions lead you to being pernicious, not suspicious, just all those others seem so crunchy, yes, so, so, so, yummy and delicious....

Another b.s plodduction

#176 plodder


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 10:17 PM

The liquidity of stupidly is running rampant, no lethargy, not to mention, the minions pinned me down, clowned me, humbled the best of me times 3.

Owned by a clown punk,

Humiliation burns all,

From the ashes rise!

#177 plodder


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 09:52 PM


₩as there when?

Isn't one now?

Focused with blinders, that enemy will go down!!!

You have been destroyed.....

Toyed with ployed with, balistically joyed with. Oooh oooh ohhh!

When to start, when to go...left or right, just to be owned/poned

Double ac 20's, dual gauss..
We have all been hit such, ain't that right hoss?
How bout a penny, for your thoughts?
That's a WUMP DADDY!!!

#178 Domoneky


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 10:13 PM

The Mechs of today are yesterday
The mechs of yesterday are never played

The Meta builds make skills decay
The Lurm Builds will soon be slayed

The disgruntled and the un-play never excited
claiming all is Russ's new island

Be at ease and be ready for the test
Or else Domoneky will put you to rest.

#179 plodder


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 03:08 PM


With whiskey or scotch,

Timeline's forgotten valleys,

Speak not, just listen...

In the time before battle, his eye would turn to the past, to a warm hearth, a nice drink, and the voice of his true love singing as she kneaded dough, for the fresh baked bread for supper, as he indeed, needed her.

Life is good, it's meaning found filling by those that have a taste of what is good and true.

This is why he endured the rough life of a mechwarrior, and why it made no difference if he survived, while she hadn't.
His meaning in life had been taken, yet he fought, bought, paid the price thrice, in effort and vengeance spiced.
A hollow meal fit for a king, and with the Atlas, the King of the battlefield, his mech, he offered it over and over, come over red rover!

Battle done and forgotten, whiskey or scotch, timelines blend in valleys and lands, some forgotten, others not.
Rocks clink against the glass...

#180 plodder


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 07:02 PM


Twas a thought only,

Deep, shallow, each road was paved,

Feedback would help me.

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