Fen Tetsudo, on 16 January 2016 - 04:59 AM, said:
If people hadn't been running new players out of the game, PGI wouldn't have needed to make this change.
Of course, I realize that asking these same players to accept responsibility for their own actions is futile.
Yet many of your responses, from my perception, indicate you expect no one to take responsibility for their failure to learn the game play mechanics, to understand the multiple warnings (see my signature for one on splash screens, and the other is the big warning banner when you enter CW), to read the forums and see what kind of competition they are entering in to.
How in the hell is that the problem of units such as mine, who spend nearly ALL of our time in CW, with the exception of events?
Have I run off a incompetent person who didn't read about the game after getting stomped? I don't know, maybe. I know I do the same some most do- "oooh! new game, hell yea!" Load up, get roflstomped, "hmm, maybe I should do some reading, reach out to people." That's my approach.
If they don't learn before hand, don't learn after they get stomped, IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM. If they take that approach in real life, its called Darwinism....
Of course, then there is this, from the big, bad, nasty merc unit itself--
Yet MS doesn't help..
Edited by Jenovah, 16 January 2016 - 05:29 AM.