xTrident, on 31 December 2015 - 12:37 PM, said:
I would question you personally on whether your stats are fairly level from match to match then? Or, at the very least excluding the stomps are your stats fairly consistent when in a close game? Because honestly mine are. Finding a play style that works well for me which is primarily more of a support role rather than an up front brawler if it's a pretty close match 350 to 450 damage is just about right with a kill - two if it's a good round. Below 350 damage isn't what I consider a good game. Below 200 is a bad game below 150 is basically terrible. And I mentioned above 500 is an excellent game for me.
Every game I've ever played that kept track of wins/losses/KDR/Points per match etc... if I've put a decent amount of time into it to allow fair averages they usually wind up just about perfect to what I'll do over the course of any given night. Gears of War 3 - 1.5 KDR; Play a few matches I may have a KDR of .8 one match. The next will be a 1.3, then a 2.2, then a terrible game with a .6 etc. They all average out to my overall average that had been developed over a long period of time. And the thing is, the most common KDR I'll get in matches is between a 1.2 and a 1.7 or so. The very same thing is happening in MWO.
Would that make for a good/decent MM? I have no idea, that's just something I've noticed over a lengthy gaming experience.
Same here. When I say "terrible match" - it's something with ~100 dmg and 0 kills. Good match - is something with at least 400dmg and 1-2 kills. And 1k dmg/6 kills - is something I consider a perfect match. I provided screenshot with >1000dmg only to show, that I'm not total noob or terribly bad player and that in balanced match I can perform really well. Actually such matches are really rare and I even take screenshots of every of it. I have about 5-6 such screenshots.
And that's how I was performing back in Open Beta - in every single match I was chasing this 1k dmg mark. Imagine it! In every single match! And what now? Every match is a stomp! Every match is terrible! I've analyzed the reasons for sudden change and came to a conclusion, that it's MM to blame for this problem. Why? Because...
1) If your team will be way too week - it will be stomped fast.
2) If your team will be way too strong - it will stomp other team fast.
So if there is an imbalance between teams - then match usually end as a stomp. And don't tell me about snowball effect. I saw dozens of stomps and it always begins with some players on one of the teams separating from the main group and performing suicidal attack on the other team. They just look like a noobs, who don't know, where should they go to stay safe - they just go to where their eyes look. One team looks organized and disciplined and other one - spontaneous and separated. And when you get a streak of such a stomp loses, then you ask fair question: why MM always offers me that terrible team? Shouldn't the chances of getting into noobish team be 50/50? M? Why me? Why? Is it something wrong with MM, that it always decides, that it's me, who should be stomped?
But this is not the end. Next we'll talk about balanced matches. What will happen in this case? Will every balanced match bring you enjoyment or it can be terrible too? Let's take perfect matches as the example. What should happen in this case? What should happen to allow you to do 1k dmg or achieve Death Star? If your team will be stronger, then other - they'll kill enemies way too fast, so you won't be able to do decent dmg. If your team will be weaker - enemies will kill you. So... Both your team and enemy team should be weak!
3) If both your team and enemy team are weaker, then you - then you'll have decent match!
But the opposite is true too! So, we are coming to...
4) If both your team and enemy team are stronger, then you - then you'll have terrible match most likely, cuz other players will outperform you, so your effort won't affect the results of match.
So. Good matches not only require teams to be balanced against each other - teams' skill should match your personal skill! Way too weak teams will cause way too decent performance for you and way too strong teams - way too poor performance. Do you see the pattern here? No? Back in Open Beta game was ok for me. Some matches even were decent ones.
And now what? I analyzed situation and came to a conclusion. I'm not perfect player. I need a few moments to react. I need a few moments to position my 'Mech, to beat convergence problem. I need a few moments to aim. My aim isn't perfect - I usually shot at "center of silhouette", cuz I don't have a time to analyze weak points of other 'Mech - I shoot at point, I have the best chance to hit. When 'Mech moves - my leading isn't perfect. At the end - my mouse isn't that perfect and tends to shake my crosshair. My tactics aren't perfect. I sense the situation on the battlefield perfectly due to my experience, but sometimes it's my curse. Sometimes I get into wrong place - where the most of enemy team is, without realizing, that it's better to let my team to be flanked or ambushed, but hide behind it, instead of instantly dying, trying to save it.
But... In the past players, who were playing against me, were playing the same way, as me. They couldn't instantly oneshot my CT or ST as soon, as I show my nose out of cover - my front armor was damaged evenly, which allowed me to survive for long enough time, to perform some maneuvers. They were hiding as soon, as they were taking damage in return. And now they are putting instant precise shoots into my STs from any distance. They are acting like a death ball - they don't retreat, when they are taking damage. They just rush at you and stomp you. They don't leave me any room for errors. One mistake - any you're dead. They react instantly and perfectly. That's also one of the stomp reasons. Way too skilled players vs way too skilled players = high risk of snowball effect. One mistake - and your team can't recover.
What that means? My allies and enemies had proper skill levels in the past and now MM offers me way too skilled allies and enemies. And we can't blame shrinking of population for it, as this matches still happen...somewhere. And if they still happen, then I'm asking myself. Why I'm here, with Tier 1 and 2 Meta players, and not there, where I belong to? And I have only one answer - terrible MM. And I don't want to play this game, till it won't be fixed and I won't return to where I belong to.
Edited by MrMadguy, 31 December 2015 - 03:25 PM.