Captain Stiffy, on 01 January 2016 - 06:04 PM, said:
What makes it easier for nubs also makes it easier for comp tryhards.
Dingo Red, on 01 January 2016 - 06:16 PM, said:
Laser beams get larger with distance, just like any other light source.
A laser powerful enough to cause real physical damage is not going to "suddenly stop" when it goes beyond the distance it ceases to do anymore physical damage.
I was one of very few enlisted personnel at my helicopter squadron that was qualified as a LSO (laser safety officer), in order to conduct annual laser safety briefings in regards to the class 4 and class 3b lasers we utilized.
An acronym worth pointing out:
Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD) - The distance at which a laser will no longer cause damage to the unaided eye.
The NOHD of any high powered laser is not the max range of that laser. Our class 4 targeting laser's effective range was well beyond the NOHD for the purposes of illuminating targets.
A weaponized laser built to do physical damage would have a NOHD far beyond it's maximum damage range, with the laser itself extending far beyond the NOHD.
Perhaps "immersion" wasn't the best of words. Yes I know weaponized lasers would generally be completely invisible to the naked eye, but I enjoyed the fact that the lasers we have extended beyond their max. damaging range. I enjoy the fact that lasers look like they're larger and appear to cover a larger portion of the mech at long distances, even though from the enemy's perspective it's not any bigger. It's pseudo-propogation from the cockpit's perspective, which makes me feel like I'm actually know...lasers.
Ultimatum X, on 01 January 2016 - 06:21 PM, said:
Other players have a hissy fit about a .cfg option.
PGI locks R_glow.
PGI then basically adds elements of R_glow back into the game for all lasers.
And one of the main reasons a large portion of players (including myself) didn't hop on the r_glow bandwagon was because the lasers looked like complete and utter s***.
Ted Wayz, on 01 January 2016 - 10:05 PM, said:
They will learn.
Why not a weapon interlock, or similar system that actually ADDS more realism and immersion? Perhaps something like the shutdown override? A system that prevents players from firing lasers outside their 0 damage range, prevents shooting PPCs within their minimum range, and prevents shooting LRMs inside their minimum range. That would actually help newbies, by not punishing them with unneeded heat or ammo consumption. Players can manually disengage the interlock if they wish to put on a laser light show, or perhaps as a way of scaring off a long distance sniper by making them think they're within range when they're not.
Edited by Aresye Kerensky, 01 January 2016 - 10:18 PM.