@Darth Hotz
That only 1% may have the oculus to play it could be exactly the point why to implement it in MWO. MWO is free to play, F2P lives by a few % making massive purchases, and guess who is more likely to buy MC, the broke free to play majority, or the 1% that just for MWO got the oculus rift, and a new rig? Those players are the perfect audience PGI should build a VR feature for. Motion sickness could even be an incentive for VR players to buy mc instead of grinding.
I might be wrong, but I think implementing VR is not very difficult, just fixing the hud, implementing 3d, adapting some controls, there you go. There doesn't even have to be immersive features such as getting all the hud info on the cockpit displays, making it interactive etc...
Cryengine should already have the basic VR work done. So a little investment to attract more then average high payers... be my guest PGI.