I am a great fan of Battletech and all the Mechwarrior games 4 many years now, and i love MWO, since i started 2 play it from the beginning of 2016. I had may hours of fun by playing PUGs only, managed 2 aquire detailed game knowledge since then and achieved Tier 4 by now.
Sadly my 1st post's a complain. I searched 4 something similar 2 just add my thoughts 2 an existing thread, but i couldn't find 1, so i started a new topic here about what i c is a really problem in this game actually - at least in the PUGs.
2 put it plain - 8 out of 10 matches end up as stomps. Either your team wins with ease, or looses devastatingly, due 2 an obvious huge skill gap between the 2 fighting teams.
I've seen SO MANY unbalanced PUG matches, that i am pretty sure, it even tops the ridiculously failing matchmaker of HAWKEN, that managed 2 separate beginners from professionals in2 2 different teams, thus causing an endless chain of stomp matches. That was 1 of the reasons i left the HAWKEN community after over 1700+ hours of gameplay. So u can easily imagine, i have seen A LOT of worse matches at other games, too, be4, and i know that the reason 4 the matchmaker fail in HAWKEN is mainly ascribable 2 its very small playerbase, mainly consisting of adept and elite players, that effordlessly do it 10 times better than any noob player. However - the HAWKEN matchmaker mixes them all up as good as possible, and usually the team with the bigger contingent of professionals win the match by a large score difference. This is at least a partial excuse 4 the HAWKEN counterpart of matchmaker... ...but where's the excuse 4 the MWO matchmaker 4 failing 2 assort 2 EQUAL teams???
In fact, i have 2 confess, i have absolutely no idea, how the MWO matchmaker works - just by distributing players randomly to the teams, selected by tonnage, tier level, equipment, ping,
or maybe a combination of all this - i just don't know, what its criterias r 2 put 2 teams 2gether... ...but - i am pretty sure of 1 thing:
That said - it simply fails most of the times. Regardless if i end up as player with the most or least points, regardless if i get rolled by half the enemy team at the beginning of the match, or if am the last man standing - my team gets defeated just too easy by an obviously far superior team.
OR - my teams rolls 1 foe after the other without any difficulty by just calling out targets and focusing fire, covering each other, etc. It's obvious in BOTH cases, that the inferior team is absolutely overcharged by a large margin, and that shouldn't b the case.
That sa(i)d, i mean 1 team is - in most cases - far superior by:
- mech composition
- communication
- coordination
- equipment (especially mech modules like seismic sensor, radar deprivation, adv. zoom, etc.)
- armament
Please understand this as constructive critique. I am aware, that it doesn't make sense 2 flame around 4 things that can b changed only by the devs, and that the enemy teams can't b blamed 4 their advantage - as my own team can't. It's the way it is actually is. And i'll live with it. Period.
But i'd like 2 understand what the reason 4 such imbalance is - besides the lack of team communication and stupid "wron turn" decisions - and how i can react most profitable 2 compensate 4 thet ingame, when i notice my team's about 2 get rolled.
Finally, please take my apologize 4 my strange spelling. English's not my native language, so i can just try 2 articulate my thoughts as good as i can. Sorry too 4 the huge walls of text - i promise 2 keep my prospectively replies shorter. B invited 2 tell me your opinions about it all.
I'd appreciate statements from rookie pilots as well as from experienced pilots.
Have a good day, much fun, and a good hunt, dudes.
Regards, CAT SIXX.
"Those who forge swords to plowshares will in the end plow for the others, that didn't do so ..."
Edited 4 typos...

Edited by CAT SIXX, 26 May 2016 - 09:06 AM.