Monkey Lover, on 14 January 2016 - 09:37 AM, said:
I wonder if this will be good for cw.
All the Guys regularly in on House.Marik.Enjin completed the
cicada winning portion of this event in the first few hours.
One guy I dropped with won it in 3 drops so it is just a blip and 'so long and thanks PGI for all the fish!' to the middle to higher tier CW players.
The only difference we are noticing so far is that the casual CW players that fill up the holes in ques are off getting KMDD's in the PUG Que so drops for less than full twelves are slightly longer as there are less filler mechwarriors.
Reinforcements joining from Calls to Arms might be just slightly down also but that is much harder to determine.
Should even out over the competition period as everyone redeems the prizes they want anyway.
Bob Jenkins, on 14 January 2016 - 10:59 AM, said:
doesn't say that a win is required, but not getting recognition for games not won (despite kill most damage by and 100+ match score). This really screws over T1 pilots in solo Que.
If you are Teir One this challenge should be no problem. Select a no tags, No label Mech and kill it!
less than an hour would be my guess.
There is a rumor of solo duels behind the drop-ship port in river city.
627, on 14 January 2016 - 11:37 AM, said:
looks like you have to win, too.
My very first match today was 2 KMDD and 500 damage but a loss so no points. second match I won with 1 KMDD and that counted.
Nah some of the guys got multiple points after a defeat.
Lost an Assualt on Caustic to capture by the last enemy Mech, one lance-mate had 3 KMDDs entered and redeemed the first prizes on exit
Bolter01, on 14 January 2016 - 05:14 PM, said:
Well I just had another match with approx 4 'Live' mechs each side and it finished before the Win conditions were met.
Someone suggested the servers are made of cardboard ~ I'm not sure if they were joking or not?
Had one of those myself (canyon N.A.server) appeared to finish with 3 enemies still kicking.
Either the last 3 simultaneously died which was improbable but not impossible as they were widely scattered and running like they kicked over a beehive.
Or put it down to crazy server overload glitch primetime.
My game was in the bag anyway and sound like yours was too so no real harm done
aGentleWarrior, on 15 January 2016 - 03:49 AM, said:
I would favor a tournament based on match score, because you can get a high match score also with lighter mechs which don't have heavy weapons, but getting KMD with these is hard...
I have become KMDD fodder for lots of ACH's (and a Raven) so far and expect to be back shot by few more this competition.
As a previous poster stated.
Kudos whosoever you are!
Aim to take out the side torsos and you get credit for everything outside that in the arm too.
If you are choosy XL engined IS mechs would make the best targets as you get the kill also meaning no one can gazump you.
So saying..I gotta go dust off that clan-mech with Fly swatting guns I have lingering around here somewhere.
THe new percentage ring displays on the page profile challenges are excellent, a vast improvement on the previous Yes no tick boxes
Thanks visual widgets team!
Edited by testhero, 15 January 2016 - 08:15 AM.