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Lurmcrow Builds

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#1 a complete idiot


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 07:13 PM

I've been using the streakcrow and having a lot of fun, but I wanted to try out LRMs. Anyone have a favorite build they wouldn't mind sharing? My FPS tends to be abysmal which is why I'm sticking to things that lock.

#2 epikt


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 10:15 AM

I'm embarrassed because I don't use the Stormcrow as an LRM platform, and I don't think it's an appropriate mech for the task (and I don't like clan LRMs, damn I'm not the most qualified person to answer...), but since your question doesn't get any answer, I'll have a try.

The first thing you'll want is the prime head omnipod and mount a TAG on it.

For pure LMR-boats, try 4 LRM10s (beware of ghost heat, shoot them 2 by 2) or 5 LRM5s Artemis (in chainfire, for maximum spam).
But I'd also try mixed builds, I think they're more suited to the Stormcrow: 4 LRM5 + 4 MLas ; 2 LRM15 Artemis + 3 MLas ; 3 LRM10 + NARC + 3 MLas.
Those are suggestions, not absurd but for the most part untested (at least not recently). Try them, see what you think.

PS : for your FPS, are you already running all settings on low? (except for the shadows on medium)(low is no shadow at all)
Higher visual settings can cost quite a lot of FPS on old computers.

#3 Virlutris


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 10:34 AM

The LRM5+Artemis build is plenty capable. I ran one with a medium laser in the head when I was levelling them.

Spam missiles, keep moving, stay close enough to minimize flight time but far enough that your speed makes you harder to hit.

Use weapon groups for the right-side launchers, left-side launchers, chainfire (trolly, but effective for distraction, pick a big gunzy slow mover for this), and one for whatever energy's in the head.

Don't let haters ruin your fun, do laugh all the way to the bank ;)

#4 a complete idiot


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 01:07 PM

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it! I realize the stormcrow might not be the best mech for it, but I can't afford another right now. I'll give the builds you suggested a go and see how it works out!

I do have all my settings on low, but my fps is still bad. My computer is fairly old, and living in the most geographically isolated place in the world makes for some poor internet.

#5 MarineTech


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 01:21 PM

Here's how I ran mine before I embraced brawling.


#6 Barkem Squirrel


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 01:35 PM

I have the same issue with Low FPS.

go for a bit of a mixed load out. Why it is way more interesting and it does force you to use the lasers and even picking out that red side torso for an XL check. Look at using the D side torsos, and the prime arms. That is 4 energy and 3 missile. That allows you to have 3 artemis LRM 10's or 3 LRM 15's. So use tag and either 3 ERML's and down to 3 ERSL's.

Of course I have tried other set ups, but 3 ML's does give you enough fire power. IF you have the prime head that is 4 lasers with the tag, but I would only use LRM 10s with that build on chain fire to control heat.

#7 epikt


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 02:17 PM

View Posta complete idiot, on 15 January 2016 - 01:07 PM, said:

I realize the stormcrow might not be the best mech for it, but I can't afford another right now.

Don't worry, it's good enough. The Stormcrow is overall a very good mech, one of the best actually, you can do pretty much anything with it.

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