How Much Ammo Should Each Lrm Type Have?
Posted 26 October 2015 - 11:13 AM
Posted 26 October 2015 - 11:58 AM
For IS I don't like 20's, usually do 15's for spread and weight. Lots of 5's can be good but they tend to fall prey to AMS unless cluster fired.
In my LRM Warhawk (3 X LRM 15) I take around 8 - 9 (sometimes more) tons of ammo, backed up by 4 med (sometimes pulse) and a tag.
Think of it in trigger pulls.
5 tubes = 36 shots per ton
10 tunes = 18
15 tubes = 12
20 tubes = 9
Probably going to want at least 20 shots for a back up weapon.
If you find you are running out of ammo, you can always add more. Conversely if you constantly have 200+ missiles left after a match you can take some away.
Try not to count outlier matches where you have awesome spotters and no enemy ecm. I used to run ten tons or more when I ran missile boats, but nowadays there is too much ECM and AMS (perhaps also due to the tier system, people are more likely to find cover). It's more effective to not boat just missiles.
Edited by DemonicDonut, 26 October 2015 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 26 October 2015 - 12:56 PM
Posted 26 October 2015 - 02:44 PM
LRM5: One ton per. More if you have multiples as chain fire goes through them fast.
LRM10: Atleast 2 imo. Otherwise why spend the 5 tons on the launcher if its going to be dead weight mid fight
LRM15: Three. But I don't use these often.
LRM20: This thing is a pos. Sell them all.
Posted 26 October 2015 - 02:57 PM
DemonicDonut, on 26 October 2015 - 11:58 AM, said:
For IS I don't like 20's, usually do 15's for spread and weight. Lots of 5's can be good but they tend to fall prey to AMS unless cluster fired.
In my LRM Warhawk (3 X LRM 15) I take around 8 - 9 (sometimes more) tons of ammo, backed up by 4 med (sometimes pulse) and a tag.
Think of it in trigger pulls.
5 tubes = 36 shots per ton
10 tunes = 18
15 tubes = 12
20 tubes = 9
Probably going to want at least 20 shots for a back up weapon.
If you find you are running out of ammo, you can always add more. Conversely if you constantly have 200+ missiles left after a match you can take some away.
Try not to count outlier matches where you have awesome spotters and no enemy ecm. I used to run ten tons or more when I ran missile boats, but nowadays there is too much ECM and AMS (perhaps also due to the tier system, people are more likely to find cover). It's more effective to not boat just missiles.
I have two friends who regularly bounce their builds off of me for feedback and advice, and I pay careful attention to what they have to say as well.
Even for non-missile ammo weapons, we all three carry different amounts of ammo and different launcher sizes, even if we're using them for the same purposes.
As an illustration, all three of us have the ZEU-6T with its three-missile arm, and we've all loaded it out with a lot of LRM racks to make it destructive fire support. Even if you ignore the fact that one of my friends runs his 6T as almost purely fire support, I mix fire support and direct lasers, and my other friend does fire support only while closing to laser range, we've come to different results in terms of investing tonnage and slots in heat sinks, launchers, and ammo.
My friend who runs his 6T as pure fire-support carries three LRM-10s, nine or ten tonnes of ammo, and has the thing kitted up with eighteen or nineteen double heat sinks. I run my 6T with three LRM-10s and only seven and a half tonnes of ammo, and fourteen double heat sinks. Both of us found triple LRM-15 too hot by far, but triple-LRM-10 acceptable- although my friend likes to keep his 'mechs running a lot cooler than I do. Our third friend, however, only carries six tonnes of ammo and three LRM-15s with fifteen double heat sinks, and experiences no problems with heat or ammo shortages.
The main point here is that nobody can tell you an actual rule for how much ammo per tube, because nobody pilots like you and uses ammo at the rate you do. If you're lucky you can find someone who consumes ammo at a comparable rate to you, but you're not going to know this by anything but extended experience playing alongside each other and regularly building similar 'mechs.
One thing I always maintain is that until I've Mastered a variant, I don't consider my build for it finalized at all. Not even the engine size and type, nevermind precise ammo loads and allocations. I know it feels bad to spend extra C-bills to repeatedly alter a 'mech, but it's the best way to make actually driving the 'mech feel good, from the amount of ammo to the little things like which hardpoint on that multi-weapon arm holds which specific weapon, despite the mounts being under a meter apart.
Even on 'mechs with similar tubecounts and speeds, I often find that the ammo load I want varies from one 'mech to the other based on minor things like the exact nature of the secondary weapons and which part of the 'mech absorbs more incoming fire. The only way to pin it down is to adjust it every time you notice a consistent issue- whether that issue is making your missile rack go click instead of whoosh, or ending every round with at least three hundred missiles spare, live or die.
Posted 27 October 2015 - 09:27 PM
Posted 08 November 2015 - 11:29 AM
Posted 09 November 2015 - 08:03 AM
Find that gives me a good amount of shots to last a battle but not to much that the game ends and i have a ton of ammo left.
Tend to run out just as things are ending.
Posted 09 November 2015 - 09:18 AM
It also depends upon how good you are with LRMs, and how well your fire control skills are. If you spam LRMs at every lock possible, you may find you need more. If you hold your fire till you have a fairly certain hit chance, you may be able to run with even less. If you shoot LRMs as a scare tactic and to push enemies back into cover, you may need more ammo.
Overall, follow the general rule of 1 ton of ammo per 5 tubes of LRM launcher. Adjust it by 0.5 tons from there depending upon how you see your personal performance. If you find you are always running out of ammo, add in more ammo. If you find you are always dieing with a lot of leftover ammo, then reduce it. Eventually you should find a happy medium for yourself.
Example: I have some builds with an LRM10 launcher and only a single ton of ammo. These builds I use good fire control, and it's a secondary system. It's used to support when I can't see an enemy, and it's designed to mostly push enemy mech back into cover. (It also can serve as an additional role of luring the enemy into me by thinking I'm an "easy kill LRM boat", or even as an advanced scout as I see if any AMS shoots at a volley of LRMs shot into the air with no target.)
I also have builds with a single LRM20 launcher with 4 tons of ammo as a larger portion of my mech's build, as well as it follows the rule of 1 per 5.
Then there are some builds where I might have only two LRM15s (30 tubes), but I've got a staggering 7-8 tons of ammo. This is where I am treating my LRMs as more or less a main weapon system, and as close to boating I typically come.
Then I have some odd builds such as my Atlas 7S. It may have an LRM20 and an LRM10 (30 tubes), but I only have 4 tons of ammo. This one is built to be a trap mech. Lure an enemy mech into me thinking I'm easy LRM boat pray, then hit them hard with my secondary weapons.
Really, it all comes down to what you want to do with your LRMs, how comfortable you are with them, and what you find you need during a standard given match. Adjust as you go, as there is really no set in stone rule you have to follow (besides that you must take at least some ammo for the launcher to work

Posted 09 November 2015 - 10:28 AM
My 5S with 2 LRM10s has only 1 ton of ammo for each, since that's not it's primary means of offense, while my 3H fills that quota and adds 3 additional tons of ammo on top, which to most here appears to still be a rather liberal amount, which I offset by primarily using chain fire and using alpha volleys only for near guaranteed hits.
Even missile heavy 'Mechs I tend to play closer to the front line. As a result my volleys are a little more predictable in what they will hit, so I like to think I waste a little less ammo per ton stocked.
Posted 09 November 2015 - 11:51 PM

Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:33 AM
Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:58 AM
Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:35 AM
As said above, if you end games (or die) with lots of ammo unspent you carry too much. If you frequently have only a couple salvos left when the last enemy goes down you're in the right spot. Though it will depend on the maps too ofc, some aren't quite as LRM-firendly as others.
Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:04 PM
Given the typical ratio of how many you need to fire before you actually get hits, mucho ammo is a must.
Posted 30 November 2015 - 02:02 AM
But sometimes i also equip my mechs with just "support" lrms (f.E. the summoner, 2 lpl, 2 er small lasers and 1 lrm 10), then i just take around 2 tons of ammo and i dont spam then as much. Its just for... a little distraction, screenshaking, support...
Edited by Archie4Strings, 30 November 2015 - 02:03 AM.
Posted 30 November 2015 - 04:29 AM
1ton per 5 tubes, 3 tonns per 20 tubes or *36 salvos* ( count your launchers tubes and multiply them with 36 then divide by 180 )
And many many people say ZERO because decent pilots dont use LRMs....
Posted 10 January 2016 - 02:59 PM
I usually act in harassment mode in that Mech, trying to keep opponents undercover.
Posted 10 January 2016 - 04:01 PM
david665, on 10 January 2016 - 02:59 PM, said:
I usually act in harassment mode in that Mech, trying to keep opponents undercover.
9 tons of ammo for two LRM5s is a bit much. You could drop 6 tons of ammo (3 tons left) and get 2 ALRM10's with 3 tons of ammo, and probably still do decent. With 3 tons of ammo for 2 LRM10s will be a bit light at that point, but you would have the med lasers for support and for when you run out of ammo. The suggested amount of ammo for 2 LRM5s is 2-3 tons.
Posted 11 January 2016 - 04:51 PM
Honestly, looking at the amount of explosive stuff you all seem to haul around, I get the distinct impression that quite a few of you are prone to spraying and praying with their LRMs instead of waiting for a good angle.

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