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Coyote Concept Mech


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#1 orion343


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 11:48 AM

Since you guys seems to like my Annihilator doodles the other night, I thought I'd share another one (IMO a much nicer sketch). I draw mechs sometimes (I even have a site for it! www.mechwednesday.com), and for this particular one I decided to stick to the "rules" of MechWarrior when it came to the design (i.e. no Gundams, EVAs, Baymaxes, etc).

So first thing's first, this is non-canonical. Meaning I made it up. But it does actually have a "legit" set of stats, and is something that could exist within the Battletech* world (*in the MWO interpretation of it). I decided it was a 60 ton clan mech, and I looked at the Vulture and the Ebon Jag in the mechlab as a basis for determining the loadout, armor, speed, engine size, etc. I have a full set of variants/loadouts jotted down; I'll post them later as soon as I find that notepad.

I call it the Coyote (IS designation: Foxbat), which as far as I'm aware is unused in the lore (except for Clan Coyote but shhh screw those guys).

Posted Image

The sketch depicts the -PRIME version, which carries 1 C-GAUSS + ammo and 4 C-ER-MLAS. There's a reason for the arrangement, too (see below). Like I said, I'll post the full specs a little later on.

And because I am a total nerd did in fact write some lore for this thing. So here ya go:

Developed by Clan Wolf in the 3040's and first tested in 3047, the Coyote was envisioned from the beginning as a heavyweight supplement to work hand-in-hand with clan Assault mechs, particularly the Dire Wolf. With this mission in mind, the Coyote's engineers put an emphasis on speed and armor, sacrificing overall firepower and the number of weapons fitted to any standard variant. Instead, the Coyote would focus on continuous fire with a smaller number of high-impact weapons (usually a heavy ballistic system such as a Gauss rifle or AC-20), which combined with its speed and durability would allow turn it into an effective flanker capable of diverting a larger enemy's focus or delivering an instant kill-shot on a weakened foe.

Unfortunately, the Coyote was plagued by development setbacks, and though the first units were produced in 3047, true mass production wasn't ready until several years later, by which time the Timber Wolf and freshly-minted Ebon Jaguar had become the clan favorites for the Coyote's intended mission. Additionally, the -PRIME and -A model's reliance on arm-mounted weaponry was seen as a liability for a true brawler, further sealing the design's fate among the clans. While a few chassis we used in reserve or garrison roles during the clan invasion of the inner sphere, it never became a front-line staple.

However, in the post-war years, the Coyote enjoyed a quiet renaissance on the export market, where it found a home among the smaller independent and mercenary factions of the Sphere. Commanders admired the mech's in-field versatility and ability to adapt to shifting situations, accountants admired it as a cost-effective way to bring heavy clan-tech firepower into the fold, and pilots admired the Coyote's habit of taking extreme punishment without killing them. The eventual -C model reached an even wider market, introducing ECM capability, limited jump jet capacity, and incorporating TAG, NARC, and sensor systems designed to enhance the effectiveness of heavier lancemates, while still upholding the Coyote's reputation as being quick, heavy, and hard to kill.

Bonus round, I'm working on a render, but it's taking me a little while just due to general life stuff getting in the way.

Posted Image

Obviously, it comes in Fuchsia.

Update: stats!

Coyote (Foxbat) / Heavy - 60 tons / Engine: Clan XL-315 / Speed: 85kph* (roughly calculated with napkin math)

422 Armor
Section - Equipment / (Hard points)
R Arm - 4 C-ER MLAS / (4 energy)
R Torso - C-TComp III, 2.5 tons Gauss Ammo / (1 missile, 1 AMS)
C Torso -
L Torso - 1 Double Heat Sink, 3t Gauss Ammo / (1 missile)
L Arm - C-Gauss Rifle / (1 ballistic)

422 Armor
Section - Equipment / (Hard points)
R Arm - 1 C-Ultra AC20 / (1B)
R Torso - 1 C-Machine Gun, 1 AMS, 1t AC20 Ammo, 1t AMS ammo / (1B, 1 AMS)
C Torso -
L Torso - 1 C-Mgun, 1/2t Mgun Ammo, 1t AC20 Ammo / (1B)
L Arm - 2 C-ER LLAS / (2E)

422 Armor
Section - Equipment / (Hard points)
R Arm - 1 C-UAC5, 1 C-ER-MLAS, 1/2t UAC5 Ammo / (1b, 1e)
R Torso - 1 C-STK-SRM4, 1/2t SSRM Ammo, 1t UAC5 Ammo / (2m)
C Torso -
L Torso - 1 C-STK-SRM4, 1t SSRM Ammo, 1t UAC5 Ammo / (2m)
L Arm - 1 C-UAC5, 1 C-ER-MLAS, 1/2t UAC5 Ammo / (1b, 1e)

422 Armor
Section - Equipment / (Hard points)
R Arm - 2 C-ER-Med Pulse Las, 2 DHS / (2E)
R Torso - CLASS III Jump Jets, C-Active Probe, 1 C-SRM6, 1t SRM Ammo, 1 DHS / (1M)
C Torso - C-ECM
L Torso - CLASS III Jump Jets, C-TAG, 1 C-SRM6, 1/2t SRM Ammo, 1 DHS / (1E, 1M)
L Arm - 1 C-ERPPC, 1 DHS / (2E)

*in another version I believe I lowered the -C to have SRM4s and a NARC instead of 2 SRM6s, but I can't find that note. All versions built around maximum 422 armor (equivalent to a maxed Ebon Jag), hence why it doesn't carry as many guns as it could.

Edited by orion343, 15 January 2016 - 10:50 PM.

#2 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 05:08 PM

I really dig the technical skills showcased in that sketch.

The mech itself.... well, I feel the feet, and the weapons look way to small, so the proportions kind of don't fully click for me.

#3 orion343


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 05:36 PM

YOUR MOM'S A SMALL PROPORTIONactually that's a valid critique


#4 orion343


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Posted 15 January 2016 - 10:53 PM

Updated OP with loadout details. Sidebar, the -B version is actually the same loadout I run on an Ebon Jag, and it works waaaaay better than I feel like it should (only difference is CStkSrm6's instead of 4s. That extra 5 tons on the jag.)

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