I've being playing MWO for a month, and I've seen Ice Ferret the whole one time for this period of time. And it was me, who tried that piece of ****.
I've seen Summoner perhaps 4 or 5 times, the same can be said about Gargoyle. And I'm not sure, have I ever seen all those Clan lights, whose names I don't remember (of course I don't mean Cheetah).
Considering how "rich" the Clan mechs' range in the game is, it's just crazy, that half of them are a totally useless bullcrap.
I mean developers ask players all the time, what new mechs do people want. It looks like a derision, that they think about new mechs, while they haven't fixed old ones.
Edited by Kshahdoo, 15 January 2016 - 03:31 PM.