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Dropdeck Tool


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#1 Toadflakz


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 10:47 PM

Ever wondered what the most "meta" dropdeck for CW is? Or perhaps you're looking to start playing MRBC but have no clue how to put together a competitive deck that does the min/max thing under certain conditions?

Then I've created something which can help - a Dropdeck Tool.


It loads Smurfy build URLs from a text file or a Smurfy MechLab, you can then select which mechs you want to consider for the dropdecks, select filters/rules to apply to the combinations created and create combinations based on the build list provided.

NB: To load from a Smurfy MechLab, you need your personal API Key which is available on the Smurfy Account page (click your account name on the top right of the screen). Currently also comes bundled with MetaMechs Tier 1 Competition Mechs list as "MetaMechsCompTier1.txt" (you'll need to search for it due to the deployment technology used).

So here's a quick run-through on how it works:

This is what you're presented with when you start it up...

Empty Dropdeck Tool
Posted Image

From there, check the "Load from file" checkbox and browse to one of the canned data text files, including Meta Mechs' Tier 1 Overall List. You can also import a Smurfy Mechbay by putting in your API key into the provided textbox in the app - don't forget to check the "Load Smurfy Mechbay" option!

Click "Load Builds" to load the data from the text file and Smurfy...

Builds list grouped by Clan/IS and Chassis Type

The tool recalculates all the headline stats values from Smurfy (i.e. Max DPS, Sus DPS and Heat Efficiency) using quirks (which Smurfy does not currently do). As this is about trying to theorycraft the performance of a mech under "real" conditions, you can now also affect the ambient operating temperature conditions by selecting one of the real CW or Quickplay maps and check how your builds stats change with the different heat conditions.

Builds list with maps and stats highlighted
Posted Image

To exclude a build from being used in the Dropdeck Creator tab, you simply uncheck the box at the start of the grid row.

Uncheck the row checkbox to exclude from Dropdeck creation
Posted Image

Now we get to the real meat and potatoes of the tool (aka the smart bit). Basically what the tool does is create combinations of all the mechs that you've loaded up in the builds list and filters them based on what you've selected. It is theoretically possible to create all possible combinations but it will likely take some time as, for example, with the 8-man Competition dropdeck and the Tier 1 list embedded with the tool, the result is 869 million combinations. CW is around 269 thousand combinations. 12 man comp is in the billions. This why the filters exist - because otherwise it would literally not be computationally possible to create the combinations in any reasonable time. If you want more details on how it works, please ping me, but for now, this is what the screen looks like when you first switch to it.

Dropdeck Creation tab
Posted Image

Right, so a little more about filters - these essentially remove combinations that you don't want to see. In the above screenshot I'm literally saying "Show me dropdecks where the tonnage is between 250 and 260 tons, only using Clan mechs and use a particular build once per dropdeck combination".

The result of those filters is:

Filtered dropdeck combinations
Posted Image

Simple, eh? The grid is also filterable, groupable and sortable, as you want.

And when you select a dropdeck row, you can copy the specific details to the clipboard to paste into Excel (or other spreadsheet application capable of reading tab-delimited text) by using the "Copy Details" button.

Select a dropdeck to view it's details
Posted Image

And that's pretty much it!

Things to note:

Try use the most restrictive filtering possible to reduce the time you need to wait for combinations to be created, especially when using 8-man and 12-man Competition modes.

Try reduce the number of mechs that you include initially in the "Builds Data" - the smaller the number of mechs going in, the faster the combination algorithm works.

If you want specific filters/stats in there (I'm planning delta values for all stats where delta is max - min of a particular stat in the mechs collection), please don't hesitate to ask. I've built this thing to be very extensible for adding those things, so it's a 2 minute job to add and release the new version including it.

UPDATE 14/05/2016:

Source code is now OpenSource (barring the Azure publisher cos I'm not a glue-eater) at https://github.com/T...MWODropDeckTool

Edited by Toadflakz, 13 May 2016 - 10:31 PM.

#2 Stingray Productions


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 10:36 AM

Cool, sounds very interesting :)

#3 Toadflakz


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Posted 24 January 2016 - 06:15 AM

OP updated with a full-blown tutorial with screenshots of it in action! ;)

#4 Blackgodzilla


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Posted 24 January 2016 - 10:20 AM

Bumping this.

Helped round out my drop decks in CW 100%

#5 Rhino 5


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Posted 10 April 2017 - 03:35 PM

Any chance of seeing this updated?

Also there is an error in the installer.
An error occurred trying to download 'https://mwodropdecktool.blob.core.windows.net/mwodropdecktool/MwoCWDropDeckBuilder.application'.

#6 Rhino 5


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Posted 12 April 2017 - 07:04 AM

Disregard the error.
Found just going to https://mwodropdeckt...der.application solved the problem of the installer.

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