Polar Highlands is a great map - it's unique, and in a good way. But because it's not quite like the other maps we have, people are confused by it, and scared to play the map the way it needs to be played.
The Polar Highlands are quite unlike anything we've had thus far - the map is deceptively open, but with a lot of cover sewn into the seams of all those rolling hills. In contrast with Alpine Peaks - where there are generally zones of cover with huge, totally open areas between them, the cover in Polar Highlands is pretty much scattered out everywhere. This means that you can literally hide an army (or a 'mech company) on the lee side of a shallow hill, and there are generally covered means to reach any point on the map.
This is what makes the map so fun! And also what makes it confusing to people who have become used to the rather constrained playing style that's been the PuG meta for some time. Generally, players have played one of two styles: long-range 'mechs find cover and then poke and snipe, trying to get shots on the enemy without being shot effectively in return; short-range 'mechs, on the other hand, try to use cover to get in range, and then attempt to basically do what their long-range teammates are doing - deal damage to the enemy without stepping into a shooting gallery. Much corner-peeking is had, and generally players will be cautious about moving too much in the early stages of the game (once the enemy is located.)
Polar Highlands is the second new map - the first is Viridian Bog - where this behavior is.. disadvised, and for the same reason. On both maps, the team which stops and tries to corner camp loses, because the enemy has covered routes to get around to the side of any cover you're camping behind, and can then pick you apart with crossfire from their own cover. This kind of terrain is the primary map feature in Polar Highlands, and there is a covered route to just about anyplace on the map you care to go.
All that being said, here are the top two things I wish my teammates would know when I drop in Polar Highlands
- Mobility is key. This isn't a map where you can find a strong point and settle down to a nice sniper war with plenty of warning if they try to flank. The enemy doesn't have to cross a single danger zone in order to get around whatever you're using for cover, and can thus turn up on your flank without notice - potentially trapping you in a killing field parallel to the low ridge you were using for cover.
- Scouting is vital. Every time I have yet played this map, there have been Light 'mechs camping with the main body. Every. Single. Time. That's bad news. With the number of ways the enemy can get around you unseen, you have to use your Lights to scout the enemy and to interfere with their scouts and spotters. There's no, "I'm providing ECM cover!" That dog won't hunt; Lights are the only ones with the speed and mobility to scout, and scouting is desperately needed. Thus, you've gotta scout. For many Light pilots, it's high time to learn how.
Edited by Void Angel, 22 January 2016 - 12:38 PM.