I do think that in order to push the envelope and create the truly thinking first-person shooter, more can be done to further appeal to the free-to-play base from Steam launch. Get ready for a Wall of Text!
Veteran players have consistently argued for lowered pricing for the newbies (who will not have the hardcore fanaticism towards Battletech), packs wise, it’s probably fair to say that after any discounts, new players should be looking at no more than $5-8 per cbill boosted mech and $3-5 per regular variant. This means two things:
- PGI should offer MCs at sales at further discounted rates (fairly unlikely but who knows).
- Steam Newbie packs should not cost more than $25-40 per pack for 4 cbill-boosted chassis. Whether to match them with additional fluff like mechbays, MCs, camo, cbill bundles, is up to PGI. A barebones option would be good regardless. Some have pointed out that existing players would take advantage of the reduced pricing and scoop these up for themselves. Isn’t that a good thing? More revenue for PGI, which is what many have advocated in the past. True MICRO-transactions make people more inclined to pay out of their wallet. It could also come with a restriction like, players with more than 24hrs total play time on the game will be entitled to only 2-3 copies of the Newbie pack. This allows for a personal purchase and for gifting purposes.
- Mech pack pricing should be also available in MC equivalent to increase the attractiveness of buying MC packs. PGI needs to focus of viability of MC bundle sales, in conjunction with frequent sales, to make players think of loading up their account with MCs like they would with prepaid telco cards.
- General reduced pricing across the board for all in game items. Yes, it’s unthinkable for PGI. They need to change their thinking from the IGP days though. Truly micro-transations help them. Whales would continue to buy the big mech packs, which should stay at their current pricing levels for the early-access premium (doesn’t sit well with me either but the designers worked their asses off to create them so first dibs should be given to whales who can afford and support the game & developers). But in-game transactions could jump two to three fold.
- I would buy mechbays more regularly whenever I’m close to running out, instead of grinding for events/CW.
- Hero mechs, especially assaults would not be blanched at if they weren’t so crazy expensive, even after 50% discounts.
- Camo patterns would be changed more frequently if cost of MCs went down or if MC price for the camo went down.
- Premium time sold at discounts would be more palatable even if they ran on while you were logged out.
- I would buy mechbays more regularly whenever I’m close to running out, instead of grinding for events/CW.
P.S. TBH, this was supposed to be posted pre-Steam launch (I know I know, snail's pace and RL, lol). All the above is pointless if PGI can show themselves numbers that post-Steam launch, their revenue went up by more than 100% on a per active player basis.
But if that didn't happen, maybe they might want to reconsider their pricing again.
Edited by Onimusha shin, 24 January 2016 - 07:43 PM.