Or is hit detection still lousy
I just ganked a marauder in my HighlanderIIC....SNuck up behind him blew off half his mech with a rear shot with my gauss and 3 mdiums...then He turned around and face hugged me...
AT this point he has a cherry red CT for armor and an open side torso...I alphaed him in the face at least. 5 times with 3 triple 6 saloves of SRM + gauss and medium lasers till I overheated....I didnt even strip his ct armor off...
Where the hell where my shots going? Its not like you can miss when you are trading paint...
It didnt even strip the side torso that was already open. People wonder why everyone is spamming laser builds...THIS IS WHY people....Running a mixed config just makes you eat a sh!t sandwitch when it comes to hit detection.

Is It Just Me?
Started by xXBagheeraXx, Jan 27 2016 05:43 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 27 January 2016 - 05:43 PM
Posted 27 January 2016 - 05:49 PM
There's some wacky stuff going on lately. I managed to get a Clan Oxide cherry red CT at range with my fresh Locust 1E. He ran for cover and posted up in a corner in the lower part of HPG. I ran down, put my 30 point alpha dead center at the same time he shot.... nothing... he shot again before I could and killed me. He didn't move one bit. I do play with 320 ping so I'm used to a certain amount of stupid stuff, but nothing to this extent.
Posted 27 January 2016 - 05:54 PM
Just did a game with my all laser Ebon...these where horrible shots i was taking and cleared 580 damage easily...The game in my highlander I literally COULD NOT miss my targets and barely did 100 some odd damage. The only crap that seems to register IS lasers and gauss....
Posted 27 January 2016 - 09:18 PM
hit detection can be all kinds of wonky.
i cant count the times i have hit someone with a 60+ alpha that should have either killed them outright or at least destroy that component just disappear into the aether
i cant count the times i have hit someone with a 60+ alpha that should have either killed them outright or at least destroy that component just disappear into the aether
Posted 27 January 2016 - 09:35 PM
More of a HSR is wonky thing, but it's been getting weirder that's for sure. Mechs getting completely lost to half the team's HSR and such.
Posted 27 January 2016 - 10:04 PM
The way hit detection works in this game, its almost like we have cone of fire !!
Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:06 PM
When you core someones back and turn their internal structure red, they still have armor in the front when they turn to face hug you.
If you alpha'd 5 times with Gauss thats like 20 seconds.
Do you play at a high ping?
If you alpha'd 5 times with Gauss thats like 20 seconds.
Do you play at a high ping?
Edited by Xetelian, 27 January 2016 - 11:08 PM.
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