The Advisor, on 12 January 2016 - 09:39 AM, said:
You all didn't know it but this community helped relieve him of a lot of stuff unknowingly.
You know, I'm not that surprised really. In the time I've 'known' him on the forum I clearly got the impression that Marack is an intelligent young man, but also one whose passions run high, sometimes almost bordering on the obsessive when the subject is something he's passionate about.
While this could be just his youth I also sensed frustrations that didn't seem to have anything to do with the subject on hand.
But hey, this is a game about big robots battling it out, and I for sure have excised some demons from work through turning others mechs to scrap, though I've avoided the forums in those situations. Never post in an angry or frustrated mood I say.
Having lost a personal friend myself I know how hard it can be. Luckily for me I was in a good place at that time personally, with lots of loving people around me for support. With Marack being so passionate, already dealing with frustration from other sources and in a new environment, things can be radically different.
I fervently hope he will come out of this ok and that he will have the love and support of family and good friends like yourself to help him get back. And in the end I hope he will come out stronger than before.
Here's to you Marack! Get well, and I'll hope to see you on the forums again, better than ever, passionately arguing about the best Mechwarrior in fiction, LoTR, the underlying governmental systems of the IS states or anything else you contribute to. Know yourself to be worthy of existing and know that any pain can be overcome, even if you don't believe so at this moment in your life.