I can't count how many times I've seen giant robot donut corpses littering the battlefield with barely a scratch on anything past the LT/RT, if that.
So i got a solution. Right now damage is simply reducing "health bars" on mech body part. Its called "armor" but its not actual armor, its health bars in current damage mechanic.
So to make feel like mech has actual armor we need to divide damage into 2 types: AP and HE.
HE damage will behavior just like casual damage - it will shred armor, reduce it. HE damage should have splash, like currently it has Clan ERPPC(it does 15 damage 10 of which is going to target and 5 divided between 2 adjusted body parts). So if you shooting with 15 HE damage to CT, CT will get only 10 damage to armor and both ST will have 2.5. This will effectively reduce convergence
But AP damage will act something like this:
AP DAMAGE DONT AFFECT ARMOR. Its only checking current armor value to calculate if AP damage can get through it to the internals or not.
For example lets take AC10. If you make it to do AP damage it will do 100% damage right to the internals of the mech if bodypart it is shooting at has 10 or less armor. And then it will scale down damage up to 100 armor, doing zero damage to body part with 100 armor. So bodypart with 50 armor will get 50% damage (5) to the internal structure. I dont know exact values of average internal structure health bars, but AC10 with AP sounds pretty OP to me. Thats why it should not be AP, it should be HE. And with HE it will just shred armor, reduce it, and after armor value will go to 0 only then gun with HE type damage will start damaging internals.
Now what guns should AP damage?
It should be UACs, also they should be able to switch ammo type on the move, like you loading both HE and AP rounds in mech and then in combat switch between them as you need. And you will need it. Cause lets take Clan-UAC-5. Per click It shoots 2 bullets with 2.5 damage each. So with AP type damage it will do zero damage to bodypart with 25 armor. And even most lights has more then 25 armor. So with Clan-UAC-5 you definitly will need to weaken armor with HE damage to put it below 25 to start doing damage with AP rounds.
Then its definitely should be Gauss Rifle, and it should do only AP damage. So with 15 damage, it will do some damage to any mech, cause i think highest armor we have is 100(it will do 5 damage to internals protected with 100 armor), and to stop Gauss from doing AP damage you will need 150. This way Gauss will be pretty lore accurate, as it was most feared weapon on the battlefield.
Also lasers. Yes, they also must be affected by this. So continuous lasers should be HE damage type. And pulse lasers should be AP. So this also will prevent laser boat domination once and for all. Cause if you boat just continuous lasers you will do only HE damage, and you will loose against those who has mixed damage setup. They will weaken your armor with HE low enough to start doing damage to your internals with AP, before you even go to his internals with only your continuous laser boat doing only HE damage. And yes, lasers should not be able to switch type of damage.
Pulse lasers stated some high damage values like 13 for Clan LPL, but its not "1 bullet", its number of "bullets" with far less damage each, just like with Clan-UAC-5. So pulse lasers being AP type damage is not OP.
PPC. Now this is should be unique weapon, doing both AP and HE damage. But mostly AP. Lets say 25% of its damage should be HE and 75% is AP. So if PPC doing 10 damage, only 2.5 of it goes to HE, goes to reducing armor. And 7.5 is AP. So to stop PPC from doing any damage you will need 75 armor. But after first shot it will reduce you armor on 2.5 point, so for next shot you will have only 72.5 armor and PPC will start doing some damage to the internals.
LBX guns. Its just raw HE damage without option to switch.
AC as i said, should all be HE damage, except AC2(mainly cause IS does not have uac-2). AC2 should be strait AP without switching.
Missiles. Strait HE damage.
Also maybe overall Internal structure Health bars should be raised across the board.
PS: Please, guys, read it all, and dont troll. I think i spent more then hour to think and wright it. Dont be rude
Edited by brroleg, 13 February 2016 - 03:25 PM.