Okey, i was wondering where you get this nonsense about gold ammo and wot. Cause i think any who really got what im trying to suggest cant dislike it.
And i came to conclusion that you didnt get it. You for some reason misunderstood and think that i suggest to be AP only just do more damage then "regular" ammo. You are wrong.
First of all. Let me explain what damage system battle mechs have in this game at this moment. We have, lets call it "exterior armor". Amount of "exterior armor" on your mech you can change by yourself in mechlab. And we have "interior armor", which you can not change in mechlab directly, it affected only by quirks called "Additional Structure". This damage system is what it is now, we already have it. And i like it very much. I just think we waste the potential of this damage system.
I just suggesting to divide weapon into pure "anti structure", and "anti armor". Add specialization to weapons.
AP type damage will not damage armor of the mech at all. It will just check current mech armor value, to calculate if the AP damage can go to the internal structure, or if armor is to thick to completely block AP damage.
HE damage is what is damaging armor. It also can damage structure if ALL armor is gone.
With this system BOATING is gone. Boaters will always loose to those that has on their mech both type damage weapons, AP and HE.
And you wrong that this game does not need such "complicated" damage system. Cause first - its not complicated, double-layered armor system is already in game, you just need tweak guns a little and thats all. Second - forum is full of thread about how combat is monotonous and boating oriented. You cant fix it with just nerfs or buffs, cause current guns is all just dps and range - nothing more. And its all comes to which gun does more dps and if i can boat it.
Edited by brroleg, 05 February 2016 - 05:57 AM.