Teljaxx, on 17 July 2012 - 04:30 AM, said:
Very Nice!
The Lighting on the Mechs from their weapons is fantastic, and I love the moons through the clouds in the background.
And don't you know? Gatling Lasers belong in Heavy Gear!

Haha! I was thinking Fallout.

And yeah, the whole pic was basically an experiment with lighting from multiple sources. I do say I overexaggerated a bit and there's not enough grey tones to wash down some of the garishness. But overall it looks good, I think.
SideSt3p, on 13 July 2012 - 06:15 AM, said:
Glad to see the Wraith's one of my favorites!

Likewise! And I also hate it for all the reasons I love that notorious jumpy pulseboat.
DerMaulwurf, on 13 July 2012 - 12:06 AM, said:
Love the Guillotine. Without those ridiculously high slung shoulders it looks much better.
I also prefer the "hood" of your Wraith, although a pulsed laser really doesn't look different from a normal one. I even went to the next lab to check ^^.
I could say that your Falcon Hawk looks much better (and hawkier) than the original. Since the original is quite ugly, I'd just say it's a nice looking Mech.
Thanks, too! I like Eriance/Eric Ou's wraith though I feel it lost a bit with the change of silhouette. I did incorporate similar lines on the torso glacis as his, but only just so. And it's easy to tell I'm inspired to a large degree by FD's work, since I have a tendency to flatten some surfaces and make them more angular and industrial. That wound up shrinking the hood a bit since I didn't want to oversell it.
The Falcon Hawk was interesting because the canon 'Mech has such a rounded yet generically humanoid design. It's actually kinda boring! I tried to keep some of the roundness with bevelled surfaces and gentle slopes. Again, FD's influence shows through in the hip design, which is pretty much the best-looking way to do humanoid legs on a 'Mech, I think.
The Guillotine, though, ah that's something else. It's a design commissioned for the fan-made TRO:3063 project, and I just wanted to reuse it in a color-image context. It
is hard to make a 'Mech like that look good.
Adridos, on 12 July 2012 - 11:49 PM, said:
Wow! Really amazing picture.
It's nice to see some Marik art for a change. Congrats on the work.

I know, right? I had half a mind to post this in FWL subforum but thought the better of it. The pic is basically "Three FWL 'Mechs at Night."