Dino Might, on 10 February 2016 - 11:07 AM, said:
I have a solution. Make the crosshair randomly move about in the pre-calculated CoF, and the shots ALWAYS go EXACTLY where the crosshair is pointing (okay, so we'll ignore realistic CoF of the weapon itself, because space magic). Now everyone is happy

I don't think the end result would be a CoF, more like a U-formed sway? Whatever, I would support any reasonable ideas how to simulate convergence and sway, as long as movement and brawling isn't punished and I can use skills and training to overcome these odds.
Mystere, on 10 February 2016 - 11:00 AM, said:
So are you saying that the OP's proposal will actually lower the skill cap? If so, explain and in detail.
Yes. What we have now is a very tactical, movement based gameplay style. Every map (outside CW of course) offers various approaches to flanking, high ground, etc. Accuracy depends on travel time, duration, bullet drop and spread. The current convergence speed allows for high speed repositioning while maintaining damage attribution to targets (the dreaded tier 3 Nascar for example). The better the tactical and map knowledge, the easier it is to reposition to break that and crush the flanks. (<-- This was me desperately searching for words to describe the dynamics at play. Just examples, hope you get the gist.)
So basically, current mechanics allow for very dynamic gameplay, where the chance to hit relies on the aforementioned factors.
If you want to hit consistently, you have to train fine motor skills and memorize travel time at different distances and target speeds, adding your own speed and pathing to the equation.
A CoF as proposed here would kill repositioning and speed, as they would be detrimental to your ability to hit reliably.
Firing on the move with weapons that have travel time would be just a waste of ammunition and heat. Let's say you have trained yourself to hit a specific location on the move at 400 meters with a reliability of 60% with, let's say, an AC5. Adding a CoF to that, you now have a chance of maybe 20%.
What would be the outcome of a CoF implementation? How do I game the proposed system? Well, I get the choice of high damage (formerly) pin point ACs or (assuming no bigger CoF for them) SRMs to go brawling, or Gauss and AC5s for some low heat long range poking. I simply choose the position with the biggest death zone in front on my side, get myself in half cover and start the poking game. By the time any brawlers arrive, they will have to stay on the move and heat up quickly, both diminishing their accuracy. Outside of turning the mech, I won't even have to move it, because CoF will do the work of spreading the damage just fine.
I hope that illustrates my points enough, as I'm a bit lost for words right now.

Livewyr, on 10 February 2016 - 11:54 AM, said:
Lasers favor long range engagements... (And it happens on standard maps with long range engagements...)
No, it doesn't. As long as you don't bring a full 12 man, long range games simply don't take place regularly in public matches. And even then it's quite hard to dispatch the enemy before he comes into mid range.
And big fat strawman again. Desktop icons are usually bigger than mechs you aim at, not to speak of distinct components.
Muscle Memory
Mouse Sensitivity.
No ****, Sherlock. Memorizing to stand still and not heat up is so much more difficult, though, I see.
And you should think about your arguments, they are quite ridiculous.
A system that rewards standing still and using cool weapons.
It's maybe numerically less factors, but the factors you add with that system are way easier to adjust to.
I would like a more challenging aiming system. Random hits within a circle aren't a challenge though, except for my patience.
Total Scrublord.
So? My point was that you obviously didn't play in your skill tier if the enemies didn't offer you any challenge.
I doubt that.
Yes, I can. Do you think it's hard to come to a standstill from just moving five meters up a ridge or to the side?
LRMs aren't usefull in this kind of engagement, though.
It always does.
No, it's really not. There's also no "shoulder mounted hill humping meta" outside CW, where this kind of gameplay is encouraged by map layout and gamemodes. Does poking happen? Yes. But it doesn't dominate the normal public games. Are high mounts beneficial? Yes. Even to a point where it's influencing the meta. But that's due to people wanting and needing the ability to shoot stuff that's higher or lower without hitting ledges left and right.
Edited by Shredhead, 10 February 2016 - 12:43 PM.