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Rka Announcemnts & Jarlsmoot (Sunday The 14Th)

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#1 Jarl Dane


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Posted 09 February 2016 - 01:31 PM

Sorry for the delay things have, as always it seems, been somewhat hectic on my side.


I will hold an Jarlsmoot - or Town Hall Style Meeting - in the FRR Hub on Sunday the 14th at 8pm EST. I will try to answer any questions about the hub (for example #K tags and guest powers), along with those questions I would also like to discuss the following topics:

I've been in discussion with the leaders of other RKA units and I'd like to begin a general RKA/FRR Hub training event that repeats every few weeks. I believe there is only so much general training can accomplish in this game. Much of the advanced work needs to be done by the individual or with a dedicated unit. But, that said, there are a lot of little things that new players don't fully grasp - from optimized builds to certain game mechanics, to basic individual positioning during combat. We can provide these tools in mass to whoever is interested or willing to accept them.

I just want to create a minimum standard of education and awareness available for all loyal denizens of the FRR Hub.

Behind the scenes some work has gone into 'training the trainers' for this event, hopefully we are nearing readiness to open it up to the general public.

Joining an FRR/RKA Unit:
For some time now I have been wrestling with the problem of getting loyalists who join the hub into units. Many times people show up and drop and want to actually join a unit but don't know how to go about it. Some units like the -SO- will gladly accept anyone, but for most units recruiting a completely unknown player is somewhat dangerous. They don't have anything against strangers but, especially for smaller more closely knit groups, it is important that the person you pick up fits in with your group. And sometimes bringing an element that doesn't fit can cause problems or even drama that no one wants to deal with. I know I personally feel bad about kicking out earnest members of my unit who just don't fit in.

I've been trying to lean on the RKA stuff or even -SO- as a solution to this but I am just not there yet. There isn't a system to get people drawn in, trained up, involved and feeling like they belong - and I feel like there should be. Maybe after we get training started up something that works will present itself.

Units Joining the RKA:

There are many units these days who call the FRR Hub home and I would like to get a few more of the well-organized ones into the RKA. There is no reason they shouldn't have some say and greater authority over the TS they congregate in. And to be honest, it also would help to share the load with a larger officer and leadership corps within the RKA.

The Jarl's List:

The Isengrim have been working on a project to record all CW FRR screenshots we get a hold of, we are creating a database that, to the best of our ability, shows where FRR players measure up with the rest of the faction. Ideally we planned to use this as a training tool, but it has other uses as well. The initial phase of our project is nearing completion and we will be soon opening it up to trusted members of other RKA units to help us track the data and publicly posting it so everyone can see where they are in the grand scheme of things.

The FRR and Population Issues:

Completely theoretical, but something I've been forced to consider. As some of you are likely aware we currently heavy a population imbalance in CW itself. It is understandable, we are the best community by far and who wouldn't want to drop with us, but it makes finding CW matches for us more difficult than any other faction. Some members recently on the forums have brought up possibly joining up with Ghost Bear (mostly for Lore reasons), I however, think something like that may be wise for pragmatic reasons. Maybe, if population gets tight, we have certain safety valves set up where units or RKA members go abroad to places like Ghost Bear and maybe they could even fight the remaining inhabitants of the FRR. Sort of like training exercises and internal events. We could make it our little event. For example, X,Y,Z and so many other volunteers are going to Ghost Bear and they will try to take these worlds, while the rest of the FRR tries to stop them over the course of a month or something.

Just some hypothetical musings I wanted to put out there.

The Main Goal for the RKA/FRR Hub:

What I want to accomplish is greater unity and inter-dependability prior to Phase 3 launching. There are people out there that look at giant units like MS or 228 and wonder how could anyone beat them? I remember during the early months of CW phase 1 the FRR could only manage a couple 12 man drops, while -MS- was hitting us with 5. We couldn't stand up against those numbers and were ground down slowly. I think, though, this time will be different. I think we are the answer to -MS- and 228. We are the other way that doesn't involve giving up your unit tags and submitting entirely to some large super unit.

The other factions attempted to pursue a similar solution, other efforts to form faction-wide-coalitions were initiated, but they've all mostly collapsed. No hubs were ever as universally supported as ours, no units as willing to follow CW-wide directives and pursue larger goals or maintain older treaties. The fact was, if they weren't in a giant unit like -MS- or 228 that forced them to toe the line - infighting and disagreements broke out and the alliances fell apart. We have proven the exception. And I intend to see that our exceptionalism doesn't stop there.

When CW Phase 3 Drops I want the RKA and the FRR in general to be able to agree to and focus on shared goals. To leave all petty grievances behind and operate, truly, as one faction against the rest of the Inner Sphere. I want to rewrite Lore and see the Serpent-Banner of the FRR flying high across an empire we built through cooperation and unity.

If anyone knows anything about me, regardless if they despise or admire me, they know I am ambitious and my ambitions are for the entire FRR. Join me and share in my dream and in our glory.

Edited by Mech The Dane, 10 February 2016 - 12:50 PM.

#2 Windscape


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Posted 09 February 2016 - 10:56 PM

Looking forward to the next Jarlsmoot!

Were getting closer and closer. I had a great CW match with MS the other day, and we nearly beat them!


o7 to you MS pilots. by far my favorite game of CW in a long time

#3 Sjorpha


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 06:07 AM

Great writeup MtD, completely agree.

One thing we really need to discuss is how to handle the unit - solo queue split on the FRR hub. I personally really don't want to see the FRR hub abused to sync drop the CW solo queue and my vote is it should be strictly forbidden. That of course requires a routine to get newbies into a placeholder unit as soon as they join the hub, but I think it's necessary because if we start seeing tagless FRR sync dropping 12 mans that will give hub a bad reputation really fast, plus it's just dishonorable and wrong.

#4 Tarogato


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 06:18 AM

View PostWindscape, on 09 February 2016 - 10:56 PM, said:

Looking forward to the next Jarlsmoot!

Were getting closer and closer. I had a great CW match with MS the other day, and we nearly beat them!


o7 to you MS pilots. by far my favorite game of CW in a long time

1. that's not how you link an imgur image. =P

2. holy crap that's a high GPU temp for a low framerate. Are you playing on a laptop? Because that's borderline not good.

Edited by Tarogato, 10 February 2016 - 06:19 AM.

#5 nehebkau


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 11:48 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 10 February 2016 - 06:07 AM, said:

. That of course requires a routine to get newbies into a placeholder unit as soon as they join the hub, but I think it's necessary because if we start seeing tagless FRR sync dropping 12 mans that will give hub a bad reputation really fast, plus it's just dishonorable and wrong.

Send them down to -SO- we like everyone.... except turrets. We hate turrets.

#6 Jarl Dane


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 01:02 PM

View Postnehebkau, on 10 February 2016 - 11:48 AM, said:

Send them down to -SO- we like everyone.... except turrets. We hate turrets.

It isn't a bad idea, but if -SO- became a placeholder unit for many there would still need to be some sort of process that introduces them to other units and gives them a chance to work there way into them.

#7 Sjorpha


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 01:38 PM

View PostMech The Dane, on 10 February 2016 - 01:02 PM, said:

It isn't a bad idea, but if -SO- became a placeholder unit for many there would still need to be some sort of process that introduces them to other units and gives them a chance to work there way into them.

Isn't the mixed group drops on the hub in itself that process?

I've gone from SoR to 1stH to MJ12 simply by playing on the hub and realizing the other unit suited me better, I imagine this is how it works in general.

If -SO- wants to be the "welcome to the FRR" default unit they need to be ok with being seen as a stepping stone and have nothing against other units directly inviting their members to join? Is that so?

If that isn't the case we need an official placeholder unit tag that can be managed by various FRR hub reps through alt accounts or something. (this would be needed even if -SO- is the one, it won't always be the -SO- representatives wanting to tag a newbie.)

The upcoming cost for recruitment needs to be accounted for as well, the default unit will have more such fees than most since the purpose is for players to flow through it into the "real" units. No idea how high those will be though.

Edited by Sjorpha, 10 February 2016 - 01:43 PM.

#8 Windscape


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 01:46 PM

View PostTarogato, on 10 February 2016 - 06:18 AM, said:

1. that's not how you link an imgur image. =P

2. holy crap that's a high GPU temp for a low framerate. Are you playing on a laptop? Because that's borderline not good.

Im still learning how to actually show an imgur image w/out a link Posted Image

My GPU temp is so high because the fan on my graphics card is going out. My dad installed a fan onto my graphics card an added 2 external ones to keep the temp below 100 degrees C. Oh and yes it is a desktop :)

Edited by Windscape, 10 February 2016 - 01:47 PM.

#9 Jarl Dane


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 02:01 PM

View PostSjorpha, on 10 February 2016 - 01:38 PM, said:

If -SO- wants to be the "welcome to the FRR" default unit they need to be ok with being seen as a stepping stone and have nothing against other units directly inviting their members to join? Is that so?

Aye, they'd need to be okay with that. It appears, based off Nehe's post, that at least some of them are okay with the concept. But I don't know about the rest of them and from my inquiries it doesn't appear there is really any sort of organization to really work through. One solution would be to bring it closer in-line with the RKA and let them borrow some of the RKA's organization, so the officers of SO are RKA officers and they are aware of the RKA Mandate and -SO-'s role as an entry level unit for the FRR Hub (obviously many -SO-'s will decide to stay in SO).

It is a possible situation that -SO- is already partially set-up to handle. My biggest hurdles with it though has been the lack of structure with-in -SO-. I have found it very difficult to track down Theaus, and there isn't really any one else of any authority to discuss these matters with. Also the few times I have spoken to him he's been distracted and noncommittal .


If that isn't the case we need an official placeholder unit tag that can be managed by various FRR hub reps through alt accounts or something. (this would be needed even if -SO- is the one, it won't always be the -SO- representatives wanting to tag a newbie.)

At the moment I'm relying on the [RKA] tag as a placeholder one. Or, at least, that is what I've tried to set up. Also, you're right about -SO-, despite them being willing to accept anyone I think the amount of members that can actually invite players into their unit is very small.


The upcoming cost for recruitment needs to be accounted for as well, the default unit will have more such fees than most since the purpose is for players to flow through it into the "real" units. No idea how high those will be though.

Probably can't fret too much about this without more information at this point.

#10 Windscape


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 02:16 PM

Trying to organize SO will just make everything more complicated IMO. SO is a great learners unit because of its simplicity. The simplicity is great for new players, you don't have to worry about enjin stuff, or anything like that. You just hop into ts, shoot clanners in the face, and have the occasional training. Ive seen multiple new players come to SO as new players and just by dropping with Theaus and shooting clanners and turrets has turned many noobs into seasoned players. So the lack of structure is a good and bad thing, it keeps it simple, but not well organized. Id say maybe less than 15 people can send invites to the unit, which is kinda low considering our size.

#11 Weirdisdead


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Posted 11 February 2016 - 01:21 PM

If you get the crazy ones that are harder to deal with and they are above 14 years old (maturity level) send them my way.

1stH tend to be a little crazy on comms at times, but we have been working towards a bit more comms discipline.

Also working on some training exercises that I wouldn't mind sharing with whoever surrounding training that goes on; on a regular basis weekly or even daily for one idea.

#12 nehebkau


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Posted 11 February 2016 - 02:43 PM

View PostWindscape, on 10 February 2016 - 02:16 PM, said:

Trying to organize SO will just make everything more complicated IMO. SO is a great learners unit because of its simplicity. The simplicity is great for new players, you don't have to worry about enjin stuff, or anything like that. You just hop into ts, shoot clanners in the face, and have the occasional training. Ive seen multiple new players come to SO as new players and just by dropping with Theaus and shooting clanners and turrets has turned many noobs into seasoned players. So the lack of structure is a good and bad thing, it keeps it simple, but not well organized. Id say maybe less than 15 people can send invites to the unit, which is kinda low considering our size.

Thats exactly the point with -SO- keep it relaxed and fun and open to everyone.

#13 Jarl Dane


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 10:53 AM

View Postnehebkau, on 11 February 2016 - 02:43 PM, said:

Thats exactly the point with -SO- keep it relaxed and fun and open to everyone.

Aye, exactly.

#14 Windscape


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 01:12 PM

so we don't have to change anything?

#15 Jarl Dane


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 05:32 PM

View PostWindscape, on 12 February 2016 - 01:12 PM, said:

so we don't have to change anything?

We're getting a little ahead of ourselves. I cannot make -SO- do anything. Just throwing around a few hypotheticals about an issue I'd like to see resolved. If -SO- became the entry unit we need, the major change we'd need is to make some open and understandable process that occurs that allows an -SO- player to become a player of another loyalist unit when they are 'ready'.

A way to funnel those players into happy homes.

#16 Tarogato


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 09:40 PM

View PostWindscape, on 12 February 2016 - 01:12 PM, said:

so we don't have to change anything?

What Dane is basically trying to say as diplomatically as possible, is...

"is it okay if we (the other FRR loyal units) send all the frrhub noobs to -S0-
... and poach them back if/when they're ready to join a unit with more structure."

#17 Lord Creston


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 09:42 PM

2323 has seen players join our ranks from SO, MJ12, 1stH, etc. We have also seen players go to SO, MJ12, etc. Personally I think the ability to migrate to teams that best suit your play style, schedule, and personality without hard feelings is great! The hub allows that. There seems to be a unit that fits everyone on there. So I encourage players to shop around and find a good fit. I encourage leaders to be tolerant of transfers. In the end we all seem to drop together often anyways. Let's keep that system going!

I think SO and 1stH are very new player friendly and help to grow our faction and hub. Both units have some veteran pilots and a policy that welcomes all. We often send new pilots towards SO or 1stH for those reasons.

#18 Windscape


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 10:13 PM

ok i get it now :) ( i have to have things broken down simply for my primitive mind to understand :P)

#19 nehebkau


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 12:55 PM

View PostMech The Dane, on 12 February 2016 - 05:32 PM, said:

We're getting a little ahead of ourselves. I cannot make -SO- do anything. Just throwing around a few hypotheticals about an issue I'd like to see resolved. If -SO- became the entry unit we need, the major change we'd need is to make some open and understandable process that occurs that allows an -SO- player to become a player of another loyalist unit when they are 'ready'.

A way to funnel those players into happy homes.

Theaus, Mandrake and myself will have a chat -- we have been meaning to do for a few weeks... life right?
So inconvenient.

-----------EDIT ------------

There are currently 20 or so people who can invite. We are going to increase that by dropping the level required to invite by 1 rank, so should make about 60 people (just 'thumbing' it) who can invite.

Edited by nehebkau, 13 February 2016 - 06:40 PM.

#20 Tarogato


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 12:59 AM

View Postnehebkau, on 13 February 2016 - 12:55 PM, said:

Theaus, Mandrake and myself will have a chat -- we have been meaning to do for a few weeks... life right?
So inconvenient.

-----------EDIT ------------

There are currently 20 or so people who can invite. We are going to increase that by dropping the level required to invite by 1 rank, so should make about 60 people (just 'thumbing' it) who can invite.

I know I'm getting ahead of you a bit here... but as there are about 20 people who can invite, and there are 60 that soon will be able to, does that mean there is some sort of structure in the unit? Are there levels authority by seniority basically, or... anything worthy of note?

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