“If you build it, they will come”
- PGI should create a chat module-interface that connects and the entire community, both units and individuals alike. PGI should give us a place to hang out with fellow mechwarriors, make the social aspect as fun as the game itself and people will play longer, spend more time here, and promote the game to friends so they can all hang out on MWO together.
Make the community access point dynamic, fun, interesting ~ Make community as much a part of the game as the mechs are, build and display reputations, profiles, and loyalties, etc. Players could make profiles, display (or hide) stats and achievements, have reputation etc.
The community interface should be / have.
- Have a visually simple interface that’s entertaining as well.
- Be easily navigated and operated: click in, click out ~ Maybe Room Based?
- Have permanent faction / clan areas or lobbies.
- Have a lockable/private features.
- Have voice and text chat.
- Should interface seamlessly with the Game UI and show whose talking/calling for help in matches as well.
- Be able to configure mechs and drop decks from inside the interface, trade builds with friends etc.
- Be able to create battles and choose planets to def/attack etc.
- Facilitate unit organization and reputation, promoting and recruiting etc.
- Have some stand alone capability for those that want to say hello to their unit without running the game, but should require that the game be installed.
- Be mostly free, but have some MC/C-bill unlockable features as well.
- Be interesting and entertaining in and of itself so as to encourage usage and growth of MWO as a whole.
So, please give some input, and let me know your thoughts, ideas, additions, -- why this is a good/bad idea.
- Lets encourage PGI to get something going on the community side, something that is an awesome tool for both the hardcore units and players, but is also great fun for the casual guys as well.
• I find the current friend/unit chat interface to be very dry, almost inconvenient to access, and not really well integrated with the rest of the game. I sincerely hope that PGI will allocate a team to address this, and create the community a real “Community access point” ~ A place where we can socialize and hang out together with good tools and good times.
Here is my simple mockup - anything even remotely like this would be awesome.

Anyone remember M-Player ~ Talk about a thriving community!!!

A very fun environment promotes more, better, longer gaming

There have been other threads on this as well, by me and others as well.
Started by Freebrth, Dec 24 2015: http://mwomercs.com/...19#entry4904719
Started by Freebrth, Aug 02 2014: http://mwomercs.com/...h-the-team-etc/
by xX_Nero_Xx, Oct 30 2012 : http://mwomercs.com/...age__mode__show
Started by Andi Nagasia, Sep 05 2014: http://mwomercs.com/...stem-expansion/
Started by Dedzone, Dec 15 2014: http://mwomercs.com/...-chat-channels/
Started by Anu Kajal, Dec 07 2013: http://mwomercs.com/...atar-chat-room/
Edited by Freebrth, 30 January 2017 - 05:14 PM.