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Battletech Scenarios [Beta]

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#1 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 06:19 AM

Tired of the daily PUG grind? Bored with Community Warfare? Here are some scenarios you and your friends can run in a private match!

Comments and critiques are welcome!
WARNING: The following scenarios have not been play tested. Welcome to the Open Beta. Balance is for the weak!

Each scenario will contain:

1) Intro
2) Unit disposition
3) Map/Mode
4) Objectives
5) Rules
6) Optional rules


Scenario 1, Stage 1: "Bandit Hunting on Bolan II"

For months, a group of bandits calling themselves "Jack's Rippers" have plagued the planet Bolan II. Destroying what they can't steal, they have plunged the planetary economy into chaos. Duke Umayr, the planet's ruler, has used his own fortune to hire a band of mercenaries to deal with the rising threat. As your JumpShip arrives in Bolan space, you receive a distress call from the capital; the spaceport in River City has fallen and with it, your original landing zone. Thinking quickly, your commander sends a small team down to the surface to scout out a new landing zone for the main force...

Mercenary Team


Rippers Team


MAP: Forest Colony MODE: Skirmish

Mercenary Goal: Kill all four enemy Mechs to secure the landing zone.
Rippers Goal: Kill the enemy Centurion.

Rules: Any variant of the Mechs listed can be used.

Optional Rules:

Advantage Mercenaries:
The Mercenary team may utilize both Upgrades (Double Heat Sinks, Ferro-Fiberous Armor, Endo-Steel) and Modules (Radar Dep, Cooldown, Range extenders etc.)

The Rippers CANNOT use Upgrades or Modules.

Advantage Rippers:
The Rippers team may utilize both Upgrades (Double Heat Sinks, Ferro-Fiberous Armor, Endo-Steel) and Modules (Radar Dep, Cooldown, Range extenders etc.)

The Mercenaries CANNOT use Upgrades or Modules.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 16 February 2016 - 06:45 AM.

#2 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 06:41 AM

Scenario 1, Stage 2: "Retaking River City"

Landing their main force, the Mercenaries move through the forest and into the capital of Bolan II, River City. Inside the ruins of this once proud metropolis, the bandits of Jack's Rippers move with impunity looting and killing at will. At the head of these outlaws is the second-in-command of the entire Rippers gang, "Wily Pete". Striding through the city in his heavily customized Catapult, his blood-chilling laughter rings through the blood-soaked streets....

Mercenary Team:

3 Light IS Mech
3 Medium IS Mechs

Rippers Team:

4 Light IS Mechs
1 Catapult

MAP: River City MODE: Skirmish

Mercenary Goal: Destroy Wily Pete's Catapult in 10 minutes to end his reign of terror!
Rippers Goal: Wily Pete's Catapult must survive for 10 minutes so the city's destruction can be assured!

Rules: Any variant of the Catapult can be used.

Optional Rules:

Advantage Mercenaries:
The Mercenary team may utilize both Upgrades (Double Heat Sinks, Ferro-Fiberous Armor, Endo-Steel) and Modules (Radar Dep, Cooldown, Range extenders etc.)

Rippers CANNOT use either Upgrades or Modules. EXCEPT for the Catapult.

Advantage Rippers:
The Rippers team may utilize both Upgrades (Double Heat Sinks, Ferro-Fiberous Armor, Endo-Steel) and Modules (Radar Dep, Cooldown, Range extenders etc.)

Mercenaries CANNOT use either Upgrades or Modules.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 16 February 2016 - 06:44 AM.

#3 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 07:00 AM

Scenario 2, Stage 1: "Stopping the Signal"

The Bloody Baron sailed through the inky depths of space like a underwater predator. Standing on the Union-Class DropShip's bridge, the infamous leader of Jack's Rippers stood with their hands tightly clasped behind their back. "Look at that." They said to no one in particular. "A floating jewel in the middle of the abyss. Just waiting for someone daring enough to take her." The jewel in question was the Covenant mining operation. Producing the raw and refined materials vital to both civilian and military industry, the facility stored wealth in the hundreds of millions. But such a hoard was closely and jealously guarded...

Covenant Security Forces (CSF):

3 Light IS Mechs
4 Medium IS Mechs
1 Heavy IS Mech


6 Medium IS Mechs
2 Heavy IS Mechs

MAP: HPG Manifold MODE: Conquest

CSF Goal: Hold Theta till end of round in order to raise the alarm and warn the mining facility!

Rippers Goal: Capture Theta to silence the alarm.


The CSF will have 4 minutes from the start of the round to move from their start area to capture Theta. All CSF Mechs must remain inside the "basement" of the Manifold until the 4 minutes are up.

The Rippers can move anywhere inside the start area they spawn in, but cannot enter the map proper until the 4 minutes are up.

Besides the starting Capture points and Theta, no other capture point is to be taken.

The team that is the winner of Stage 1 determines the rule set for Stage 2.

Map for reference.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 16 February 2016 - 08:42 AM.

#4 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 07:14 AM

Scenario 2, Stage 2: "Hostile Takeover"

>>The team that won Stage 1 determines which unit set-up will be used in Stage 2<<

If the CSF wins Stage 1, the planetary defenders are warned of the incoming raiders. Anti-Aircraft guns destroy most of the raiders incoming DropShips, with only the bandit leader's personal guard successfully landing...

CSF Team:

3 Light IS Mechs
3 Medium IS Mechs
3 Heavy IS Mechs
3 Assault IS Mechs

Rippers Team:

4 Medium IS Mechs
4 Assault IS Mechs

If the Rippers win Stage 1, the planetary defenses are taken completely off-guard. Landing their best troops into the heart of the mining facility while the CSF scrambles a desperate response...

CSF Team:

3 Light IS Mechs
3 Medium IS Mechs
2 Heavy IS Mechs

Rippers Team:

5 Medium IS Mechs
5 Heavy IS Mechs
2 Assault IS Mechs

*In addition, all but 1 of the CSF Mechs must be powered down for the first 2 minutes of the round.

MAP: Mining Colony MODE: Assault

CSF Goal: Eliminate enemy Mechs OR keep base secure till end of round.

Rippers Goal: Eliminate enemy Mechs OR secure CSF Base

Edited by Bill Bullet, 16 February 2016 - 07:30 AM.

#5 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 07:47 AM

Scenario 3: "The Escort"

Political tensions on Bolan II have boiled over into outright rebellion. Duke Umayr and his household guard have fled the palace and are hiding out in the Polar Highlands on the northern continent. Seeking to rendezvous with a DropShip that will take him off-planet to safety, the Duke's Loyalists cross the empty wasteland. Meanwhile, Rebel forces relentlessly search the highlands, hoping to kill the Duke before he can escape...

Loyalist Team:

1 Atlas (any variant)
3 Light IS Mechs
4 Medium IS Mechs

Rebel Team:

7 Heavy IS Mechs

MAP: Polar Highlands MODE: Skirmish

Loyalist Goal: Escort the Duke's Atlas to safety by having the Atlas enter any grid on the far opposite side of map before time runs out and the DropShip leaves without him! Or, destroy all the Rebel Mechs.

Rebel Goal: Destroy the Duke's Atlas OR prevent the Atlas from entering the "safe zone" before time runs out.

Optional Rules

Loyalists Advantage:

The local satellite network is still under Loyalist control, allowing the Duke to see his enemies long before they can see him...

TWICE during play, the Duke may type "Sensor Sweep" in all chat. ALL Rebel Mechs must report their grid coordinates and remain in their reported grid for 25 seconds from the time the last Rebel posts in All-Chat.

Movement within reported grid is allowed.
Firing into other grids is allowed.

Rebel Advantage:

The satellite network was destroyed in the fighting and a traitor has placed a homing beacon on the Duke's Atlas, waiting for the moment to strike!

ONCE during play, the Rebels can type "Activate Beacon" in All-Chat. The Duke must report his grid location and remain in that grid for the next 25 seconds.

Movement within reported grid is allowed.
Firing into other grids is allowed.

ONCE during play, the Rebels can name ONE member of the Loyalist team as their traitor by announcing their name in All-Chat. That player is now considered a member of the Rebel team and must attempt to destroy the Duke's Atlas.

The traitor CANNOT communicate with the Rebels via chat or TeamSpeak.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 16 February 2016 - 07:52 AM.

#6 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 07:53 AM

Questions, comments, concerns, and critiques welcome!

#7 DoctorDetroit


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 08:26 AM

Great idea. Now only if CW provided this for us.

#8 Orkdung


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 05:23 PM

Excellent work Bill!

#9 GI Journalist


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 05:27 PM

These are neat ideas! We will have to try them out during a practice match with our unit.

#10 Bill Bullet


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 10:38 PM

Clan vs IS scenarios, tank battles, wild west gun fights, Napoleonic combat, and Top Gun mode coming soon!

Edited by Bill Bullet, 17 February 2016 - 01:06 AM.

#11 Bill Bullet


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 06:15 AM

Scenario #4: "First Contact"

The year is 3050. Hunting for pirates out in the Periphery, the renowned mercenary unit the Kell Hounds follows a lead to a small planetoid on the edge of Rasalhague space. A young Phelan Kell in his Wolfhound light BattleMech scouts ahead of his unit, unaware his life is about to change forever...

13 players, 5 vs 8

Clan Wolf

Mist Lnyx
Kit Fox
Shadow Cat
Timber Wolf

Kell Hounds

Alpha Lance

Bravo Lance
-Jaeger Mech

MAP: Tourmaline Desert MODE: Skirmish


Clan Wolf:
-Can use modules and consumables (except for artillery strike and air strike).
-Must follow Clan zellbrigen rules of engagement. Essentially, no two Clanners can engage the same target, but they can engage multiple targets by themselves. Clan pilots must designate their target(s) in All-Chat before firing. Example: "I challenge the pilot of the Centurion to honorable combat!"

Kell Hounds:
-Cannot use upgrades, modules, or consumables.
-Armor and engine configuration must match stock variant. Weapons and number of standard heatsinks can be customized.


Clan Wolf:
-Destroy all enemy Mechs before the end of the round.
-Victory can also be achieved by destroying the Wolfhound with a cockpit destruction.

Kell Hounds:
-Destroy enemy Mechs.
-Have at least one Mech survive the round.

Optional Rules

Favor Kell Hounds- If Wolfhound lands killing blow to Timber Wolf, Kell Hounds Win.

Favor Clan Wolf- Once match timer reaches 09:00, the surviving Kell Hounds are considered "Dezgra" and Clan Zellbrigen ROE is no longer in effect.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 17 February 2016 - 07:37 AM.

#12 Bill Bullet


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 07:09 AM

Rules and Builds for Tank Combat in MWO

Tank rules:

1) Tanks cannot use Upgrades, Modules, or Consumables.

2) Tanks must come to a full stop before firing.

3) If the Mech representing the tank loses a leg, the tank is considered to have lost one of its tracks. Therefore, the tank cannot move or turn for the rest of the match. The torso can still twist and the pilot can still aim arm mounted weapons, only the legs cannot move.

Tank Names and Builds:

Minion Light Tank: RVN-2X

35 tons
121 km/h (XL 245)
2x Medium Pulse Lasers
10 STD heatsinks

Smurfy link: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...e184c978e085bc2

Goblin Medium Tank: BJ-1

41.1 tons
64.8 km/h (STD 180)
8 heatsinks
1x Large Laser
1x AC/2 with 1 ton of ammo

Smurfy link: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...bc7cbb5e8afb140

Merkava Heavy Tank: ONI-1K

75 tons
62.6 km/h (STD 290)
10 heatsinks
1x AC/5 with 1 ton ammo
1x LRM-15 with 2.5 tons ammo
1x SRM-4 with 1 ton ammo
1x Small Laser (RA)

Smurfy Link: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...15e4d9c670d2e70

Suggested Mechs are for ease of creation, any Mech may be used so long as it matches the tonnage, speed, and armament of the listed tanks.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 17 February 2016 - 07:35 AM.

#13 Bill Bullet


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 07:34 AM

Scenario #6: The Mackie Cometh!

>>Year 2439
>>Undisclosed location
>>Terran Hegemony space

The air was heavy with the taste of sulphur, a weakened sun cast a dim light through the thick cloud layer covering the planet. While largely inhospitable and a poor candidate for colonization, the caustic wasteland was the perfect testing ground for the Hegemony's new secret weapon: the BattleMech. Decades of research and development, billions of dollars, and an extensive counter-espionage campaign...all of it focused on creating this everlasting symbol of the Terran Hegemony's military might. Colonel Charles Kincaid was convinced he was either going to die in the greatest military blunder ever conceived, or live forever in the annuals of history as the man who first piloted the weapon that changed warfare forever...

5 players, 1 v 4

Colonel Charles Kincaid

Atlas (AS7-D)

Smurfy Link: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...7427e0eaea28a64

(Other Atlas variants can be used so long as they follow the setup below)

1x PPC
2X Medium Lasers
1 AC/10 with 2 tons ammo
15 STD heatsinks
54.3 km/h (STD 335 NO heatsinks inside engine block)

Test Subjects

4x Merkava Heavy Tanks

MAP: Caustic Valley MODE: Skirmish


Eliminate opposing team


-No Upgrades, Modules, or Consumables for either side.
-Tanks must follow standard tank rules (see above)

Optional Rules:
The Director-General of the Terran Hegemony himself has come to see this test! Col. Kincaid must eliminate all four opposing tanks within 10 minutes to prove the tactical superiority of BattleMechs.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 17 February 2016 - 07:36 AM.

#14 Bill Bullet


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 07:41 AM

Upcoming Scenarios:

Battle of Planet Kursk
Danger Zone with Top Gun Mode
The Napoleonic Exercise
Convoy Escort
Counting Coup
Kill 'em Mjr. Jaro!
Gunfight at the O.K. SpacePort

Comments, questions, and critiques welcome as always.

#15 S 0 L E N Y A


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 07:47 PM

Love it.
Used to do things like this in all sorts of other games.

#16 Bill Bullet


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 05:41 AM

Scenario #7: "Danger Zone"

Players: 2-12

You will need:

-A light Mech with ballistic hardpoints
-The fastest engine you can fit
-As many machine guns and as much ammo as you can cram in
-And most importantly...only a single point of armor on each part of the Mech

Example: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...c56cc1b29ca94dc

MAP: Any MODE: Skirmish

Goal: Team Death Match objectives


-No Upgrades
-No heatsinks
-Modules ARE allowed
-Consumables ARE allowed
-Jump Jets are and encouraged

-No reversing!
-No stopping!
-You may only slow down to 50% of your Mech's top speed
(Protip imagine you in a plane that missed the memo about flying)

Optional Rules:

Top Gun Mode-Add Streak SRM-2s with a half ton of ammo

Edited by Bill Bullet, 18 February 2016 - 05:42 AM.

#17 Bill Bullet


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 05:58 AM

Scenario #8: "Convoy Escort"

After a successful raid of a hapless Periphery world, the infamous Jack's Rippers are carting their ill-gotten loot back to base. 4 trucks loaded down with salvage, C-bills, and supplies trundle through the heat of the desert planet that serves as the Ripper's base. Flush with their success, the Rippers fail to notice that their hidden base hasn't checked in as scheduled....

Players: 22, 8 (+4 "Convoy" Mechs) vs. 10

Jack's Rippers

4 Medium IS Mechs
2 Heavy IS Mechs
2 Assault IS Mechs

Treasure Convoy

4 Light IS Mechs

Covenant Security Forces

10 Medium IS Mechs

MAP: Tourmaline Desert MODE: Assault


Rippers: Escort at least one member of the convoy into the CSF base
CSF: Destroy the Convoy before it reaches the CSF base



-Using their loot to customize their Mechs, the Rippers are now a serious military threat. As such, they can use Upgrades, Modules, and Consumables during the battle
-The light Mechs representing the "Convoy" cannot use Upgrades, Modules, or Consumables
-The Convoy Mechs can have a top speed of only 45 km/h and can only have 1 Small Laser as a weapon.


-Scrambled at moment's notice and suffering from disrepair after their sneak attack on the Ripper's base, the CSF has the numerical advantage and little else. As such, the CSF cannot use Upgrades, Modules, or Consumables.

#18 Bill Bullet


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 06:23 AM

Scenario #9: "Counting Coup"

After the initial overwhelming thrust of the Clan invasion, battle lines have finally stabilized as Inner Sphere armies and mercenary commands begin to counter Clan technology. The all encompassing conflict has given rise to dozens of new mercenary commands looking to make a name for themselves and get rich doing so. The Coyote Ugly Battalion is no such exception. A ragged bunch of Mech jocks, veterans, and a few "reformed" pirates fill their ranks. Operating on a shoe-string budget, the Coyote Ugly have only Light Mech assets available to them. Looking to fill their war chest and promote their slogan of "No job too ugly, no paycheck too beautiful.", the best pilots and founding members of Coyote Ugly decide to try something a little crazy...

Players: 9, 5 v 4

Coyote Ugly

4 Light IS Mechs

Clan Smoke Jaguar

2 Heavy Clan Mechs
3 Assault Clan Mechs

MAP: Any MODE: Skirmish


Coyote Ugly- Pilots must hit all 5 Clan Mechs once each with both their LRM-5 and Streak SRM-2s, and survive doing so in order to have "Counted Coup". Essentially, 5 targets=10 hits per IS Mech
Clan Smoke- Destroy all 4 members of Coyote Ugly.


-The IS Mechs can only be armed with 1 LRM-5 and 1 Streak SRM-2 each with only a single ton of ammo
-The Clan Mechs have zero restrictions on weapons or loadout

-If only one Coyote Ugly pilot has succeeded in "counting coup" and the others have died in the attempt, that survivor must then "count coup" against 1 more enemy Mech for a total of 6 targets=12 hits.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 18 February 2016 - 06:23 AM.

#19 Gorgo7


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 07:40 AM

Really excellent scenarios Bill!

#20 Bill Bullet


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 11:49 AM

Was gonna finish adding the last couple of scenarios, then a buddy bought me Fallout 4...I'd do it now but uh...uuuh well there's a settlement that needs my help...

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