Widowmaker1981, on 19 February 2016 - 06:57 AM, said:
Compared to where they should be sitting, yes, they're in a pretty bad spot. PGI, rather than fixing the inherent problems in their weapon system, have instead piled on convoluted mechanics to create this awkward weapon system that still isn't functioning the way it should.
Also, if you've read my posts in this thread, I never wanted them to be able to perma-troll-stun-lock someone. What I did want, however, is for PGI to take the common sense approach, actually reengineer the weapon system like they were supposed to do, and make a fully functional weapon system that works within the realms of what they set out to create.
Instead we got a mess. We got a mess that's marginally situational in its usefulness, at best. It does zero (close enough) physical damage (which it should be at least competing with a MG or SL), it's a stream-fire weapon that has a pseudo-imposed convoluted cooldown mechanic . . . which isn't even intuitive in implementation, and to top it all off -as you've even pointed out- what usefulness it does have is still in a place of trolling people with bursts of flamers that will generate ZERO heat for the wielder (WHICH IS WRONG!!!).
If PGI had gone with a proper fix we'd have a weapon that'd generate some heat on the enemy, but never have the ability to stun-lock anyone. It'd do modest damage, enough to make it useful. It'd generate heat for the wielder . . . even if the trigger is "feathered" or macro'd . . . and there'd be no exploits that would have had to been dealt with OR poorly implemented scaling heat mechanic. THAT would put the Flamer in the spot it's supposed to be in, and not the mess we currently have.
Edited by Sereglach, 19 February 2016 - 08:02 AM.