Take a look at the map and think about your experience as an attacker.
1. Defenders spawn signficantly closer to the gates than attackers. Most maps it's either similar distance or attackers are actually closer. On Sulfurous it takes about 2-3 times as longer to get through a gate than it does for defenders to set up in their position. Defenders respawning can reinforce the previous wave easily. The same can't be said for attackers.
2. The distance between gates forces attackers to commit to an entrance. Switching lanes after you commit is impractical for attackers. For defenders the gates entrances are close together so it's simple to react to each gate quickly.
3. It has more turrets clustered around the gens than any other map. The other maps have 5-7, sulferous has 8.
4. At the very least the top and middle gates are extremely susceptible to firing lines by the defenders. This is less of a problem for disciplined premades, but extremely difficult to overcome for less organized teams.
5. Defenders have a well defended spawn point, attackers do not. Usually matches are decided by the time it comes down to attacking spawn points, but sometimes it can be necessary in a close counter attack match.
6. It's on the high end for travel time between attacker spawn and omega. Not the worst, but 2 or 3 of them are noticeably closer. The more time it takes to get to omega the better for defenders.
7. It's hot. Not a huge deal but it does slow down the fights as players need to cool off more. Again, the longer you can draw out a game, the better for defenders.
All this individually isn't a problem. Several of the other maps share some of these downsides for the attackers. However taken together it seems to paint a grim picture for the attackers.
What do you all think? Do you think Sulfurous has balance problems? Do you think it's fine? Anything you would change in particular?
Edited by Jman5, 16 February 2016 - 07:05 PM.