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True Balance

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#1 Fr0z7y


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 03:30 AM

considering the enormous mishaps with nerfing one item, and everyone running to another item when it comes to this game, what should probably happen is that pgi should return clan tech to it's former potency, only playing around with tweaking burn times, reload/cooldown times, jam chances, you know, the things not outlined in the battletech books.

things like the missile spreads and speeds, the bullet speeds, ppc speeds, blah blah blah, those are what they can tweak, take the unit sizes to what is traditional in tabletop/battletech universe.

the problem lies in cw big time with clanners vs inner sphere with regards to all these balancing issues, clanners were op but had zellbriggen, which breaking zellbriggen eventually got them into a lot of trouble, which could easily equate into a loss of LP whether they win or lose the match, as well as a large loss in cbills which would cost them cbills for that match whether they win or lose. if clanners were brought back to their former table top / battletech rules glory with only the changes necessary to offset some things by a marginal bit, with consequences during cw of not playing the role a clanner would play, things would be MUCH different. yes, is would lose to clanners, but is can still team up on clanners, clanners could easily engage a single mech tearing it to shreds while the pilots would focus fire one mech at a time, that was the balancing issues that i think pgi is missing here. serious consequences for breaking zellbriggen means that the clanners all have to engage different targets, but with the superior firepower, it also means that the is would have to play smarter.

consider also tonnages per match, while right now they are equal both in tonnage and in number, if they were restored to their true glory with the penalties for breaking clan style in cw, the tonnage differences would have to be lowered, and it would have to be 10v12 at least, with rewards for going further below tonnage on cw drops. these things could be implemented specifically for cw to make mechwarrior online more authentic, which a lot of people do complain about.

basically losing LP and Cbills during cw would make playing as clanners a bit more difficult, and would make those that spend good money on them play those matches in cw properly or risk many hours of makeup quickplay games to earn their cbills back, or have to spend real money on mc to buy cbills.

battletech was based on dice, this actually has skill involved, which with the new PSR in play, it makes it so that players are evenly matched during quickplay, clan mech dispersal is pretty evenly matched, as i have seen many of them on both sides of the field, so that's not going to be a huge problem.

for the battlemechs that you have that you say are basically omnimechs, well, i have to point to TT again, which i do believe PGI did well in implementing for the sake of TT. you can't yet make your own graphical mech, but you can basically outfit a mech the way you want it to be, based on hard points and variants. in the lore, this was also true. merc units like the gray death legion did so as well, utilizing whatever weapons they could get their hands on to fill in the hardpoints of whatever mechs they had. in true tabletop you could make your mech from scratch with it having weapons wherever. the same is almost true currently in mechwarrior online, in spite of all the nerfing done to pop tarting, boats, and meta mechs, which while it may seem like an unfair advantage to have those specific things, they should have been allowed and not nerfed.

why do i say this? PSR. in tabletop you weren't going to go up against someone with higher skill rating without passing some tests, usually, and having a pilot skill and gunnery of 6 you had to be known or the gm allowed it for some reason. since the evolution of this PSR system, and CW being introduced, a lot of things changed since the beginning, including ecm.

clanners have tons of ecm capable mechs, which is countered by either ecm, or TAG, which most skilled pilots by now have realized this, whereas the noobies do not, thus being dropped into lower PSR tables, they would soon realize this.

when it comes to cw, organized units vs pugs is a lot like a batchall that for honor or a disorganized world against clanners on a mission to take it. what this boils down to is an organized unit kicking the snot out of pugs. in terms of nerfing this, or for the sake of having clanners not coming in full tilt, as previously stated, they would get rewarded if they say, take 4 cheetahs and wreck with that, granting a very LARGE bonus in LP and CBills. this of course could result in being a match in favor of the inner sphere pug group if they mess up and lose or if the defending/attacking unit was an actual organized inner sphere unit bringing their big and nasty.

the problem is PGI, you have nerfed and moddified this game until it is to the point that all the actual battletech/mechwarrior players that have played TT and have seen this game from the beginning realize this isn't how this was supposed to turn out.

so what if im up against a pop tarting mech, or a gauss boat, or any form of other "boats" out there, during quickplay, that sort of thing happens. during cw it might end in a pug stomp, but at least during quickplay i can counter those sort of things or hey, it's just a match, i can pick myself up next match or go back to the drawing boards.

why pgi, are you catering to these things you said you weren't going to do? this is the question EVERYONE loyal to battletech is asking.

those that don't know, see this game as just another one of those grindy free to play games where the slightly better weapons and slightly better tech is in the hands of the clanners, so what are you doing, making true mechwarrior or nerfing mechwarrior? which is it pgi?

#2 DivineEvil


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 05:09 AM

- Gibberish writing.
- Unargumented conclusions. Nothing but a large bulk of assertions based on personal preferences with nothing to back them up.
- There's no reason to return Clans to dominating levels. Clan mechs worth the same as IS mechs on average.
- Lore is secondary to gameplay. There's no way to effectively introduce the ideas of Clan combat honors, such as Zellbrigen. Introducing it will turn CW into a mess. Equalized balancing is better, because it works equally well for all and any game modes.
- MWO population is not consists of Battletech fans alone, and any features biased towards them will ruin MWO.
- CW does not and will not have PSR adjustments.
- Unsubstantiated generalizations over player opinions. What MWO is supposed to turn out into is up for PGI to decide, not players.
- What things they said they're not going to do? Citations please.
- I hardly can imagine PGI reading such an illiterate opinion to answer you.
- There's no such thing as "true Mechwarrior".

#3 Lily from animove


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 08:40 AM

and how does this cuse imbalance between IS chassise big bad and good, and clanchassis being bad and good.

The entire discussion is pointless when beign held on Clan VS IS level, it needs to be done on chassis level. Even chassis = even factions.

#4 Bud Crue


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 11:17 AM

Sorry OP, but whenever I see a post that is essentially premised on "PGI throw everything you've done and do it my way so the game is more like TT", I gotta ask:
1) Are you in touch with reality?
2) If yes, do you recognize that in no version of reality is ANY business going to chuck out its product and redo it, no matter how great an idea may be for redoing it based solely on a customer's suggestion (even if that customer is a founder)?
3) Did you really write: "battletech was based on dice, this actually has skill involved" and expect to be taken seriously with proposed changes based on that underlying premise?

I'm an old school Battledroids, Battletech and all the MW games player. I totally get where you are coming from, but all of us lore nerds have to recognize that what we have in MWO is pretty good and likely is not going to get a whole lot closer to what we may want from an FPS based on a video game series, based on a TT game.

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