Daelen Rottiger, on 23 February 2016 - 11:27 PM, said:
You are not i do so too.
Daelen Rottiger, on 24 February 2016 - 12:31 AM, said:
A high KDR doesn't necessarily mean that you play like a douche just to get the kills - some comments in here might give the impression.
Yeah i have that impression too.
After reading through 3 pages i seriously lolz. Those who say KDR doesn't matter are as false as saying overall or average damage or w/l is the thing that matters.
What does a 2.0 KDR represent as an expample:
- you do secure two kills no matter if win or loss on average.
- you don't try to spread damage but make valuable damage! No spray and pray just spot on ct or st, in case of xl or leg damage.
To make the above said things clear. If you "only get a kill" in every loss where you die, that means you have to make up for it on a win. To get those kills you can't hang around and only shoot those who are pretty much dead to beginn with and w8 to farm them - this doesn't happen! For 3 kills you need to position well, need to be an asset of the team, spread damage to not get killed to fast and have the aiming to get the kill before someone else, who sprays more get it.
Since KMMD are no tracked stats you can look into it is hard to tell something about the performance anyway. But i can AC an Atlas 300damage in his front and legs and don't kill him. Even if i make the KMMD someone who gets his eye with a round of dual guass is still the better player. And killing quick is less return damage to yourself and or the team and a higher chance to win.
Edited by Kuritaclan, 24 February 2016 - 04:14 AM.