Matt2496, on 24 February 2016 - 08:49 AM, said:
So, here's a suggestion:
If an assault or heavy is trying to back up and a light is blocking, the light's leg armor will rip off and serious internal damage will ensue. If the light does it again, the leg will blow off.
You might say that this penalty is harsh. Welp, it's supposed to be harsh. You're job as a light is to scout and harass, not get in other people's way (Specifically assaults and heavies).
Let me know what you think of this suggestion. Also, feel free to add any other suggestions or improvements to this one.
This penalty makes no sense. Especially since 9 times out of 10, the one blocking you isn't the light mech, but probably the medium/heavy/assault behind you, because light mechs tend to move around the map a lot, and don't usually make it a habit to stop, even if they are behind cover.
As a pilot who uses all weight classes quite often (though I specialize in lights, first, and assaults second), I can confidently say that I've had more big mechs block my light mech from back pedaling, than light mechs blocking my any mech from backpedaling
FupDup, on 24 February 2016 - 09:41 AM, said:
Oh man. Purple CT syndrome was a nightmare in beta testing.